Thanks for that video! I was unable to watch it all at once, so I saved the link, which may make it easier for others to find.
Those fields of emerald green waving in the wind with occasional smatterings of poppies are among my strongest memories of that walk. And as others have said, the people in the villages are a big plus. I walked alone but had lots of great conversations with people, for whom the presence of a peregrina was more of a novelty than an irritation.
Alvin, you say you walked in early May. How early? I see from my blog that I started on May 17 from the Plaza Castilla. I’m asking because I think there is a “green window” that closes in late spring or early summer, and then everything turns brown. For me, this walk would not have been as much of a show-stopper if the natural habitat had been all brown.
One thing that tells me we walked at slightly different times, assuming these things happen pretty regularly on the same dates, was the lack of cottonwood “snow” along the canal at Medina. When I walked, it was everywhere, in some spots pretty thick. Your video doesn’t show any, so maybe I walked a bit later than you.
And, for others who are wondering about the exit from Madrid, this video shows it like it is. No selective winnowing to omit ugly industrial parts.
Edited to add a link to my Camino Madrid photos. I am like a kid in a candy shop, I have just discovered that all my photos from 2007 to whenever Google shut its picasa website are actually stored online. I haven’t seen any of them in years, and it’s an early Christmas present. The Madrid shots are here.