Bit confused now, 'cos if you do not / cannot collect names & emails how do you work out who has won the prize?
As far as I'm personally concerned I've answered your survey but not provided any data that links my answers to me apart from an ip address so you'll know I genuinelly am from Sussex England and am not a bot from Kalinagrad (other bot origins are available). Ergo no breach of GDPR. My choice. But if someone elects to enter your prize-draw then they have to provide you with personal data. And how you store, process and use that personal data is relevant.
With my Moderator hat on: well, you haven't broken a Forum rule. I guess I'm just a bit wary of a post, a first post, that could collect lots of valuable data on peregrino preferences. Valuable because if I was thinking of setting up a chain of perfect Albergues, or seeking to advise prospective commercial Albergue operators on the optimum set-up then that data or similar would have a value.
These are musings
@Farmville Pilgrim 'cos we still don't know where you're from or what you intend to do with your survey results. gives a clue but its not clear how you'll set about sharing that data.
Perhaps you should have just deleted that ipod offer, then the sensitive amongst the membership might not have gotten so intrigued.