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  1. JWB

    Levante in September.

    That’s true. But I mailed them and was able to visit them at a specific day and at a specific time. They are very helpful.
  2. JWB

    Levante in September.

    Hi, have walked the Levante last April/May, started from Valencia. Skipped the first stages and started the Levante actually in Xativa (easily accessable by train). A quite lonely experience in first two weeks, hereafter some French pilgrims. Have no knowledge of the Spanish language, but with...
  3. JWB

    Little sculptures

    Camino de Madrid. Wamba, it has 6th-ish-century Visigothic aspects and 9th-ish-century Mozarabic aspects.
  4. JWB

    Bouncing between Central and Coastal

    Also consider bounce from Valenca to A Guerda along the river Minho. After A Guerda follow the camino along the coast.
  5. JWB

    Finally I decided to go!

    Hello Peter, great you you have decided to walk a camino! Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Buen Camino!
  6. JWB

    A long (winding) road.

    Not actually a winding road, but a winding beach. Camino del Norte, before Noja
  7. JWB

    Short walk in France - planning

    Another try https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_DRbaqvzf2SKjB928JgGH79Zq1DAJ_g-0cA2cAgdKDU/edit?pli=1#gid=311394233
  8. JWB

    Short walk in France - planning

    A great resource of accomodations along the route EDIT: Have deleted this link. Post #12 has the correct link to the file
  9. JWB

    LIVE from the Camino Damien on the Mozárabe

    Hi Damien, great to hear your experiences! The Mozarabe is also on my list, but first the Levante starting this April. Buen camino!
  10. JWB

    A long (winding) road.

    Two photo’s taken last year at the Camino de Madrid. First photo is taken Before me, second one After me.
  11. JWB

    Sureste from Benidorm to Santiago, a detailed itinerary

    I really don't know. Have not walked the Sureste (yet). By the way the town Oder you mentioned, where is it located? I cannot find it on Google Maps. The townhall (ayuntamiento) websites of the cities may be useful to find specific information. Use the translate options (Chrome or Edge) to...
  12. JWB

    Detailed Stage Planning — Camino de Levante - Camí de Llevant

    There are some AirBnB accommodations in Burguillos de Toledo
  13. JWB

    Sureste from Benidorm to Santiago, a detailed itinerary

    A detailed itinerary with stages and accommodations/contact details along the Sureste, starting from Benidorm. Joining the Sureste from Alicante in Caudete. I got the itinerary (in Spanish, but easy to understand) from another Camino pelgrim (not on this forum), he gave his permission to publish...
  14. JWB

    LIVE from the Camino Camino Madrid - Starting September 2023

    Last April 2023 I also stayed at Rincon Naief. Booked directly via Whatspp. Superbe room and breakfast.
  15. JWB

    LIVE from the Camino A Christmas Camino

    Merry Christmas to you all!
  16. JWB

    Seeking Resources for Camino de Levante

    Interesting and useful information! Currently planning to walk the Levante in Spring 2024 (start Valencia). Startdate unknown at the moment.
  17. JWB

    From my doorstep in Germany - a (very!) long term project

    Peter, saw your postings just today for the first time. Great to follow your journey!
  18. JWB

    LIVE from the Camino Camino Madrid Starting 11 Sep 23

    Enjoy the beautiful trek tomorrow, lot of stony Roman roads to the top. After the high top splendid views and nice down walking to Segovia.