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  1. 12-22Pilgrim

    Last 100km places with pools?

    I stayed at the previously mentioned Mirador de Pedrouzo last (late) June and highly recommend it. Full sized (open) pool that you can do laps in or lounge next to. Great sleeping arrangements, showers, etc. And right on the main Camino and restaurant strip.
  2. 12-22Pilgrim

    Burgos to Santiago walking time

    I walked that exact route from June to July and it also took me 21 days of walking (with no rest days, and only taking the bus from Mansilla to Leon). I found that some of the short days were like rest days, but other folks took 2 or more - sometimes planned, sometimes when hurt. I agree with...
  3. 12-22Pilgrim

    Favorite graffiti

    I also took a photo of the taxi serpent on 6/26/22 - it was too perfect.
  4. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    It does feel like an amazing experience and I am very happy I did it. My wife and I are already discussing future Caminos 😀
  5. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    A short post script: Yesterday was my final day in Santiago and since my train was not till nearly 5pm, I decided to sit in the Cathedral Square and wait for friends that were supposed to arrive in the morning. Even before they had arrived I was hugging a crying Italian peregrina I had not seen...
  6. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    So my 10-year Camino ends. After arriving at the Cathedral and celebrating with the friends I walked in with, we went to the Pilgrim’s Office to get our Compestellas and distance certificates. We then split up to find our accommodations. Another pilgrim friend from Bilbao asked if we could visit...
  7. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    What finally worked for me was changing the lacing pattern on my shoes to relieve pressure on my toe box (particularly the small toes), sticking to SmartWool socks (though that may have been superstition) and changing them 2-3 times a day, and just waiting for cooler temps (we got a huge cold...
  8. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    I arrived in Santiago de Compestella today!!!! I was able to walk the last 5km or so with friends and arrive together (although “arriving” seemed to take forever!). I need time to process it all. But wow, I can’t believe it!!!!
  9. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    Many of my friends went to villages between the towns like Sarria and Portomarin instead of staying in the towns. I totally get it - I liked a lot of the small towns too. And perhaps on my next Camino (there always seems to be another…) I will try it differently. Some pilgrims I talked to today...
  10. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    Made it to O Pedrouso without any problems…One Day More!!! Started walking today and it was freezing cold - must have been in the 40s. So I stopped for coffee before I even get out of Arzuq, which I never do. But while it is open, I can’t get service and I do NOT wait for coffee when it is...
  11. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    Longish walk to Arzua today (29km) but an enjoyable one. I slept in a bit - till 7am, which might as well be noon for my normal wake up times - and didn’t get on the road till 745 or so. But I felt very energetic after dinner and drinks with friends last night and was walking quickly. I ran into...
  12. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    Well, I was really getting the Camino blues last night at the Municipal Albergue. While it was not full, it was very busy, loud, and crowded in common areas as it was raining outside and everyone was sorta trapped unless eating or shopping. I was feeling cold and irritable even after lunch...
  13. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    As I was leaving Sarria this morning (a bit later than usual) I saw the mass of new pilgrims (a horde is an apt description) starting out from various Albergues. And without a booking for today (and Booking is pretty darned booked) I was booking it for Portomarin from the first few minutes. I...
  14. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    It was a rainy walk to Sarria today but a relatively quick and enjoyable one. We were all concerned it would rain all day but when I left the Albergue it was in a lull and just some drippings from trees. I started a conversation with an American pilgrim but then the rain started in earnest so I...
  15. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    I thought the meal was also quite good. A bunch of us when to Bar Esther that night for a “tapas” type dinner of a lot of different plates and wine. It was right around the corner from the Atrio and clearly a very popular place with the locals later despite catering to pilgrims earlier. The food...
  16. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    Today I walked to Triacastela from La Faba - about 26km. The walk began at 630am with the climb toward O Cebreiro - it was so dark in some of the forest paths that I was using my headlamp. It was very cold and damp as well - I was wearing 3 layers and had to pull my sweater over my hands because...
  17. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    Ok, today was a bit of a crazy day. I started off in a much better mood than yesterday, re-energized from all of my socializing yesterday. So this morning I walked alone and was feeling really good. I also didn’t have a plan today - I was just going to go where the Camino took me. But I did not...
  18. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    And to wrap up my day on even a brighter note, I had dinner at a cute Asian “corner diner” (hard to characterize the little food court here in Cacabellos). The meal was Korean spicy ramen, kimchi, a fried egg, and a side of spicy fries that are what I always wanted “patatas bravas” to be (and a...
  19. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    While I have had my physically challenging days on this Camino, today was emotionally challenging. It started last night - while I enjoyed Molinaseca, I overheard some pilgrims speaking meanly (snarkily) about other pilgrims and the process and it sort of put me into a mood. I understand that...
  20. 12-22Pilgrim

    LIVE from the Camino Return to the CF after 10 years

    The benefit of the harder end of the day yesterday was a short walk to Cruz de Ferro at sunrise. As one of the major milestones for my Camino, I was very excited to bring my stones and prayers. One of the great things about it was being there with some of the other pilgrims I have met along the...