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  1. Pilgrim 122

    Accommodation list for a variant of VF del Sud

    Hi , I walked from Rome to Monte Sant'Angelo a couple of years ago, I mostly stayed in places I found on Booking.com but there was a lovely pilgrim accomodation in Buonalbergo, Casa del Pellegrino ( telephone +39 3772448073) the owner lived next door and was so kind to me . I stayed at the...
  2. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    Thanks for doing this write up I've enjoyed following you. I look forward to the next stage.
  3. Pilgrim 122

    Detailed Planning for Viejo/Olvidado from Pamplona

    Thanks for this, it will be a great help. I'm particularly interested in the churches with medieval frescoes so am very excited about the two near Salvatierra-Agurain.
  4. Pilgrim 122

    Detailed Planning for Viejo/Olvidado from Pamplona

    I really love Romanesque churches especially those with frescoes. I know a lot of planning has been done on this forum, I wonder if anyone has made a list of Romanesque churches that are on the viejo? Should I start a new thread for this information?
  5. Pilgrim 122

    Detailed Planning for Viejo/Olvidado from Pamplona

    Thanks for this information I will be walking on this part of the viejo in October and definitely want to visit the churches at Alaiza and Gazeo. I planned to have a rest day in Vitoria-Gastiez but will take it in Salvatierra-Agurain instead. I will have to take a taxi but will check if there is...
  6. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    I imagine it must be a bit tiresome saying Buen Camino with so many pilgrims coming the other way. When I set out from Rome I quite enjoyed meeting the pilgrims going the 'right' way and amused myself by counting them. I think the most was 20 in a day so no comparison! The further along the CF...
  7. Pilgrim 122

    Breaking up the long days

    Hi I also walked this route some years ago (2013). I didn't have a smartphone then so no gpx tracks or app. I used the Cicerone Guide (Alison Raju) I think the Dave Whiston guide is an update of this. I also had Miam Miam DoDo which was very useful in the planning. It was a beautiful walk I...
  8. Pilgrim 122

    Need some new route advice

    How about La Voie de Rocamadour in France it's about 260km from Bénévent-l'Abbaye to Rocamadour, a beautiful sanctuary to Our Lady built into the rocks. I did it in 2017 and don't recall it being particularly challenging. Lots of nice little French towns to stay in and I had no problem finding...
  9. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    That would be great. What you have written on this thread is really quite thorough, thank you for taking the time and trouble to describe it. It seems a very useful detour away from the CF for those who are looking for an alternative.
  10. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    I'm planning to take the via Kunig, probably next year , this is really useful thank you.
  11. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    About how many days will you be away for on each section of the pilgrimage.? I am doing about 3 weeks at a time and I wondered if that was similar to you or if you were away for longer each time.
  12. Pilgrim 122

    Calendar OCTOBER 2024 Start – Check in here!

    October 1st. Jaca ( Aragones - Viejo) ✅
  13. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    I hope you are feeling better now .
  14. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Santiago to Rome Part 1

    This is a great pilgrimage! I am doing the reverse, walking from Rome to Santiago. I have got as far as Jaca. I really wish I'd thought of this route and taking the ferry Barcelona to Genoa. Its very satisfying following the routes of medieval pilgrims, and I would probably have arrived at...
  15. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Oloron-Sainte-Marie to Santiago

    Thank you very much for your summary, I really appreciated your live from posts on the section in France as I was a few days behind you. I am doing the rest of the Aragones in the autumn so this is really helpful. Wishing you all the best whatever you decide next.
  16. Pilgrim 122

    Camino fatigue?

    Thank you Luka for your honest and refreshing post. I have been walking caminos in France, Italy and Spain since 2012 and my enthusiasm has gradually worn away. The initial excitement of my first Camino is remembered fondly and I have many other wonderful memories from all the places I have...
  17. Pilgrim 122

    Your most valuable stamp

    Last October I was on the Menton - Arles section and was feeling really fed up with my pilgrimage from Rome and considering making that section my last. I took a small detour to the sanctuary Notre Dame des Graces in Cotignac and the next day walked to the nearby sanctuary to St Joseph. They...
  18. Pilgrim 122


    Good idea, I took a rest day there myself. In fact I left my backpack at the hotel in Potes while I walked to the monastery of Santo Toribio . I got a sello and a certificate of completing the camino in the gift shop there. The Camno Lebaniego was a detour I took from the Camino Norte . On the...
  19. Pilgrim 122


    I walked this route a few years ago, 2016. If you have time (and you like that sort of thing) there is an excellent museum in Potes in the torre del infantado, a medieval building in the centre of the town with an exhibition on the life and works of Beatus de Lebaniego which I thought was...
  20. Pilgrim 122

    LIVE from the Camino Chrissy on the Camino Sanabrés

    Congratulations for making it to Santiago! I'm so glad your knee held out. Thanks for all your updates it's always a pleasure to read them.

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