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First time fears


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Sept 25 2024
Hello, this is my first time walking the Camino and I'm suddenly paralyzed with fear. I am starting in 2 days and have suddenly developed a huge fear of being lost. I arrived in Oviedo today and immediately got lost walking from bus station to my hotel. Tried
doing a preview walk to the Cathedral and got lost. I have previously done a lot of backpacking in the states, but during covid I stopped. I let myself get very out of shape, gaines 25lbs and developed plantars facsiitis, I haven't trained or prepared much and Im pushing 60. I just threw some stuff in a backpack and headed over. My motto has always been couch to summit and have enough money for a plane ticket home 😁. My hope in doing the walk is to find what I've lost, or to at least to know what I've. I'm normally a pretty chill, no worries type of person and someone used to getting lost (lol) so this new fear of being lost has thrown me. Any advice navigating the start of the route through Oviedo would be greatly appreciated.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Hopefully someone will be along shortly who knows that route, with some tips…

But do any of us get lost? Of course! Did we survive? Of course. You get better at navigation as you go….

Follow the arrows, follow other Pilgrims, ask people…. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, I’m sure you can say “Camino” in a questioning tone…

I’m sure once you get your first day completed you’ll wonder what all the fear was about?
Hi Maraujo, we've done the primitivo twice, including just a few months ago. The way is well marked starting at the cathedral. Look for brass markers on the ground and yellow arrows painted on telephone poles, light poles, on the curb, sides of buildings and more. They're there I can assure you.

Another option would be to take a taxi to Parque Camino de Santiago at the edge of Oviedo. There's a camino plinth here that makes it really easy to follow the trail out of town.

Can you get lost? Sure, but someone will help you get back on the trail. I know of people who have walked miles off the camino and a nice local drove them back to the camino. The markers are there and if you're paying attention, you won't miss them. It's a really nice walk to Grado. Plus, you won't be alone, there's others that you can follow (just don't leave it all to them, they might be lost too! :) )

Being nervous is normal. I would be surprised if you were not. We've done five and are still nervous at the start. Remember, it's just a walk. Take a rest if you get nervous. Have a beer/wine. Watch the clouds go by. Talk with someone. Breathe deeply in, slowly out and just go.

The nervousness might just smooth itself out once you're out there walking.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Maybe this can be of help? It'll get you on the right road out of town. Just find the Parque de San Francisco and just a few blocks away is the camino. You have to walk past the Decathalon, so ask someone for directions from the Parque to Decathalon, then continue on past the Decatalon roughly two blocks.


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I use a map app (OSMand) with the route marked on my phone. I don't worry about getting lost AND it also allows me to improvise detours that go off the official route. Even better, once you have downloaded the map of the area you're in, you don't need to be connected to wifi or data to use the map!

Once you install the app, download the regional maps for Galicia and Asturias from within the app.

Now use the web browser on your phone to download gpx route from the Dutch camino association. (Scroll down until you find the table for Spain.)

Once you have the gpx route on your phone, you can display it over your map from My Places -> Import Favourite.
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Buen Camino app for the Primitivo.
Download maps so that you can use them offline.
Put your phone in airplane mode.
Open the map in the app.
Note where you are ( blue dot)

If you think you're wandering off, open the map, and put yourself ( blue dot) back on.

Given your plantar problems, I'd suggest *not* walking full stages (between 22-25km) for the first few days. Take your time.

If you need to, make a reservation for the next night, then grab an envelope and 5 euro, call a luggage service, and have them deliver your pack the next day. The hospitalero may make calls for you, if you ask nicely.
Or lighten your pack.

