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  1. William Garza

    The other language

    Listening to a tune a bit ago An instrumental track guitar,drums and amazing skills It simply talkes to you. A sublime Subliminal Luminescent and transcendent track that reaches down and grabs your shaking soul and lifts you up. Its a deep language that you understand on more than a simple...
  2. William Garza

    Because you were there

    Dont question the why.. The reasons are a million or more than the stars in the sky Its simply you were needed"there" at that point in time and place Fate and destiny Shrug and sigh Whats it all for ??? Well? The time was nigh and you followed like Winter Geese and the magnet in your head...
  3. William Garza

    Spanish language on Caminos outside of Spain

    Just idle tboughts Wondering if in France and other surrounding countries that if there is an english barrier-s but not Spanish? Guessing the closer you get the better the outlook on that?
  4. William Garza

    The Spanish Mirror

    Are not the skies and the sea as lovers The sea reflects the stars and so the stars will glitter in love with their reflection Oh..no narcissus nor hubris between...betwixt Its mearely a natural progression A thousand kisses deep..reflective and meek Deeper than the mystique Loosing grip and...
  5. William Garza

    For all members

    Past,present and future Thanks for sharing your adventures! This forum will be a touchstone someday in the future ..where you had gone and how far, from where and when A Canterbery tales sort of snapshot in time. The tales of ...of.....?
  6. William Garza

    Go to where your name is written

    Go to where your name is written Go... Somewhere Else. Not some door Nor address But in your place among the stars Where the wild winds call your name The world knows your name Its the music in your head The beat in your heart The time in your steps... Where you will swirl around the floor...
  7. William Garza

    Did it make a difference

    Did it make a difference in your short term, long term and lifetime? Did it change your soul..or chain it forevermore to some dusty track in Spain Are you in the ever present because of it, or are you still back..there....
  8. William Garza

    Eclipses over Santiago

    Since a total eclipse is happening today about a little ways from here..i wondered and shure enough... https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@3109642
  9. William Garza

    The Idea of Camino

    I wonder how many,if any get caught up in the idea...or ideal of the Camino To be sure it captured my imagination and reinforced by videos and pictures. I am quick to seek and find the good in things. But Amidst all the opertunities..there would be walking, sweat,footsore ness Hard time sleeping...
  10. William Garza

    An interesting article about what Ancient pilgrims wore

  11. William Garza

    You've gone where i cant follow

    Always one step behind Its the road that you take all alone You stepped out the door And i wont follow no more We wached you fade in silence We watched you fade away The light in your eyes grown dim You fades so fast With no time to share We know you were loved You know that we cared But...
  12. William Garza


    Blind Faith Faith wont be blind, it merely sees that which is not true, and moves you toward the greater truth guarding you when your gone Its not giving something to believe in because thats not the truth The wind blows you west The push as real as the summer meadows kiss It will carry your...
  13. William Garza


    Some may walk to remember Some may walk to forget Some may walk to remember kindness Some may walk to forget regret Some may walk in grace Some may remember the fall and want to erase the trace Some will walk in kindness Some will walk in place, a never ending coil, an never ending toil,the...
  14. William Garza

    Cold walk

    I wonder how things would have been during midieval times for cold pilgrimages We have ECWG that rivals space suit technologies V. Wool,fur and plant fiber tech. I would like to imagine my distant ancestors from NE Spain..ish area would have have an irresistable pull westward..and being my...
  15. William Garza


    Sweet wine of sleep Deep and full of promise,forgetfullness and longing for intoxication from the river lethe One to cut the ties of wakefull attachement One to weigh the day One to whisper the deep dreams The Fates call for sleep... Where will I find myself tonite Some far off day Some far...
  16. William Garza

    What if they just kept on walking?

    Ide like to imagine some pilgrim took to the Way..went out the door and never looked back and.... Just kept going. Kinda like that Gump fellow. Reached the "end" of that road, turned and went another way and somewhere... Out there... One day you meet eyes with a raisin of a Peregrino and...
  17. William Garza


    Seemingly a blink in the eyes of the universe... Where the lives of sun,moon and aeons are breathless sighs..endless finite lives. One blink and then goodbye milky way as she turns into Andromeda Regis a stellar collision among the others 5 billion years and and a new constant born. All the...
  18. William Garza

    Is it for the wild places of the heart

    That i would wonder forever with burning wanderlust. To be away..somewhere in time,space and place to satisfy some deep and abiding hunger..hunger, such a small word..ravenous and unending...burning..needful as the ground under snow awaiting sunlight. To hold nothing beside me all the while but...
  19. William Garza

    Cats on the Camino

    Was walking a local park trail and there were many cats...many cats that i needed to pet. If there are Cats on the Camino then it may take a while to complete... One cannot simply pass by a cat and not pssp pssp and pet it. Carry on!
  20. William Garza

    A culture of Pilgrimages - Japan

    You guys are way ahead in this knowledge. Japanese Ways concurrent with the Camino https://www.nippon.com/en/news/l00309/

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