@timr where are you finding your accommodation? The ones you have quoted are not mentioned in my CSJ guide, nor Gronze, nor the list I downloaded from the forum resource section.
I relied almost exclusively on the CSJ guide for my walk. Have you got the 2017 Kindle version by JohnnieWalker?
I stayed in a hostal in Tres Cantos. Hostal Tres Cantos on booking.com
I stayed with RayyRosa in Manzanares - in their own house.
http://www.rayyrosa.com/casa-de-acogida-la-encomienda and it was a memorable and hugely enjoyable stay. (This is
not mentioned in CSJ guide.)
The Villa Castora youth hostel is in the CSJ guide p 16
In La Granja de San Ildefonso (off the main route) I stayed in
I stayed in a hostal in Segovia. Duermevela on booking.com
Añe as detailed in CSJ book. (No bar or shop. Bar at weekend only.)
In Nava de la Asunción 4 beds (ONLY) in buildings of polideportivo. Phone numbers as in CSJ guide. This may be in a different site - it is quite new, but the numbers are not changed. The caretaker will come and give you the key.
Villeguilo as detailed in CSJ guide. (Key from mayor - inquire at bar).
Alcazarén as detailed in CSJ guide. (Key from Turismo (or bars I think).)
Puente Duero - albergue run by indomitable Arturo, in the town, as listed in CSJ guide.
I sadly then walked on to Valladolid and home. I shall return.