Buen Camino.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Hello, this is my first time walking the Camino and I'm suddenly paralyzed with fear. I am starting in 2 days and have suddenly developed a huge fear of being lost. I arrived in Oviedo today and immediately got lost walking from bus station to my hotel. Tried
doing a preview walk to the Cathedral and got lost. I have previously done a lot of backpacking in the states, but during covid I stopped. I let myself get very out of shape, gaines 25lbs and developed plantars facsiitis, I haven't trained or prepared much and Im pushing 60. I just threw some stuff in a backpack and headed over. My motto has always been couch to summit and have enough money for a plane ticket home 😁. My hope in doing the walk is to find what I've lost, or to at least to know what I've. I'm normally a pretty chill, no worries type of person and someone used to getting lost (lol) so this new fear of being lost has thrown me. Any advice navigating the start of the route through Oviedo would be greatly appreciated.
61 yo old John here, started my Camino in late August , home now for a few days. Just start your walk is my suggestion….more will be revealed for you on what’s good, what’s not. Buen Camino
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Definitely download one of the apps that you can use (offline if needed) and you shouldn't have any problems route wise.

You sound like you've had a long journey, so perhaps your initially experience and thoughts are more due to tiredness. Use your two days to rest and recuperate and enjoy beautiful Oviedo, and I'm sure when you start walking all will be well. Buen Camino
What is the problem with being lost?

It sounds like you also managed to get yourself unlost or are you somehow still wandering around outside and posting things on your phone to the Internet?

I have had some of my best adventures and met some really nice people after thinking that I was lost.

In reality, I was just somewhere else than what I expected.

I have learned to enjoy these moments.

I hope that you can also learn to enjoy these moments ❤️
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
What is the problem with being lost?

It sounds like you also managed to get yourself unlost or are you somehow still wandering around outside and posting things on your phone to the Internet?

I have had some of my best adventures and met some really nice people after thinking that I was lost.

In reality, I was just somewhere else than what I expected.

I have learned to enjoy these moments.

I hope that you can also learn to enjoy these moments ❤️
Follow the arrows, follow other Pilgrims, ask people…. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, I’m sure you can say “Camino” in a questioning tone…

This "tactics" works effectively!
It was exactly what I did when I got lost getting out of Leon in particular. On a stretch of 4 km or so I didn't see a single pilgrim and a few locals at 7:30 am.
Hello, this is my first time walking the Camino and I'm suddenly paralyzed with fear. I am starting in 2 days and have suddenly developed a huge fear of being lost. I arrived in Oviedo today and immediately got lost walking from bus station to my hotel. Tried
doing a preview walk to the Cathedral and got lost. I have previously done a lot of backpacking in the states, but during covid I stopped. I let myself get very out of shape, gaines 25lbs and developed plantars facsiitis, I haven't trained or prepared much and Im pushing 60. I just threw some stuff in a backpack and headed over. My motto has always been couch to summit and have enough money for a plane ticket home 😁. My hope in doing the walk is to find what I've lost, or to at least to know what I've. I'm normally a pretty chill, no worries type of person and someone used to getting lost (lol) so this new fear of being lost has thrown me. Any advice navigating the start of the route through Oviedo would be greatly appreciated.
You will find the answer inside, not outside; plus, recommend asking 'Him' instead of lesser beings. 'He,' after all, has a five-star rating. Humans? Don't even ask. And as for being lost, all humans are partially lost in life whether they admit it or not so, even though I mentioned not seeking outside help, I will break my rule and say to welcome being lost with open arms and as a life-long friend. You will grow immensely just by accepting, with heart, mind, body, and soul, any loss that comes your way. And remember, 'He' is open twenty four hours a day and no charge or subscription fee. Chuck
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hello, this is my first time walking the Camino and I'm suddenly paralyzed with fear. I am starting in 2 days and have suddenly developed a huge fear of being lost. I arrived in Oviedo today and immediately got lost walking from bus station to my hotel. Tried
doing a preview walk to the Cathedral and got lost. I have previously done a lot of backpacking in the states, but during covid I stopped. I let myself get very out of shape, gaines 25lbs and developed plantars facsiitis, I haven't trained or prepared much and Im pushing 60. I just threw some stuff in a backpack and headed over. My motto has always been couch to summit and have enough money for a plane ticket home 😁. My hope in doing the walk is to find what I've lost, or to at least to know what I've. I'm normally a pretty chill, no worries type of person and someone used to getting lost (lol) so this new fear of being lost has thrown me. Any advice navigating the start of the route through Oviedo would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Peregrina 🙋‍♀️
First of all, stop and take a couple of deep breaths. Getting lost as you start is all part of the experience, you will get your bearings and when all else fails, stop and ask the locals or a passing pilgrim. As to the weight gained, you are not alone; you will do just fine and will be richer for the experience. As you finish, you will be planning your next Camino.

