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Search results for query: taxi share pamplona

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  1. judydaisy

    Alternative ways to arrive in Roncesvalles

    Apart from the obvious answer of … take a taxi… does anyone know if there are other options on how to arrive in Roncesvalles. I’ll explain. I arrive in Bilbao (airport) at 10.35am on a Wednesday. I am pretty sure that I am pushing it to get to Pamplona bus station to catch the 1pm bus up to...
  2. D

    Ride share From Pamplona to SJPdP on Sunday, June 30, 2024

    Check the "Taxi peregrino" https://taxipamplona.com/en/the-way/. They may help you to share their taxi. Good luck Daniel
  3. A

    Ride share From Pamplona to SJPdP on Sunday, June 30, 2024

    That seems like a very long way to go via Taxi.. did you fully research all options ? There are ride shares available but I dont know if you speak Spanish ? Often times the couriers who run the bags from all the legs town to town will take you as a paying passenger for alot cheaper. I would...
  4. CWBuff

    Ride share From Pamplona to SJPdP on Sunday, June 30, 2024

    Some folks will tell you not to start your hike on the weekend. To me, any day of the week is as good as any to arrive into SJPdP. I would not dream of doing so without a reservation (so it matters not to me what day and\or time of the day it is) and as I said - I go through Paris where I spend...
  5. CWBuff

    Ride share From Pamplona to SJPdP on Sunday, June 30, 2024

    Hello and welcome to the Forum those two do not have to be mutually exclusive (if you DO find some folks to share the ride, that is). Aside my joke - sorry cannot help you much as I would like to as my way to get to SJ goes through Paris... that said - perhaps stay overnight in Pamplona and...
  6. A

    Ride share From Pamplona to SJPdP on Sunday, June 30, 2024

    Hi, I am from NY and I am arriving in Pamplona on Sunday, June 30, 2024 on the 13:46 train from Madrid. I am looking to share a taxi to SJPP. I understand that the only bus leaves at 12 pm and the taxi fare alone is quite expensive. Any other cheaper options of getting to SJPP? Or is anyone...
  7. S

    Ride share Pamplona-St Jean Pied de Port - 19 August 2024

    Hi Margo! My name is Sherry. I will be leaving Pamplona for SJPdP on August 20th. I was planning on taking a taxi for the sake of ease. So, if you'd like to stay in Pamplona and leave on the 20th I would love to share a taxi.
  8. Kathar1na

    Ride share Taxi Roncesvalles to SJPdP on Oct 14 2024

    I think that you made a wise decision. I wish you luck in finding pilgrims to share the cost. The middle of October is not high pilgrimage season on the section SJPP-Roncesvalles-Pamplona. For general information I am posting information that I saw on the Gronze.com forum. I do not recall ever...
  9. G

    Ride share Taxi Roncesvalles to SJPdP on Oct 14 2024

    Thank you! I have booked Express Bouricot for October 14 at 14:40 and would be happy to share the €60 cost. Alternatively, I would be happy to share the cost of a taxi that morning from Pamplona.
  10. Tincatinker

    Ride share Taxi Roncesvalles to SJPdP on Oct 14 2024

    There is no bus station at Roncesvalles. Just a bus stop. There is only the Albergue a couple of hotels and a few private houses. Any taxi will need to have been pre-booked. There are a few local drivers and a godgle search for Taxi Roncesvalles should give you some hits.
  11. G

    Ride share Taxi Roncesvalles to SJPdP on Oct 14 2024

    ALSA appears to end bus service from Pamplona on Oct 10. Now planning to take the Artieda bus from Pamplona to Roncesvalles arriving at 14:40. Would love to share a taxi to SJPdP. And to know whether getting a taxi at the bus station is easy, whether one can be pre-arranged, and what it might...
  12. TheRealPixie

    Just returned! 25 April - 29 May - SJPDP to Santiago

    Th Thank you for sharing this. ❤️
  13. henrythedog

    Ride share Taxi share Thursday 13 June 2024 Pamplona to St Jean

    Have a look for rucksacks in the taxi queue and make your first friends on the Camino.
  14. H

    Ride share Taxi share Thursday 13 June 2024 Pamplona to St Jean

    We will be getting a taxi at about 10:30 this Thursday (13th June) from Pamplona to St Jean if anyone wants to share?
  15. B

    Sharing a taxi Pamplona to Roncesvalles

    Hello! my train was late to pamplona and I am going to roncesvalles. As I missed the last bus at 1:30pm, anyone in the same situation and would like to share a taxi?
  16. Q

    Mid-April to mid-May Camino Francés, my experiences, insights, mistakes and lessons

    Very insightful post. Enjoyed reading it very much. Thanks
  17. Gekkosan

    Mid-April to mid-May Camino Francés, my experiences, insights, mistakes and lessons

    Another GREAT post, thank you! Re: shoes - gosh! I know that there are enough threads about the subject, but to me, if only one piece of advice could be shared, it’d be “don’t even think about starting El Camino with footwear you haven’t worn for at least 50-60km, under as many road and weather...
  18. michal.don

    Mid-April to mid-May Camino Francés, my experiences, insights, mistakes and lessons

    Part two - in the next few days, I thought about more things to add - this time they probably are a bit more subtle things, details maybe. But things that still kind of stand out to me, things you might not realize before. Here goes: - Let's start with an optimistic one - Some days are really...
  19. michal.don

    Mid-April to mid-May Camino Francés, my experiences, insights, mistakes and lessons

    Hello, two weeks ago, I finished the Camino Francés, and while all the recent memories have not properly settled yet, I think enough time has passed to write a bit about my experience of the Camino :) First of all - a bit of context. This has been my second Camino - I walked the Norte in the...
  20. hfleming

    Share Taxi Pamplona to SJPDP May 31 2024

    This is for 2 adults

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