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  1. Diefenbaker

    Beginning of Camino Vasco del Interior

    May I ask where you got your pilgrim's passport stamped in Hendaye? I'll be walking the Camino a week before Easter next year so I presume the albergue will be closed if it was closed for you at the end of March.
  2. Diefenbaker

    Places to avoid

    Unless you like long queues for the very few available showers and toilets in the municipal in Vianna and the convent in Leon I'd avoid staying there. They are both lovely places to stay in their own right but too few facilities for my liking and I walked in the quieter months so I'd hate to...
  3. Diefenbaker


    What, no snow or rain? Are you sure it was the Pyrenees? :D
  4. Diefenbaker

    Sciatica pain - to go or not to go???

    I had a prolapsed disc and suffered with sciatica 10 years ago. I was off work for 4 months and my GP was useless. I persuaded my work Dr to give me Amitriptyline for the pain and to help me sleep in the early stages then I asked for Arthrotec 50mg as I was recovering. They worked wonders for me...
  5. Diefenbaker

    Things are moving at warp speed

    I'd do the same except Ryanair aren't taking bookings for flights to Biarritz during March 16 yet :(
  6. Diefenbaker


    But otherwise very nice??
  7. Diefenbaker

    Shirley MacLaine talks to Oprah about her Camino

    Celebrity, status? I've heard of the name but wouldn't know her if I fell over her. But if her book or her interview has helped someone to learn about the Camino then that's a good thing. I just hope the newbies that saw this interview find this forum before they set off though.
  8. Diefenbaker

    how I became aware of the Camino

    I first heard of it about 7 years ago after reading the book 'Spanish Steps' by Tim Moore. He walked the Camino with a Donkey and although I've read a few people on here say they didn't particularly like the book, to me it opened up a whole new world of possibilities. I read it twice in a couple...
  9. Diefenbaker

    Walking from Bayonne to SJPdP

    Hi, there is a whole section devoted to the Camino Vasco/Interior Route under 'Routes to Santiago' and some of the Posters on it have written some excellent posts about it. I can't remember if they mention the amount of paved roads to walk on but if they don't I'm sure you'd be able to ask them...
  10. Diefenbaker

    Bagpipes in Santiago?

    I once saw a bagpiper practising on the Galician hills, in the middle of nowhere, early in the morning and in thick fog; I could barely make his figure out. I had to chuckle to myself, imagining his poor wife throwing him out of the house saying 'You're not playing that thing in the house, get...
  11. Diefenbaker

    Things I lost on the Camino

    I lost a pair of expensive Revo sunglasses when I stopped to inspect my one and only blister that appeared on day 13 after gloating to my friends that I was the only one of us that hadn't had a blister, just the day before. I also lost a very good friend's email address which I've regretted...
  12. Diefenbaker

    Brierley's guide book

    I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that though. My 2010 Brierley's Guide is still one of my favourite books and I'm forever looking at it when I read a book about the Camino or read about something mentioned on this forum, just to see if I went there or to see where a village or town...
  13. Diefenbaker

    Inspiring Quotations

    I'll remember the Dr Suess quote the next time I reach Santiago, thanks.
  14. Diefenbaker

    Worthy side trips on the Camino Frances.

    Yay, another chance for me to plug the Camino de Vasco :D. This town is on that Camino and is the main stop before joining the Frances at SDdlC so if you started walking from Irun or Hendaye then it would be on your route. Just trying to encourage others to walk it so that I won't be the only...
  15. Diefenbaker

    Three Days and a Wake up!

    Make sure you keep us informed how you're getting on, your messages are always worth reading for their good advice and humor. Buen 'How did that dog get in there?' Camino
  16. Diefenbaker

    Starting tomorrow from Roncevalles

    Hi Wanderwoman, Try to make a note of the small villages you were able to buy food and drink from and the ones that had great cafes, the info' will come in handy for when you walk your next Camino :D Buen Camino
  17. Diefenbaker

    Making the stage SJPP to Roncesvalles safer

    Or offering wine? We are talking about France and Spain here ;). Would mulled wine be appropriate to warm people up?
  18. Diefenbaker

    Making the stage SJPP to Roncesvalles safer

    I think both ideas are long overdue. When I crossed in 2010 a blizzard and gale force winds came up suddenly and had not been forecast so it caught many of us out. A little way behind me a lady found a Pilgrim on the ground suffering from Hypothermia but was unable to get a signal on her phone...
  19. Diefenbaker

    "Eye surgery in Pamplona"

    I have a similar problem with Ibuprofen but I can tolerate Arthrotec which is a non steroidal but with a stomach calming medication built in. It is stronger than Ibuprofen and so is a prescription medication, even in Spain but it does the trick for me when I need it. I believe it's called...
  20. Diefenbaker

    Class of 2016

    This thread makes 2016 seem a little bit closer at least so thanks for starting it. I originally walked the Frances and on to Finesterre in 2010 and hadn't planned to walk another Camino until my early retirement in 2018 when I plan to start from Paris or somewhere further as I just wasn't ready...