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  1. T

    Alsa no longer doing Pamplona to Saint Jean?

    To my knowledge there has never been a bus between Pamplona and SJPP. Pilgrims usually take the bus from Pamplona to Roncesvalles and then taxi to SJPP. The bus from Pamplona is run by Autocars Artieda and it seems from their timetable that this bus is still running - though my Spanish is not...
  2. T

    A plea ...

    The click, click, click of walking poles annoyed me on the Camino, so I feel for the local population. I used walking poles, but always with rubber stoppers on the metal ends. This worked well for me, and I can't understand why other pilgrims can't do the same thing. As for using the Camino...
  3. T

    Private rooms saved my Camino

    In addition to albergues, the Confraternity of St James "Guide to the Camino Frances" lists many hotels and casa rurales along with prices, number of rooms, and phone numbers so you can book ahead. It's a basic guide compared to the Brierley book, and much lighter to carry. But I've taken both...
  4. T

    Ratings of "all" albergues

    Hi, could someone tell me where to find this albergue "ratings" list, I've not heard of it before. Thanks, Trudy
  5. T

    Full Moon Walk 2013

    That would be a fantastic walk, unfortunately something I dare not consider due to very poor night vision - even with a full moon. But please remember, if you use walking poles, to keep rubber stoppers on the tips so you don't disturb the locals who are trying to sleep. Trudy
  6. T

    Elephant in the room (forum)

    I'm not sure that I understand your question. I suspect tht most people walking the Camino are there on pilgrimage. They might be practising Catholics, or Christians of other denominations. They might not practice any faith at all, but still find a spiritual connection with the Camino and see...
  7. T

    Attrition Rate SJPdP to SdC?

    Well, it took me three attempts before I made it to Santiago de Compostela. My first Camino was in 2005 when I walked from Roncesvalles to Estella where I had to give up due to severe knee problems. I made my way to Compostela by train, stopping at Burgos and Leon for a few days each, simply...
  8. T

    Quilting / fabric shops along the way?

    You're unlikely to find quilting shops in Spain, but many Spanish women are still into dress-making, either for themselves or their children, so you will find fabric shops in the larger towns and cities along the Camino. Trudy
  9. T

    John Brierley's Guide Book 2011

    Oops, sorry about that, the publication date was of course, December 2011.
  10. T

    John Brierley's Guide Book 2011

    The John Brierley 2012 edition of the Camino de Santiago guide was published in December 2012. I ordered my copy from Findhorn Press and received it, in Australia, within 2 weeks of publication, so you might be lucky enough to get a copy before you leave for France. Have a look at both...
  11. T

    Lunch for Roncevalles walk

    To "zzotte" The distance between St Jean Pied de Port and Valcarlos is approximately 11kms. Valcarlos has some accommodation, the municipal refuge in the Plaza de Santiago has 24 beds at 10euros; the Hotel Maitena has rooms at 33euros; and at the Hostal Casa Marcelino rooms cost 40-50euros...
  12. T

    alarm clock

    And to think my problem was trying to sleep through all the alarms, rustling bags, and other assorted early morning noises! I've yet to work out why most people wanted to get up to early. I clearly remember a group of women I came across in three or four times who all got up at 5.30am...
  13. T

    Camino life changes and a community life.

    Hi Ian, are you looking to setup a virtual or physical community? The problem with a physical community is that it would unfortunately exclude those of us who live outside the EU - visa problems etc. But a virtual community is something in which any of us, with an interest, could freely...
  14. T

    Where could I get a pilgrim's passport in Burgos?

    You can pick up a pilgrim passport at the Burgos albergue and you will be allowed to stay there the night before you begin walking.
  15. T

    Private Accommodation you would not miss

    I'll second the Hotel as Artes in Compostela! I've there twice and found the atmosphere much nicer than the overated, to me anyway, Hostel dos Reis Catolicos Parador. One Parador I feel should not be missed is the Hostal San Marcos in Leon. This is a much nicer set-up than the Santiago de...
  16. T

    If people stop their walking about 2 o'clock each day...

    I would stop walking around lunchtime ie between 12 noon and 1pm, simply because I can't walk much more than 20 kms per day. So that left me hours of time to fill in. I'd book into the albergue, have a shower and change my clothes, then go out and find somewhere to get a Menu del Dia or...
  17. T

    Getting dressed, best time of day to walk, cold legs?

    Did I just read 'pyjamas'? Can't remember seeing anyone wearing pyjamas, old t-shirts yes, lightweight thermal clothing for bed is OK, some slept in underwear and dressed in their sleeping bag in the morning. But many pilgrims, including myself, just had a shower on arrival at the albergue...
  18. T

    Low budget pilgrim on a one way ticket to Paris

    Whether you enter the Schengen Zone with either an Australian or US passport, the situation is the same. You do not need a visa, but you are limited to staying in the entire Schengen Zone (all of Western Europe) for a total of 90 days. Unfortunately, a working holiday is out of the question...
  19. T

    Where to buy a pilgrim credential online?

    Does this mean we can now get pilgrim credencials in Australia? Trudy
  20. T

    Hotels Leon to Santiago

    The Confraternity of St James 'Guide to the Camino Frances' lists a variety of accommodation along the Way, not just the albergues. Where hotels exist the Guide lists addresses, phone numbers, and approximate cost. The 2011 Guide was released in January and is available from the Bookshop on...