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    • GingerRob
      Well here we are and the motivation is " No time is as good as the present " just need to plan the stages a bit better, enough water, enough electrolytes , calories and sunscreen, look after the trotters and all should be good in theory 😀
    • GingerRob
      This helps me decide to leave from Xàtiva on a Saturday and not Sunday in the fall, so thanks for this info! Sorry it was a rough day. Some Camino days are better than others. Where are you staying in Moixent?
    • GingerRob
      The asphalt ENDS sooon after Moixent! Ánimo!
    • GingerRob
      GingerRob reacted to LTfit's post in the thread LIVE from the Camino Camino De Levant with Like Like.
      The heat and asphalt are tough! I walked from Valencia to Toledo exactly 10 years ago, in fact Facebook reminded me with Fotos from stage 1. I was so happy to get rid of the asphalt by dag 3.5! I walked with a Camino friend and he swore he would...
    • GingerRob
      Well I am very excited! I am planning to start the Levante on 02 September and apart from some excellent information from a couple of members who have walked in previous years ( thankyou @peregrina2000) there is not much current information to be...
    • GingerRob
      Hi, Jo and Glen, Wow, it would be a real luxury to have two “live” threads from the Levante at once. I had a great paella in the casino restaurant in Algemesí — there was a big family celebration in the afternoon and they just added me to the...
    • GingerRob
      This didn't quite pan out like I expected but then I guess one should leave all expectations behind on the CS. The plan was to leave Xativa as early as possible and make it into Moixent early pm, well that went pear shaped quickly and I ended up...
    • GingerRob
      Thank you and yes there will updates as I go, the solitude on the road is meaningful, could do with a few more shady trees but then that is the Camino I guess, so far it has been empty Albergues which is probably not the case up North on The...
    • GingerRob
      Thank Good Idea, Valencia to Algamas was a bit hectic for a first stage, early start helped alot as the heat has set in, today I leave for Hi Joe and Glen,Valencia to Algamesi was a challenging first stage but an early start sort of helped with...
    • GingerRob
      Buen camino and welcome, @GingerRob. I walked the Levante about ten years ago and met two other pilgrims on Day 4. We walked into Santiago together weeks later. I think we met three French pilgrims one day and a couple of bicigrinos another but...
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