Does your current provider offer deals for travelling? When I upgraded my phone I chose a package that offered international roaming (use your own data without extra fees). It’s been worth every penny as I knew I would be travelling for extended periods (and it dealt with the loss of free EU roaming as a result of Brexit).
I’ve been in seven countries (EU, Aus/NZ, and UAE) in the last six months and the only place it didn’t work was Dubai airport where they offer free wifi anyway.
Yes. I have an O2 UK contract. It provides ‘free’* EU roaming (irrespective of Brexit), and 27 others countries, mainly The Americas (north, south and central), Australia and New Zealand. Most other countries (but not all) are charged at £6 a day* for all data, calls and minutes. So Thailand is £6 a day but Laos*** is not (big charges per MB!) so care is needed though I ‘cap’ my data spend (£51 per month) to stop any disasters. I am not 100% clear on European countries that are not in the EU such as Bosnia.
* defination of free is that it is part of your UK data, calls and texts allowance.
**definations of day can vary. Some relate it back to UK time, but mine relates to the capital city of the county I am in.
*** I used a lot of data in Laos assuming it was £6 a day (it’s not), but thankfully next to Thai border bot was charged at the Thai rate of £6 a day!
There does seem to be some differences as to when you took out your contract (which is I do think relate to Brexit) which may determine whether you keep your current provider or not, if international costs are key.
Always look out for ‘curveballs’. Was in Indonesia other week and had to call Australia for a flight issue. The normal +61 Oz code didn’t work so I had to find another access code which I did, but sadly cost me £50 as was not covered in the normal Indonesia deal (£6 a day).I contacted them and without even really discussing it they gave me a £35 credit!
Lastly and maybe for those on long trips, there is a thing called ‘fair share’. Basically as I am nomadic and don’t spend alot of time in UK, my ex provider called me for using all my data overseas. My current provider seem to let me use the vast majority overseas as I buy above a certain threshold. It almost seems ‘to good to be true’ but not been called on it yet!!
Damn I have just realised that the post above was not a new thread (still getting used to the APP) so my post is probably useless to most but will leave it up anyway I case any UK folks get benefit!!!