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  1. cj2003

    Accommodation list has been updated

    Yes, I messed it up - it's been changed now :) Sorry for the inconvenience! And bom caminho!
  2. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese

    cj2003 updated All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese with a new update entry: Fixed names/adress issues on the spiritual route Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese

    cj2003 updated All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese with a new update entry: FIX - list had an error with addresses instead of accommodation names Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese - FIX - list had an error with addresses instead of accommodation names

    Horrible error has been fixed. Now with correct names of the places to sleep
  5. cj2003

    Accommodation list has been updated

    Now i figured out how to add them to the resource. All put there except the excel - that filetype is not accepted.
  6. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese

    cj2003 updated All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese with a new update entry: Added tiles to the resource Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese - Added files to the resource

    Added pdf's for the different routes to the resource.
  8. cj2003

    Accommodation list has been updated

    Absolutely! I already have pdf's and excel-files so that is easy. I'm not able to do it to the resource as it doesn't accept the file types in the post. But rather odd that you aren't able to download them from the dropbox folder, they should be open to everyone. Gonna check that!
  9. cj2003

    Accommodation list has been updated

    Just a short message that I've updated the resource/list of accomodation places. "Update 2022-02-04 Added a column with link to the booking.com-page for all places that have it, making it easier to book a place. General update of websites, info on all the accommodation places as well as...
  10. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese

    Just a short note to say that the sheet is updated :) "Update 2021-06-22 General update after Corona-hiatus! Lots of new places :) Up to 747 accomodation places!" https://www.caminodesantiago.me/community/resources/all-places-to-sleep-in-one-file-coastal-and-central-route-camino-portuguese.404/
  11. cj2003

    Information wanted about Camino Portugues

    ...post reminds me that everything depends on the eye of the beholder. So, a start could be checking accomodation places - typical go-to-places are * gronze.com *...
  12. cj2003

    Camino from Lisbon

    Regarding accomodation, you might benefit from using our list here - there are a lot other good places to sleep than albergues from Lisbon to Porto and just in case you might need them...
  13. cj2003

    Porto to Santiago: accommodation

    ....and our own list has also just been updated :-) https://www.caminodesantiago.me/community/resources/all-places-to-sleep-in-one-file-coastal-and-central-route-camino-portuguese.404/
  14. cj2003

    Albergue in Asseiceira?

    Added it to the list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15YjQVotp9btlbTUx6YDMgFpHcm3__9msYMJ_nHKOe2E/edit#gid=1515618776 It is located at https://www.google.com/maps/place/39%C2%B031'19.4%22N+8%C2%B024'13.4%22W/@39.521995,-8.4064326,16.48z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d39.522041!4d-8.40372
  15. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese

    Thanks! The number represents the approx. distance from the previous city on the list - meaning that there is 12km between Porto and Matosinhos, 2km between Matosinhos and Perefita and so on - hope it helps explaining it! bom caminho Christian
  16. cj2003

    All places to sleep in one file - Coastal and Central route, Camino Portuguese

    And just a short shoutout to mention that I've updated the sheet with all entries from the Via Lusitana web site at https://www.vialusitana.org/caminho/albergues It contained 3-4 new places and several phone numbers. So a fresh all-places-in-one-sheet is available, hoping that many pilgrims...
  17. cj2003

    LIVE from the Camino Living on the Camino today

    Thank you for creating beautiful pictures in my mind of the camino as I sit here looking out the window
  18. cj2003

    Coastal Portugués Camino in March this year....

    When we did it in March-April, we didn't have issues finding accomodation, but we often cose b&b's and hostels instead of the albergues. So if you need a list of the albergues and alternatives, you can check the list here...
  19. cj2003

    Accommodation at Saians

    Yes, there are not many places to sleep near Saians - only the albergue, jsalt mentions. It is also on the list here, where you can see the other options in that area....about 8km away :-(...