I have been diligently emptying the contents of several closets in my house that are crammed with all sorts of junk. It is tedious, but every now and then there is a moment of pleasure.
Today, way back in a corner, there was a dusty cardboard tube, sent from Spain, with a date from some illegible year in the 1980s. Inside was a national tourism office poster highlighting the Camino. Do any of you other old-timers remember the days when the Spanish Tourist Office would send you gorgeous posters for decorating your college dorm rooms? What a treat to come across this treasure.
Today, way back in a corner, there was a dusty cardboard tube, sent from Spain, with a date from some illegible year in the 1980s. Inside was a national tourism office poster highlighting the Camino. Do any of you other old-timers remember the days when the Spanish Tourist Office would send you gorgeous posters for decorating your college dorm rooms? What a treat to come across this treasure.