I think that since it is a (formerly for some) Catholic piligrimage - water and wine have a miraculous proximity.
refreshing perspective, & thanks !!
Apart from the religious perspectives, water and wine are indeed close in purpose on the Camino.
The thread has been entertaining - occasionally (but not always) enlightening. If it is "your" camino why should "you" care what people drink or think?
From my point of view, and just for starters, the whole "
it's *your* Camino" rhetoric is intrinsically flawed -- it's
our Camino, not
mine nor
yours alone.
And really -- if you care not what your fellow
peregrinos "drink nor think", whither any meaning for you in the Camino of anyone at all ??? Even yours ?
Drunkeness is the scourge of some aspects of the camino - along with snorers.
If snorers bother you, then the likeliest reason is that you've not been walking far enough daily.
I've found furthermore, over the years, that those most likely to complain about snoring are heavy snorers themselves. Quite funny really !!!
As for drunkenness, well IMO it's only the worst and most ill-managed forms of it that are ever really a problem on the Camino. Even so, having been both awfully and overly drunk myself there, but also having met some quite lovely people regardless of their own drunken ways, I think your description of it as "scourge" is very greatly exaggerated.
The Camino is not any sort of abstracted mental exercise route of puritanical purpose and nature -- the Patron of the Way is not Bunyan nor Cromwell, but Saint James.
The Latin
peregrinus means "foreigner" -- so that to be among pilgrims is to be among strangers. It cannot be helpful then to just outright denigrate these or those for any absence of conformity with your own personal opinions and morals.
I pass on wine midday (miles to go before I sleep) and focus on Fanta, a magical elixir or its Spanish equivalent.
eh, the *real* Fanta has not existed for **decades** sadly ... the last bottle of it that I ever tasted was imported from India.
In the evening I drink wine, and water.
There's hope for you yet !!!
There is no requirement to drink and I have rarely seen a pilgrim "sharing" his bottle of wine with countless strangers.
I've done and seen such sharing very often indeed !!!
That, of course is what Jesus did but he is not walking to Santiago.
Not really, but let's not start a religious discussion, eh ?