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  1. Blintintin

    Santiago to Sarria - MonBus, BlaBlaCar or something else??

    It is a legitimate shared ride program, and very popular and well-used and trusted in Spain, You have to 'enter' the trip you want to take, (date , departure and destination locations, # people, and luggage, etc.) and registered BlaBlaCar drivers who may be travelling the same route, may choose...
  2. Blintintin

    Accommodation Recommendations in Leon for Solo Female Traveler

    Hotel la Posada Regia ... steps from Cathedral ... charming hotel with good quality, good value, great location, restaurant with breakfast and is authentic Spanish... (walking distance to Cathedral, train station, main street, Barrio Humedo, Plaza de Grano, Plaza Mayor) ... at Calle Regidores...
  3. Blintintin

    A Spanish Conversational Thread

    I continue to learn Spanish and will forever continue to make mistakes but I am ok with that. Over the years, a couple strategies helped me learn and improve. One is to consult a 'verb conjugator', now easily accessible online with a very good one available free at WordReference at...
  4. Blintintin

    Training walk in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    I tried to build in 'training' as a part of my everyday activities, particularly in the beginning, by walking to the subway vs taking the bus; I started with a few flights but by the end I was walking up and down 14 floors to my office every work day, multiple times as I came and went for work...
  5. Blintintin

    A note on reserving beds and the spirit of the Camino

    Glad it worked for you but it is very very presumptive to suggest what 'the vast majority' other pilgrims need to learn, particularly about trust and being open, and that they did not have similar enjoyable experiences, including rest & wine! Apologies but seems a very narrow lens in which to...
  6. Blintintin

    Elegant lodging in Santiago

    The Parador in Leon has played many roles in its history .. hotel, hospital, even a prison. While now it's popularity means visitors, who are not hotel guests, cannot enter many areas of the hotel, there was a time it served as a prison, thus those staying there could not leave. My family lived...
  7. Blintintin

    Help and advice for my First camino 2021

    as others have stated here already there are private rooms in albergues too, they were very comfortable and allows you the same evening / dinner/ pilgrim /social experience. Booking.com, Gronze.com were also convenient and easy. my guide book had a lot detailed hotel/albergue info which was...
  8. Blintintin

    Puzzled about sending backpacks ahead

    There are several companies offering this service. I used Jacotrans...they were great, reliable, and easy to use. You phone or reserve online the evening prior by 8pm, telling them the pick up location and drop location for the next day, and then leave a 5 Euro note in the envelope that they...
  9. Blintintin

    Leon - 2nd Tier Sights

    Worth seeing is the small museum / interpretation centre at Palacio del Conde Luna on Calle Regidores, it's about the Kingdom of Leon; also a visit to the beautiful Plaza del Grano, and the Cathedral has free organ concerts once weekly in the evenings (on Wedesdays if i recall ) about Sept/Oct...
  10. Blintintin

    Never occured to me to go the post office for credencial stamp

    Yes, in Logroño, capital of La Rioja Autonomous Community, I went into the capital / government building .... but felt immediately that it was a mistake, (it felt very serious, there was a fair amount of security and i felt out of place in my camino gear). In the lobby you have to exit a...
  11. Blintintin

    Holy door ready to be opened ✅

    and this of the botafumeiro in the mass celebrated that day.
  12. Blintintin

    Holy door ready to be opened ✅

    the link above also didn't work for me in Canada, but found this on youtube.
  13. Blintintin

    Long distance pilgrims trade gifts

    It was still open in Oct 1018, sounds like it hadn't changed, based on your description.
  14. Blintintin

    Maria and Belen from Hornillos - their Casa Rural & 2020

    I stayed there Sept 2018! enjoyed it very much! i recognize Maria & Belen. The bar / patio was nice to enjoy a drink and tapa at the end of the day, with what must have been their children playing soccer and running around me which was very pleasant. I had a private room, it was very clean and...
  15. Blintintin

    Industrial site museums on the caminos de Santiago

    I guess this would constitute Camino de Madrid: Renfe Train Museum in Madrid, of course there is one train with an open bar car, at http://www.museodelferrocarril.org/index.asp, and, the former El Aguila Beer Factory complex, not a museum but now an archive/ library / exposition centre...
  16. Blintintin

    Bar or restaurant in Riego de Ambrós

    this might take this off topic again, but for those who do not know, this beer tap is made of porcelain by 'Sargadelos' , a Galician porcelain / ceramic factory from the very early 1800s, gaining increasing attention for its fine prducts, both domestically and internationally. they have some...
  17. Blintintin

    One More Time

    i don't know what / where 'O-S-M' is, but if it's Camino Frances and if you're starting in SJPDP, then I'd recommend the Val Carlos route to Roncesvalles, as a change, presuming you walked the Napoleon Route previously. It's lovely, walking under covered forests for the most of the day, stopping...
  18. Blintintin

    OBSOLETE COVID THREAD Our losses in these Covid times

    So so sorry to hear this sad news, the loss of an older brother is a profound loss. My thoughts are with you.
  19. Blintintin

    We are many people around the world thinking of Spain now!

    You may enjoy this... shows much of Spain and all its glory. 'Espana'...un poema por José Manuel Soto
  20. Blintintin

    A Pilgrim Offering

    Thank you very much John..very generous of you ...both for this offer and for your donation of proceeds to the Camino. Look forward to reading it.