My 2 trail pals and I came across a blind 68 year old French lady by the name of Linda Vincenze. We were walking from le Puy to SJPDP in April 2016. She had 2% vision which is legally blind. We found her in a forest on the Massif Central where she had been lost for 8 days and nights. Blind, lost in a damp forest with freezing nighttime temperatures, no sleeping bag, only a raincoat for shelter! She was in bad shape. She decided to walk the Compostelle alone "no matter what". We had a quick conference discussion and immediately offered to lead her for the remaining 500+ kilometers. We took turns making sure she wouldn't stray more than a couple of meters from our heels. She relied on her hearing to keep her distance.
When we arrived at SJPDE it had been raining and we were quite muddy; by chance it was my turn to lead her for the last leg into town. Just as we arrived a large(ish) group of bus tourists, with cameras on the ready, were waiting at the edge of town to witness the "arrival of pilgrims". It seems there are bus tours that offer such cultural experiences. Linda couldn't figure out what was what, so I stopped and explained to her why dozens of people were crowding us making progress tricky. We were tired, hungry, cold and wet and really had to go for a pee.
She burst into tears.
The crowd went stone quiet, let us through, then we walked to the Le bureau des pèlerins de SJPDP where we all enjoyed a much deserved pee in privacy where each of us had the time to reflect on what had just happened. It was profound.