Wishing you a Buen Camino, Peregrina🙋‍♀️
What is the problem with being lost?

It sounds like you also managed to get yourself unlost or are you somehow still wandering around outside and posting things on your phone to the Internet?

I have had some of my best adventures and met some really nice people after thinking that I was lost.

In reality, I was just somewhere else than what I expected.

I have learned to enjoy these moments.

I hope that you can also learn to enjoy these moments ❤️
Great advice🙏
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Hello, this is my first time walking the Camino and I'm suddenly paralyzed with fear. I am starting in 2 days and have suddenly developed a huge fear of being lost. I arrived in Oviedo today and immediately got lost walking from bus station to my hotel. Tried
doing a preview walk to the Cathedral and got lost. I have previously done a lot of backpacking in the states, but during covid I stopped. I let myself get very out of shape, gaines 25lbs and developed plantars facsiitis, I haven't trained or prepared much and Im pushing 60. I just threw some stuff in a backpack and headed over. My motto has always been couch to summit and have enough money for a plane ticket home 😁. My hope in doing the walk is to find what I've lost, or to at least to know what I've. I'm normally a pretty chill, no worries type of person and someone used to getting lost (lol) so this new fear of being lost has thrown me. Any advice navigating the start of the route through Oviedo would be greatly appreciated.
So... hopefully you ARE "unlost" by now.... That said - all the suggestions above are good and solid.
Im just going to add that it is plain obvious you are practically hyperventilation because you got seized by fear! Well... break FREE! take deep breath! take a moment (sit down somewhere if need be) and collect your thoughts. Have a glass of water, or wine, or beer - do whatever it takes to simply calm down!
If you speak Spanish start asking nice folks who are near you - if you feel apprehensive of approaching males go fo a female...
Don't beat yourself over the head. You getting lost has nothing to do with you getting out of shape and putting on pounds during COVID - its all in the past and it matters not (ask yourself if you were in shape and skinny would you still get lost.... chances are therre IS a chance that the answer could be "yes").
We've all been there.... the initial jitters, getting stomach butterflies, getting lost (heck I got lost 3 times while walking - Pamplona was truly a DOOZIE - was walking totally opposite way and stubbornly ignoring everyone who was waving me to turn around... yeah right "I KNOW BETTER"!!!!), being outta shape and overweight (I was solidy 30 lbs over... lost about 15-20 lbs by the end) and being in our 60s (I turned 63 on my way to Finisterre).
So.... nothing new here- like I said, come down, clear your head and "start a-new". You are fine and nothing is wrong with you and you will do just fine! Have confidence in yourself (or at least in Winnie The Pooh!)

You GOT THIS Peregrina!

Good luck and Buen Camino
Gronze maps is your friend on the Camino. It works off line and a blue dot shows you, where you are.
When you feel uneasy og anxious, do some deep breathing, focus on your breath.
Everything will be fine, you will meet good people walking the Camino like you.
Buen Camino
A selection of Camino Jewellery
As suggested above, download An excellent app with easy to follow maps. Also is a great resource.
If you have time take it slow in the beginning. I am starting next week. I’ve done the Primitivo before. It is well marked. It’s a beautiful camino. It is challenging around stage 5 -9, with big hills. I will be walking shorter stages until Tineo, or maybe through the whole Camino. I do have plenty of time. It’s an extraordinary Camino. Take it slow you can do it. Also carry food with you.
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