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Camino Le Puy


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Have you walked the Le Puy to SJPP? I’m curious—how many days did it take you? Did you take any rest days along the way? After that, did you continue on the Camino Frances? If so, how many days did the entire journey of over 1600 kilometers take you, including rest days?

If you flew in from the USA, which city did you arrive in, and where did you fly home from?
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Hello, I walked 2017 from Konstanz to Porto. Via Jacobi, Via Gebenensis, Via Podiensies, one part GR10, then Camino del Norte to SdC and then Muxia, Fisterra and down to Porto. 3'000km four months and only one resting day at SdC. From Le Puy SJPP I did spend 34 days but this includes 3 days to Rocamadour and 5 days through the Vallée du le Célé. When I have short days with less than 20km it's like a resting day for me, but this depends on your fitness.
Hello, I walked 2017 from Konstanz to Porto. Via Jacobi, Via Gebenensis, Via Podiensies, one part GR10, then Camino del Norte to SdC and then Muxia, Fisterra and down to Porto. 3'000km four months and only one resting day at SdC. From Le Puy SJPP I did spend 34 days but this includes 3 days to Rocamadour and 5 days through the Vallée du le Célé. When I have short days with less than 20km it's like a resting day for me, but this depends on your fitness.
Have you walked the Le Puy to SJPP? I’m curious—how many days did it take you? Did you take any rest days along the way? After that, did you continue on the Camino Frances? If so, how many days did the entire journey of over 1600 kilometers take you, including rest days?

If you flew in from the USA, which city did you arrive in, and where did you fly home from?
I have plans next year for the Le Puy as well. My plan was to fly into Paris then train or bus it to Le Puy. I think negotiating the accommodations will be a challenge as I don't speak French. And keeping my provisions full as i hear the stores are further apart and closed on consecutive days. I was planning on flying home from Madrid.
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Have you walked the Le Puy to SJPP? I’m curious—how many days did it take you? Did you take any rest days along the way? After that, did you continue on the Camino Frances? If so, how many days did the entire journey of over 1600 kilometers take you, including rest days?

If you flew in from the USA, which city did you arrive in, and where did you fly home from?
My wife and I took 35 days, including one rest day in Figeac (to see Rocamadur), to go from Le Puy tò SJPDP.

From US, we fly to Paris CDG, and got the TGV train directly from the airport to Lyon. From Lyon we took a local train to Le Puy. Only other realistic possibility would be to fly to Lyon (if you can get a flight to there from the US) and then continue by train to Le Puy.

On the way home, local train from SJPDP to Bayonne, thence by TGV train to Paris, thence home to US.

You could also possibly get a flight home from Biarritz airport.
My wife and I took 35 days, including one rest day in Figeac (to see Rocamadur), to go from Le Puy tò SJPDP.

From US, we fly to Paris CDG, and got the TGV train directly from the airport to Lyon. From Lyon we took a local train to Le Puy. Only other realistic possibility would be to fly to Lyon (if you can get a flight to there from the US) and then continue by train to Le Puy.

On the way home, local train from SJPDP to Bayonne, thence by TGV train to Paris, thence home to US.

You could also possibly get a flight home from Biarritz airport.
As of today, I’m considering walking to Finisterre.

Thanks for the information!
My daughter (mid 20s) and I (mid 50s) walked Camino Le Puy in July. It took us 30 days, no rest days. We had some extra time in Le Puy and also in SJPDP. Both of us really really loved this route. The last kilometres before SJPDP were terrible. We walked with such heavy hearts because we knew it was about to end. Had it been possible we would have loved to continue even if we have walked the Camino Frances before. If you only can go ahead and walk all the way!
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I have plans next year for the Le Puy as well. My plan was to fly into Paris then train or bus it to Le Puy. I think negotiating the accommodations will be a challenge as I don't speak French. And keeping my provisions full as i hear the stores are further apart and closed on consecutive days. I was planning on flying home from Madrid.
I only walked from Le Puy to Figeac and then took bus and two trains to SJPP 😂 to continue to Santiago … and yes it takes I bit of organising. Google translate and email was my best friend for booking ahead. I found this Camino more challenging (language, terrain and services) but that’s just me. The scenery is beautiful and I would like to go back for another shot. There is a dedicated Facebook page with lots of info and I had the Cicero guide although the French guide Miam Dodo (?) is excellent. I flew in to Paris (three trains to Le Puy - didn’t know there was a direct train from the airport to Lyon) and home from Madrid.
Edit - I met 5 people in SJPP who had started in Le Puy and were heading for Santiago 👏
It took me 5 years from Le Puy to SJpdlp, at 150 km at a time, but I loved every minute of it. I never intended to go to Santiago but when I got to the Pyrenees I thought I might as well cross over them and see what was on the other side. The first time I did that it was raining heavily with low cloud and I couldn't see anything so I went back some months later in brilliant sunshine and carried on to Pamplona. After that I thought I might as well carry on and I eventually got to Santiago. I wonder if I can claim a prize as the slowest Pilgrim ever?
FYI - in 2022 I walked from Le Puy to Moissac in 22 days, no rest days. Then in 2023 I finished from Moissac to SJPP in 16 days, no rest days, but generally shorter days for the second half. Accommodation was a problem in 2022, so we booked in advance for 2023. In 2019 I completed the Camino Francés in 32 days, no rest days, and just a few longer days in there of 30+ kms. No advanced bookings on the CF. I speak some Spanish, but I am fluent in French, and that really contributed to an enhanced enjoyment of the VP through southern France. I have to say I preferred the gite accommodations to the albergue accommodations, but in
both cases the breakfasts are pretty bleah for the most part. I hope this helps.
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I am planning on Geneva to Le Puy to SJPDP starting April 2025, I think it will take me about 50 days, including a rest day in Le Puy. Hope I'm not being too ambitious! I've been thinking about how I get there from US (fly to Geneva of course) and return (maybe a day in Bayonne or Biarritz from SJPDP, then to Paris on TGV...)

