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  1. mylifeonvacation

    On the Camino, on this date in May...

    May 21, 2015 - Camino Portugues Porriño - Redondela
  2. mylifeonvacation

    Could you be a Hospitable Hermit?

    If you can document enough available funds ($2500/mo or $30,000/year - approximately), there’s a “non-lucrative” visa option for staying an entire year in Spain: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/LOSANGELES/en/InformacionParaExtranjeros/Pages/Residence-Visa.aspx The requirements for...
  3. mylifeonvacation

    Spansh News in English (Podcast)

    I’ll do that and keep an eye out. Thanks!!
  4. mylifeonvacation

    Spansh News in English (Podcast)

    I can’t seem to find it on Apple podcasts. Anyone else have luck?
  5. mylifeonvacation

    Camino Frances Michelin Restaurant Guide 2019

    This is a great list. Props for including the links too. An excellent resource for those who might be celebrating something special en route, or who might want a special treat to mark the end of the Camino in Santiago. In Galicia, particularly, the value to price ratio at this level of...
  6. mylifeonvacation

    GPS on Camino Frances

    There are downloadable kmz/gps files for most (all?) of the Camino routes posted in the Resources section, in the Camino GPS Tracks folder. The Wise Pilgrim app also has the path overplayed on a google map. Having a map downloaded in advance is very helpful for when you want to get a visual...
  7. mylifeonvacation

    A thank you recipe for all pilgrims on this forum: Caldo Gallego

    This is a pic from O Cebreiro! Maybe @SherlyC can help us out with a Galician bread recipe too!! It’s a must to accompany that fabulous soup!!
  8. mylifeonvacation

    A thank you recipe for all pilgrims on this forum: Caldo Gallego

    Tiene buena pinta!! (It looks great!) This week I've actually been talking with a friend in Santiago about Caldo Gallego. She shared her mother's recipe with me. They are Galicians, and as you might imagine very opinionated on the "right way" to make it. As you said, every household has their...
  9. mylifeonvacation

    Camino Souveniers for Foodies

    @Pelegrin That’s an interesting fact! I have read about which cows are used for the different cheeses but assumed they were all milk cows, didn’t realize any were beef cows. As Mariñas has so many great products - you are fortunate to live right there! I’m especially interested in the wine...
  10. mylifeonvacation

    Camino Souveniers for Foodies

    What is that cheese called?
  11. mylifeonvacation

    Camino Souveniers for Foodies

    I should have said “less expensive that it costs in the US”.
  12. mylifeonvacation

    Camino Souveniers for Foodies

    Cheese is fine to bring into the US (meat, fresh fruit & veg, and seeds are not). I often bring home queso San Simón (Galician smoked cheese). Now, when in my carry-on bag, I did get a little extra screening when going through Heathrow (due to the shape, I suspect!), but it was fine once...
  13. mylifeonvacation

    Useful Spanish Words/Phrases

    For saying goodbye you’ll hear a lot of “hasta luego” and “ciao” (which I suppose a Spaniard would spell “chao”?)
  14. mylifeonvacation

    Useful Spanish Words/Phrases

    Swearing in Spain could be a thread in and of itself! Boy, do the Spanish love to swear! I'm not prone to it myself, but it does indicate that you've got a good grasp on the local language if you can use it in the correct context. I, personally, wouldn't use the word above, but it's extremely...
  15. mylifeonvacation

    Useful Spanish Words/Phrases

    Free Spanish lesson!!
  16. mylifeonvacation

    Useful Spanish Words/Phrases

    Yes, that's what we all learned in Spanish class, but Spaniards don't really say that. It sounds extremely polite to us, but they just get to the point and will use "dame" or "póngame" (or "me das" or "me pones"). I mean, it doesn't hurt anything to say quisiera if you want to, but it's not rude...
  17. mylifeonvacation

    Food - TIPS/Breakfast/Lunch/Snacks/Dinner Camino Ingles - Photos Welcome!

    Yes! @notion900 I agree! They actually grow a lot of really good quality potatoes in Galicia, and I enjoy them most in the form of cachelos!!
  18. mylifeonvacation

    Food - TIPS/Breakfast/Lunch/Snacks/Dinner Camino Ingles - Photos Welcome!

    In Galicia they have their own word for boiled potatoes (often boiled sliced potatoes): "cachelos" (You can see them in the photo above of Hake and Potatoes) However, they often come with olive oil drizzled over top, so be sure to say "sin aceite" if you want to avoid olive oil.
  19. mylifeonvacation

    Sweet Treats

    Once you get to Galicia, Melide has a special sweet treat that you should try. It's called a "melindre", and it's a small frosted anise flavored donut shaped cookie/cake. They have an annual festival in it's honor during mid-May in Melide. Also in Galicia you will start seeing a dessert...
  20. mylifeonvacation

    Fish Free Portuguese Food Options?

    ...thing is that in Spain & Portugal, I find it to be that they mostly cook from scratch and don't use as many processed ingredients as here in the US, for example, so it *should* be easier to be GF there. However, it also just depends on which café/restaurant you end up in.] Buen Camino to you!!