Camino Veterans:
After a long day on the Camino, does one go shopping before going to the albergue? If not, how does one keep a backpack safe while showering, shopping, washing, etc? I would love to know the average afternoon routine.
Routine? Each day is slightly different. If you plan to cook in the albergue and have passed by a store, you might have stopped along the way for your supplies for your evening meal.
But usually, once you hit your overnight albergue, pay your fee/donation, get your credential stamped, you are directed to a bunk room/maybe assigned a bunk, drop your pack next to your rack (or if a hook nearby on that), get out your sleeping bag and put in on your bunk, take your hiking footwear off, put on your "town/shower" shoes, and stow your hiking footwear outside the dorm room with the other footgear, then either take a nap, hit the shower with a small pack containing your toiletries, towel and bag of valuables (wallet, cash, electronics, etc.) and any clothes you'll change into, or do laundry and if you took the nap first, then hit the shower or if you hit the shower first, then the nap, and somewhere in there, do your laundry. Then, if you didn't get your dinner supplies earlier and plan to cook in the albergue, into town for supplies and back to the albergue to cook dinner, or if you aren't cooking, eat in town, or if the albergue offers an evening meal, eat what they have. To save time in the morning, lots of people sleep in the clothes they plan to wear the next day. then it's up, a quick trip to the bathroom, a toothbrush and face wash, pack up and your headed to the first place that offers a pastry and cafe' con leche. Maybe put in a few miles until you get there.
No need to worry about your backpack when it's in the albergue. But keep your valuables bag with you at all times, even when showering or in the bathroom.
But if you feel weird about it, maybe you've run into other perigrinos during the day you've come to trust and can ask them to keep and eye on your back pack while you hop in the shower. but it really isn't necessary.
Outside of the albergue, during stops during the day, keep and eye on your stuff and keep it close at hand. Use good sense, for example, don't leave your stuff unattended or close to the street where someone in a car or on a motorbike/scooter could easily grab it and take off.
Hope that helps.