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  1. William Garza

    Flights(treadmills) of fancy

    Wont happen, but someone..will record the entire ..an entire path in high definition stereo and upload to a big screen synched to a tread mill. Imagine the gps tracks coordinated with a treadmill incline and decline... Harder up hill at the true angle and down I imagine 2 things if in a gym...
  2. William Garza


    We may just be leaves Shed after a season or to from the eternal idea of the Camino To be sure colorful and intricate webs abound inside...only found after the season has passed and what made us has dried and all sap gone from the veins. Reminders of what once was, and food for who will be...
  3. William Garza

    Get to SJPDP turn west

    Its probably been done a million times Someone arrives at the port..turns west and go as the birds do No maps No clues No expectations Its..over there and away we go! What an adventure vlog that would be no? Probably like what the elder statespeople of the forum did back in the day... What an...
  4. William Garza

    The return

    What if your draw to walk caminos is because its a racial memory from some distant family member who walked sometime a long time ago?
  5. William Garza


    And after all the walking Wandering and toil,time and strife Did ye break yourself at the end Was the trial worth the wait To be left in such a state Was this the only fate And after all the miles Sodden feet and fewer smiles The toil and the strain The soil and the rain To lay heavy...weary...
  6. William Garza

    Peter Pan and Never.. Never Land.

    Going down the rabbits hole about the Camino Peter Pan never ever wanted to land He had rather take people in hand rather than slow down Was it the flight of fancy? Or did he fancy the flight.. Was his flight fancy? or business class? Was landing and the return to life, toil and stress and...
  7. William Garza


    How many have just dropped away Tired of winging it To pursue your dream? No more dream by the dram Life by the drop.... To be brave enough to go? Each moment gone from the finite clock The moment gone forever How many are strong enough to let go the safety net and swim the tide..rather than...
  8. William Garza

    New to Me observation

    Looking up a Camino Real in Texas that connected various missions long out of sight and mind... I was near one on private property but did not walk a kilometer or two because Fat Snakes Spiders.... There seem to be a few hidden away in the Louisiana and Texas back woods But i digressed Found...
  9. William Garza

    Camino Km credits in Texas

    The Mission Trail starting in San Antonio ,Texas is a approximately 30 km Trail where 5 Missions are visited The 30k are credited toward the Camino https://www.nps.gov/saan/planyourvisit/hikebike.htm
  10. William Garza

    10 years on

    Its funny how time slips by Its 10 years today i got to join you guys. Now? Because things and stuff happening at work Where once again..I may get RIFFed out But this time there may be enough savings to finally get my visa Take my time and go quietly into that cool day Because ime 10 years...
  11. William Garza

    What adventursome people you are

    A simple prayer that all your travels are safe and that you stay healthy!
  12. William Garza

    The other language

    Listening to a tune a bit ago An instrumental track guitar,drums and amazing skills It simply talkes to you. A sublime Subliminal Luminescent and transcendent track that reaches down and grabs your shaking soul and lifts you up. Its a deep language that you understand on more than a simple...
  13. William Garza

    Because you were there

    Dont question the why.. The reasons are a million or more than the stars in the sky Its simply you were needed"there" at that point in time and place Fate and destiny Shrug and sigh Whats it all for ??? Well? The time was nigh and you followed like Winter Geese and the magnet in your head...
  14. William Garza

    Spanish language on Caminos outside of Spain

    Just idle tboughts Wondering if in France and other surrounding countries that if there is an english barrier-s but not Spanish? Guessing the closer you get the better the outlook on that?
  15. William Garza

    The Spanish Mirror

    Are not the skies and the sea as lovers The sea reflects the stars and so the stars will glitter in love with their reflection Oh..no narcissus nor hubris between...betwixt Its mearely a natural progression A thousand kisses deep..reflective and meek Deeper than the mystique Loosing grip and...
  16. William Garza

    For all members

    Past,present and future Thanks for sharing your adventures! This forum will be a touchstone someday in the future ..where you had gone and how far, from where and when A Canterbery tales sort of snapshot in time. The tales of ...of.....?
  17. William Garza

    Go to where your name is written

    Go to where your name is written Go... Somewhere Else. Not some door Nor address But in your place among the stars Where the wild winds call your name The world knows your name Its the music in your head The beat in your heart The time in your steps... Where you will swirl around the floor...
  18. William Garza

    Did it make a difference

    Did it make a difference in your short term, long term and lifetime? Did it change your soul..or chain it forevermore to some dusty track in Spain Are you in the ever present because of it, or are you still back..there....
  19. William Garza

    Eclipses over Santiago

    Since a total eclipse is happening today about a little ways from here..i wondered and shure enough... https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@3109642
  20. William Garza

    The Idea of Camino

    I wonder how many,if any get caught up in the idea...or ideal of the Camino To be sure it captured my imagination and reinforced by videos and pictures. I am quick to seek and find the good in things. But Amidst all the opertunities..there would be walking, sweat,footsore ness Hard time sleeping...

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