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  1. JabbaPapa

    Is there really a waterproof solution

    There is no fully waterproof solution, though as to the feet a good pair of army boots works well. Some people seem to have no problems with perspiration in a poncho, but really : lucky them, but not all of us are like that. The solution that works for me to avoid sweat problems is use a cape...
  2. JabbaPapa

    Camino Planning with Chat GPT - Hmmmm

    Don't think I'm the one to answer that really, as I have a background combining advanced literary studies with professional IT ... so this stuff just looks blatantly artificial to my eyes.
  3. JabbaPapa

    Which month is best to go - May or Oct?

    30 days ? I'd say 15th June or so, as the only period in the good weather season when Sarria to Santiago is not insanely crowded is the first half of July.
  4. JabbaPapa

    Camino Planning with Chat GPT - Hmmmm

    I have my doubts about that ...
  5. JabbaPapa

    Abandoned elderly pilgrims

    That's mostly daily hiking speed not metres per minute -- though clearly if there's someone in your group who's having difficulties, one in the group should hang back and take care or at least ensure the other is doing OK. When I was a fast walker, in the groups I've been in that would be me --...
  6. JabbaPapa

    Subsistence in SJPDP

    Carrefour Market -- Sunday 8:30 AM–12:30 PM ; will be similar at the Aldi and the Intermarché. There is a little épicerie on the Way, just over the bridge, on the Rue d'Espagne. Opening hours : Monday to Saturday : 9 AM -1 PM & 3:30 PM - 7 PM So if you're starting earlier than 9 AM, then...
  7. JabbaPapa

    Abandoned elderly pilgrims

    Things are tough for me as well, for different reasons, I'm not in danger if I'm alone, It's just slow and painful. And whilst I almost never need help of that sort to keep along, on some occasions when other pilgrims have slowed down to accompany me as I hobbled along, it certainly made the...
  8. JabbaPapa

    Abandoned elderly pilgrims

    What an unpleasant story !! All of the families I've come across so far on pilgrimage, whether in Spain or Portugal, have been looking after their elderly first, as you suggest. Including a few who were happy to push their grannies along in their wheelchairs, with smiles on their faces. What...
  9. JabbaPapa

    The Taking of Gloves Paradox

    I've used a pair of Decathlon hiking gloves for the cold on some Winter sections of a Camino, they worked OK (caveat : wet doesn't usually bother me), but they did tend to smell (on me anyway) after a bit -- I've also used one for my staff hand if it blistered. Not once this year though. My...
  10. JabbaPapa

    Jubilee Year of Hope 2025

    Vatican News : https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2024-08/vatican-issues-clarification-on-holy-doors-during-2025-jubilee.html Ahead of the upcoming Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, Pope Francis, in his Bull of Indiction, entitled 'Spes non confundit' ('Hope does not disappoint')...
  11. JabbaPapa

    Oldest to newest Camino routes

    The oldest Christian pilgrimage routes in Spain are the roads that went to Rome in Antiquity, after pilgrims began to travel there in the 3rd and 4th Centuries. The major ones were simply the major roads that led to the City, and North to South : (Galicia etc) > Lugo > (Astorga) > León >...
  12. JabbaPapa

    Portuguese Coastal in late November?? Thoughts?

    The only report I've heard from meeting someone who has done it is that it is very wet and rainy.
  13. JabbaPapa

    Artificial Intelligence

    Sounds like a great way to enstate stark normalisation as method means and purpose.
  14. JabbaPapa

    New rule reported: 2 stamps per day within Spain [awaiting confirmation]

    From reading the prose in the new version of the Spanish Credencial, the 2/day part of it is clearly intended to be understood from the context provided in the previous paragraphs about minimum distance. It's poorly redacted at best IMO, but that is within the constraints created by the tiny...
  15. JabbaPapa

    New rule reported: 2 stamps per day within Spain [awaiting confirmation]

    Don't know if there's truth to this, or if it's just some result of Chinese Whispers, but if it were true, it seems weird and unenforceable.
  16. JabbaPapa

    Please, do not consider donativos as cheaper

    I meant to suggest not any hostility from those who run these establishments, but hostility against them - - very many donativos or even free places in France that were attached to parish churches have been forcibly shut down over the decades.
  17. JabbaPapa

    How to get Xunta WiFi code to USA phone

    Honestly, don't even try. A complete waste of time and energy. I did once manage to force it to work, badly, but then I am a former IT professional. My professional opinion is that this game is not worth the candle. Treat these "networks" as being non-existent.
  18. JabbaPapa

    Please, do not consider donativos as cheaper

    Be careful not to confuse the sometimes virulent hostility in France towards anything even marginally related to the Church with the generally less hostile situations in Spain.
  19. JabbaPapa

    Paulo Coelho's "The Pilgrimage" to be made into a Netflix movie

    Honestly, what I would recommend as a starting point is : Joseph Campbell - - The Hero With A Thousand Faces. It has its own flaws, but at least it doesn't try to impose some simplistic pseudo-"spiritual" ideology onto its readers.
  20. JabbaPapa

    Paulo Coelho's "The Pilgrimage" to be made into a Netflix movie

    I find it to be facile and shallow.

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