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  1. oursonpolaire

    CF… So strange… any explanation?

    There is much in village and community life which will always be a mystery to outsiders. You may have discovered a very good example.
  2. oursonpolaire

    Old School

    During those golden hours of vermut artisinal in cafés before the evening mass, I was accustomed to write letters -- this attracted the notice of pilgrims then and now, and I began a few friendships by explaining this acitivity. And I still do, although I have developed a practice of devising...
  3. oursonpolaire

    What do you do on a rest day

    I usually opt for a short walk (10km sounds good) and a nice room. This gives time for a few errands and perhaps one place to look at, followed by a good menu de dia and a restorative siesta. A drink in the plaza followed by a mass in the local church, and an interesting meal, then to bed and...
  4. oursonpolaire

    Disfrutar named best restaurant in world.

    Just get a sello from the restaurant so that the Pilgrims' Office know that you have not been assigned the Camino as a penance, but undertake it in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving.
  5. oursonpolaire

    The Pilgrim’s Guide to Etiquette

    I'm sure that this is the logic which is used. The response is that there is a great geographic space known as America, a portion of which is the United States of America. For some years I have sat on the sidelines of this discussion, sometimes at international governance circles, but more...
  6. oursonpolaire

    The Pilgrim’s Guide to Etiquette

    This is more of a bugbear for some Latin Americans, who correctly point out that anyone from North or South America is an American. Of course, they create their own bugbear by referring to those from the US as norteamericanos, leaving the unfortunate canadienses on a floating iceberg somewhere...
  7. oursonpolaire

    Sello (stamp) Obsession: Is there a medical term for this?

    Quite correct (unless they are a contract outlet) but the neighbouring ayuntamiento or puesto de Guardia Civil will jump to service.
  8. oursonpolaire

    The Pilgrim’s Guide to Etiquette

    Here is a copy of the Mindful Pilgrim document, which arose out of the Canadian Company of Pilgrims' first Coordinators' Meeting last year. I am not certain, but I believe it is being distributed to new members with their credentials. Some people my find it of interest.
  9. oursonpolaire

    Sello (stamp) Obsession: Is there a medical term for this?

    This is a great idea but I would suggest in future that, when faced with the perennial issue of the closed Correos office, to get your stamps at a tobacconists (the nicotine-yellow T sign). Get a bunch at one time and feel comfortable explaining to the tobacconera (?) why you are doing it and...
  10. oursonpolaire

    Has the dog “policy” on the Camino changed?

    There never was a policy-- the Camino only has one policy, that for the last 100km before Santiago, you must collect two stamps a day if you want a Compostela. Market pressure is clearly creating more accommodation spaces for dogs and dogowners. The wisdom of taking dogs on the Camino stays...
  11. oursonpolaire

    Ebro and Soriano

    I followed the Camino up the Ebro and then to Soria about 8 years ago. It's extraordinary. I love the backroads Caminos and they are an extraordinary introduction to the old Spain, far away from tourists. You are correct that many don't even know that there is a Camino there. For those of us...
  12. oursonpolaire

    Cancelling Camino - Soliciting Advice

    Walk what you can at a pace which suits you best. You may not be able to reach Santiago this time, but there is often another year to finish it-- this is very common practice among Europeans. Or, as others have sugggested, start closer to Santiago. Unless your confessor wants you to...
  13. oursonpolaire

    Pilgrim passport in Canada?

    There is also a Vancouver chapter of the Canadian Company of Pilgrims which holds weekly practice walks where you might be able to pick up some practical tips, especially if you have not done a Camino previously. (https://www.santiago.ca/chapters-local-contacts/).
  14. oursonpolaire

    Computer/ laptop for rent on Camino

    I saw a few locutorios on the del Norte, catering primarily to African and Latin American expats. Check with your search engine for locutorio placename. For example, Estella has three, Logrono seven, Sahagun five, etc... But for a job interview, you might be better placed with a private...
  15. oursonpolaire

    Bourbon and cigars

    While a militant non-smoker, I have talked with US pilgrims who expressed their delight and wonder at the cigar selections in most estancos. One said that Estella had a better cigar selection than his home town of Athens, Georgia. I don't know if that means something, but I just hand it on for...
  16. oursonpolaire

    Advice… please… 🙏🏻 (About starting time each day)

    Go Gronze.com, which will give you the latest. Before my first Camino, I would have thought that the early-rise etc was barbaric, but I soon found that: 1) there was little choice in the matter, as everyone in the albergue was up and moving well before closing, and 2) the early morning walking...
  17. oursonpolaire

    Listening to music while on the camino

    I have often been on backroads caminos with no distraction from conversation, but generally did so unplugged, especially in the morning. Later on in the day, when pushing through to my destination, I found the random selection on my iPod very helpful. Some pilgrims seem quite inspired by...
  18. oursonpolaire

    Not everyone happy about pilgrim/tourist pressure.

    I would not assume that the article represented the opinions of more than a very few people in Santiago. They may well be those who are outraged at the rain falling in Galicia. Their complaints remind me greatly of Inspector Renault in Casablanca who, greatly distressed, expressed his shock...
  19. oursonpolaire

    Orthodox Churches along the Camino

    Here's an update of my 2014 list. You'll see that there's quite an increase in the number of places where one can find Orthodox churches- there are now about thirty churches along the various Caminos-- most of these are Romanian, serving the 600,000 strong community. If you can't get anywhere...
  20. oursonpolaire

    Sello (stamp) Obsession: Is there a medical term for this?

    I obsess over sellos and quite enjoy it. But as my GP said of my caminoholicism, there's worse addictions; it's cheaper than heroin and better for you.