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  • Users: Kanga
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Kanga

    Walking from Sydney to Santiago de Compostela, and beyond

    For anyone who has been following Alexander Campbell's walk, he's being interviewed on Chanel 9 (Sydney) at 8:45am tomorrow Sunday, 13 August 2023. He has now walked 6,200km in 170 days, from Sydney to Darwin, following walking trails and backroads, carrying his own pack, tent, and food and...
  2. Kanga

    Camino connections for a walking circumnavigation of the world.

    Today Alexander Campbell starts his epic 40,000km, 30 country, 4 continent walk to circumnavigate the world, starting and finishing in Sydney. His planned route is here, and as can be seen, along the way he will walk the Camino Francés. He is walking to raise funds for the Fred Hollows...
  3. Kanga

    Rail journey - Lisbon to Vigo via Porto

    Chosen as the rail journey of the month in The Guardian - Lisbon to Vigo via Porto. A nice alternative to walking - and possibly of interest to any who land in Lisbon and are thinking of taking a train to a point along the Portuguese way.
  4. Kanga

    Australian DPD required before boarding for home

    Australians (and others arriving in Australia) are required to download and complete the Border Force DPD (Digital Passenger Declaration) app before boarding a flight to Australia. It is very clumsy and badly designed. After downloading the app from the App Store (Apple) or Google Play, you...
  5. Kanga

    Pilgrims walking in March from SJPDP - Napoleon closed

    A reminder to pilgrims walking in March 2022 from SJPDP (of whom there seem to be quite a few). The Napoleon Route is closed until 1 April, and after that it is dependant on weather. If you are starting out in March then you will be walking via Valcarlos. I have walked both routes several...
  6. Kanga

    Hopping Again - Primitivo 1 May 2022

    I and two friends meeting in Oviedo on 1 May to walk the Primitivo.
  7. Kanga

    Blue Mountains Camino supporters Walk

    I’ll be staying at Glenella and attempting the 5 day walk from Penrith to Blackheath from 22 to 27 November. Sadly I know lots of our interstate friends had to cancel, but still hoping to meet up with some of you. My fitness is currently terrible but I’m making a valiant attempt to improve.
  8. Kanga

    La Vuelta - arrives in Santiago de Compostela

    Tonight all along the Camino del Norte. Today’s stage started at Laredo, through Santoña and Nona, now headed towards Santillana del Mar. Tomorrow they are headed into the Picos. Beautiful pictures
  9. Kanga

    The Camino will be waiting...Australians

    I thought I'd start a thread for those of us locked in, and feeling a bit despondent about camino's planned and abandoned, or because we are treading water while others are able to make solid plans. I'm in Sydney, so even long walks here are out for the moment. My one pleasure is trawling...
  10. Kanga

    Discovery under the dunes

    This looks very exciting and it’s near Cadiz. I’m wondering how I can fit in a visit and pretend it’s “on Camino”.
  11. Kanga

    Railway stations enroute

    In another thread @SabineP posted a photo of Antwerp railway station. It reminded me of all the stations I’ve passed through on the way to or from walking a camino. Some very beautiful. I always find them interesting, even the pedestrian ones. At the end of my very first camino, in 2001, I...
  12. Kanga

    Recommendations for grippy soles?

    I was reading the thread about accidents on the camino and it reminded me of the two spectacular falls I had on the Camino Portuguese, both cause by a combination of a slope, slippery wet cobblestones, and my beloved Ecco Off-Road sandals (like Yucatan). I really don't want to go back to...
  13. Kanga

    5 day Camino training walk - Blue Mountains 22-26 September 2020

    Here is a link to the Blue Mountains Camino Supporters Group. As can be seen, they are planning a walk from 22 September to 26 September 2020. I've been to these before, and it was great fun. A very enthusiastic and friendly group. For those of us in NSW this might be the closest we can...
  14. Kanga

    OBSOLETE COVID THREAD COVID-19: Corona virus discussion (Round 4)

    This thread is for general discussions about Corona Virus and how it is affecting the Camino - personally or in general. Please do not post about how the virus is affecting albergues as we have a special thread running for that here. We also have this thread that gives general information...
  15. Kanga

    Norwegians have been in Santiago for a long time

    An interesting story picked up by @Bradypus about Scandinavian visitors - going back to 1108AD.
  16. Kanga

    If arriving or departing from cities in France

    A reminder that the French trains and metro can be affected by strikes. We once nearly missed our flight back to Australia because of a last minute strike that would have prevented us from getting to Paris in time. We found an alternative, but it was hairy.
  17. Kanga

    Inspiring Accessible Camino

    Tony Jacques is one of our members, and an active participant of the local Blue Mountains Camino Group. He’s just posted this on Facebook. I can’t remember his forum name - if anyone can please add it to this thread! Facebook post
  18. Kanga

    If you want a Compostela - plan extra time

    On the forum and in other places we are seeing reports that because of the new ticketing system some pilgrims are missing out on collecting their Compostela. Apparently the ticket kiosk shuts down when enough tickets have been issued to keep the volunteers busy for the day, and lately that has...
  19. Kanga

    Meandering the Primitivo

    As slowly as possible. So if you see me, say hi! Link to my blog https://findpenguins.com/jillhill
  20. Kanga

    Non walking partner wants to buy a motorbike - any suggestions?

    I think this falls into the category of equipment! Even if not exactly for the camino. I try to walk a camino every year, but husband hates to walk. He loves to ride motorbikes. We also like to do thing together. So we have come to a kind of compromise this year - I will go walk a camino by...