This is a good, very multi-purpose product for use on hands, feet, lips, hair, etc.
Note that it is way cheaper in the store, about $4, but may only be available seasonally, winter being dry skin season. It doesn’t melt or leak out of the tin. Two ounces is a good size to carry around. No petroleum-based ingredients.
As for travel deodorant, for some time now I have been doing this:
I use up a stick of my favorite deodorant.
I use a tool of some sort (pen knife, chop stick, etc.) to extract the remnants out of the base of the stick holder. There is a lot left in there. You can also just cut chunks off the stick.
I put the scrapings in a very small plastic jar. REI sells some naglene jars or you could easily repurpose something. I have been using an old film canister.
Now for the tricky part … I very carefully heat it in a microwave for maybe about 5-10 seconds. I stand there and shut it off almost as soon as it starts. This melts it just enough so it forms a solid mass.
I apply it with my finger tips. I experimented with adding a little unscented lotion to make it a bit softer, but found that isn’t really necessary. It makes a very compact, zero-cost travel deodorant. I don’t use as much without a stick smearing it all over. Just a little dab will do. A film canister sized jar (with remnants from several sticks) will last me for a month of travel. ymmv.