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Bed sheets? Are they always available?

Anthony Coyne

New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Camino Portugal Coastal (2018)
I will be starting the full Camino Francés on 16th May 2025.
I cannot get a sense of whether sheets/bedclothes are provided in all Albergues or not.
If not, I can see the logic of bringing a (light) sleeping bag or bag liner.

Can anyone advise please?
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Usually you are provided bedsheets and pillow casings. Many times one-use plastic ones. Sometimes cotton ones. Sometimes cotton ones that are already on the bed and maybe not only for that very day.

Usually you can find some sort of blanket. Usually it is not freshly washed. Sometimes it is. Sometimes there is even a case for it. Sometimes that has also been freshly washed.

Personally, while i don't think there is a correlation between the "freshness" of the "linen" and the risk of bedbugs and the likes... i like to have my own liner and own sleeping bag.
Usually you are provided bedsheets and pillow casings. Many times one-use plastic ones. Sometimes cotton ones. Sometimes cotton ones that are already on the bed and maybe not only for that very day.

Usually you can find some sort of blanket. Usually it is not freshly washed. Sometimes it is. Sometimes there is even a case for it. Sometimes that has also been freshly washed.

Personally, while i don't think there is a correlation between the "freshness" of the "linen" and the risk of bedbugs and the likes... i like to have my own liner and own sleeping bag.
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I think these disposable bed covers are a terrible waste.
Are they recycleable at all, i doubt it?
Some albergues provide proper cloth sheets and covers.
I've stayed in albergue in Monreal recently, the disposable covers were optional for the cost of 1.50 e
Is it good for pilgrims to carry the disposable sheet with them to the next albergue and reuse it a few times to save waste?
I met one pilgrim who carried his own cotton pillow cover.
I met one pilgrim who carried his own cotton pillow cover.
A note to the OP: In case that you think that this is a good idea be aware that Spanish pillows are very long.

Is it good for pilgrims to carry the disposable sheet with them to the next albergue and reuse it a few times to save waste?
It probably is not a good idea to reuse these paper sheets because of the possibility of transporting bed bugs. We did reuse some but it was only a couple years later, on this forum, that I become aware of what I might be doing.
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As stated no not always. On my CF I recall about 2 or 3 instances
Just bring a light sleeping bag or a bag liner
Good luck and Buen Camino
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
At albergues, you will usually be given a "fitted" or bottom disposable sheet and pillow case to cover the mattress and pillow or you may be given a cloth sheet and pillowcase that is laundered by the hospitalero. No top sheets. Blankets are not guaranteed so it is good to have a sleep sack of some kind (even if it just a silk liner bag.)

Yes, I also dont like the disposable sheet thing, however they do save water and electricity. In a small albergue that's several loads of linens to wash. In a big albergue thats LOTS of loads. If fortunate with weather, they can usually be dried outside as long as there are clotheslines. It they must be machine dried, that is even more electricity.

Drawbacks to both.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I think these disposable bed covers are a terrible waste.
Are they recycleable at all, i doubt it?
I'm not sure if they are recyclable, but the instructions I was given by the previous hospitalera at the albergue I am currently at was to make sure the ones we give out go into the municipal paper recycling receptacles.
In the albergue in Salamanca, I was surprised to discover that the package of disposable sheets included a top sheet as well. Luxury!
Yuck! I can't imagine what it feels like to snuggle up in those!

I think some could be recycled per my reading. Not sure all can be. I have only volunteered where we laundered sheets or had only mats on the floor with no sheets though.
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