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  1. DebraS.

    What brand sports bra?

    I say wear what is most comfortable for you during summer messing around the house or on a vacation outdoors. I think someone in this world got rich telling women they need special bras. But, if you plan to jog the camino, that might be a different story!!
  2. DebraS.

    Compostela requirements clarification please

    "Parade with all the others...". Hmmmm, maybe it is just me but that sounded pretty sour. How do you know you won't meet some wonderful friends, help a stranger in need, or be helped by another complete stranger on that parade? Don't chose that route if it makes you grumpy.
  3. DebraS.

    LIVE from the Camino Hello from Camino Portugues

    Your smile says it all. Be safe and Buen Camino!
  4. DebraS.

    I never thought I would say this...

    That was my most favorite portion of the Frances. I love walking up steep inclines. I absolutely hate walking down them though. So up was great, down was definitely not. Did a bit of foot damage on that part.
  5. DebraS.

    Announcement Refuge Orisson

    Sounds reasonable and I hope to be there soon!
  6. DebraS.

    Starting from SJPdP Sept 2, 2019

    Unfortunately, I was not able to do my pilgrimage this year. I had a small stroke that resulted in a bad fall, breaking my jaw. Almost recovered now but I still have my jaw wired shut for 2 more weeks (rubber bands, not wires). But I was blessed that the stroke left no lasting handicap and I...
  7. DebraS.

    Is there any elitism between pilgrims taking different routes?

    I haven't read all of the posts and may be repeating thoughts here....but none of us know what each person had to overcome or do just to be on "Their Camino". How can any one of us judge the difficulty of another persons camino? Walking a more difficult or challenging trail may be insignificant...
  8. DebraS.

    Have you practiced, or received a random act of kindness on your pilgrimage?

    I was walking last year with my 3 grand daughters on the Frances and the youngest one (5 years old) fell hard, hitting her head. She was REALLY upset and crying loudly. We were in a tiny village which I cannot recall the name of and not sure I even knew the name at the time. But it seemed the...
  9. DebraS.

    Where to leave my car

    Regarding parking....I have not done it in Santiago but when I do similar plans, I often park my car at the airport long term parking. It is usually one of the safest locations to leave your car IMO.
  10. DebraS.

    It’s finally happening! September-October Camino Frances

    Yes! What's up with the weather? I am in San Jose for a few weeks for work and it seems to be raining every day. Never seen that happen this time of year before.
  11. DebraS.

    It’s finally happening! September-October Camino Frances

    I think we will probably cross paths along the way for sure since we are only one day apart. Your schedule is very similar to mine so far. I have only 20 days so I am debating how to cover that much distance (obviously only parts of it since I can't fly :-) ). I wish I had more time but I have...
  12. DebraS.

    My first Camino

    Oh how wonderful! You will have so many beautiful experiences!! I look forward to reading about your journey! Buen Camino!
  13. DebraS.

    It’s finally happening! September-October Camino Frances

    Looks like I will be one day ahead of you but I also do not plan to push it and enjoy the experience. :-) Buen Camino!
  14. DebraS.

    Starting from SJPdP Sept 2, 2019

    I can't resist the urge to do it again! :) I have only 20 days so I definitely need to be creative...Although I am not concerned about the credentials as much as I am the spiritual experience. If any females out there starting the same time feels nervous starting out, I would be happy to start...
  15. DebraS.

    The unpredictable ends of my Camino!

    Hi Andy....Sorry to hear you had to end the camino with an injury but it certainly was not a failure!! It was just preparation and research for the real camino when you return. :-) Tuo padre deve essere fiero di te!
  16. DebraS.

    Help! The walking pole makes me feel like the walking dead!

    Maybe we each have our methods that work for us? I am happy with how my method works for me and do not plan to change it. :)
  17. DebraS.

    Help! The walking pole makes me feel like the walking dead!

    I really thought I would hate them. I debated on using them on my last camino and decided to carry them and give them away if they became a pain. At first, I felt like I was just carrying extra weight. I used them a few days then tried walking a day without them. Wow, I was surprised I was more...
  18. DebraS.

    What to do about a proud tagger (a person who scrawls graffiti)

    I wouldn't support the idea of positing it WITH the graffiti included but it would be entertaining to see what the viewers would say if it did get posted. evil laugh I am sure the viewers would tear him up after viewing it and that might be a learning lesson.
  19. DebraS.

    Running the Camino Frances - Gear? Any experiences?

    I did a run/walk from Burgos to Fromista. Due to illness and an injured foot, I had to stop. Staying hydrated was my biggest challenge and running downhills also. With the added weight of a backpack, I ripped the flesh off my heels. (Literally). I since learned that I did not have the best shoes...
  20. DebraS.

    Decrease in numbers walking the Camino Frances through Palencia province

    Am I the only one that is happy to see an increase in pilgrims? I think of those small, nearly deserted villages and the people begging the passing by pilgrims to stop to eat at their cafe. I would love to see those places come to life and thrive. Yes, finding a place to sleep "unplanned" might...