I too am a little concerned about locating food on some parts of the trip, especially on days when everything is shut down in some of the smaller towns (Sundays/Mondays), and especially Easter Sunday. I do speak French, so I'm hoping conversations along the way will help me figure out where I need to stock up on supplies in advance.

A couple of French pilgrims I met on my first Camino taught me the fine art of "le picnic" - a small baguette, a can of tuna and a tomato (the last gently tucked in at the top of your pack), that plus a Swiss Army knife, voila, un sandwich! Before this culinary miracle, I found myself completely bewildered by the grocery stores, but that trick worked well, hope I can replicate.... I also carry a couple of packs of jerky, just in case....
I walked Le Puy to Pamplona 6 years ago no rest days in 30 days. I managed with school girl french. I asked the gite managers to phone for the next night accommodation plus used tourist bureaus as well. The people in the tourist bureaus spoke English. It comes in handy to have an emergency meal in your backpack as I was caught out a few times near to SJPP where I didn't expect it.
I walked Le Puy to Pamplona 6 years ago no rest days in 30 days. I managed with school girl french. I asked the gite managers to phone for the next night accommodation plus used tourist bureaus as well. The people in the tourist bureaus spoke English. It comes in handy to have an emergency meal in your backpack as I was caught out a few times near to SJPP where I didn't expect it.
Thanks! Helpful to know! Did you love it?
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I've walked from Le Puy twice, both times continued on the Francés to Finisterre.

I think it took ~ 2 months (or maybe a bit more) for me.

I take rest days whenever I feel like it / I need them, but I prefer walking short days for rest, instead of "zero days".

In '17 I think I had two rest days (zero days) from Le Puy - Finisterre, one in France, one in Santiago.

In '22 I had over a week of rest once because of an injury, and three days because of covid, plus several short days and bus / train / taxi days for the same reason.

You can't really plan ahead for that.

I'd say, include at least one week more than you think you'll need, or a bit more. If you're faster, you can always add more sightseeing days wherever you want, or enjoy the beach in Finisterre a bit longer :-)
I arrived in Le Puy on August 16, and walked into Santiago on October 23. That's 68 days. I didn't take many rest days, but I'd suggest one every 8-10 days.

I originally planned on walking to Finistere, but decided not to. I did walk the first 10km out of Santiago to Ventoso, then the last 10km out to the lighthouse. I skipped the rest and went to Porto with one Camino friends instead. ;)

Note... after about 10 days, there are two variants for the route you'll want to consider... Rocamadour or Cele Valley. You can't do both. Each adds a few days. My recommendation... do the Cele Valley route but visit Rocamadour on a rest day from Figeac (there are buses available to get there).

Getting there... I flew into Lyon (via Paris) and stayed one night there. I then took a train the next morning to Le Puy (about 90 minutes with one easy connection). This gave me most of a full day to explore Le Puy which was perfect.

In case, it's helpful, I blogged my Camino daily. The first post from Le Puy can be found here.

(A whole listing of all the posts can be found at billonthecamino.com. That will give you a good idea of the stages. You'll need to scroll down a few times to the bottom. I walked the route in 2022.)
I did enjoy it. Only met frequently with about 6 english speaking pilgrims. I found the French retired pilgrims very friendly. I loved Conques. One gite I stayed had a family walking a short way with a donkey. Its necessary to book accommodation at gites a day in advance for them to provide dinner and breakfast. My simple French improved dramatically.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
I haven't read all of these comments, but I walked from Le Puy to Moissac in about a month with a few days in Paris at the start. My friends and I took two trains to get to Le Puy from Paris. Then a train back to Paris from Moissac. A wonderful Camino and we absolutely loved it. Rocamadour and the Cele Valley variants were outstanding additions...I may return!
I am planning on Geneva to Le Puy to SJPDP starting April 2025, I think it will take me about 50 days, including a rest day in Le Puy. Hope I'm not being too ambitious! I've been thinking about how I get there from US (fly to Geneva of course) and return (maybe a day in Bayonne or Biarritz from SJPDP, then to Paris on TGV...)

I too am a little concerned about locating food on some parts of the trip, especially on days when everything is shut down in some of the smaller towns (Sundays/Mondays), and especially Easter Sunday. I do speak French, so I'm hoping conversations along the way will help me figure out where I need to stock up on supplies in advance.

A couple of French pilgrims I met on my first Camino taught me the fine art of "le picnic" - a small baguette, a can of tuna and a tomato (the last gently tucked in at the top of your pack), that plus a Swiss Army knife, voila, un sandwich! Before this culinary miracle, I found myself completely bewildered by the grocery stores, but that trick worked well, hope I can replicate.... I also carry a couple of packs of jerky, just in case....
I have flown (returned to Chicago) from Madrid on Aer Lingus on my two Camino Frances walks. It's a 45-minute train ride to Madrid. I took an extra day to enjoy the city. I also used Aer Lingus on my flight to Spain. In Dublin, I transferred to a Ryan Air flight to Biarritz. Biarritz to Bayonne on bus. Bayonne to SJPP by train. My complete round trip cost me around $1200 last year, a little less than the year before.

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