The Camino is a metaphor for life, it's not perfect but we're all trying to become better versions of ourselves and some of us need to carry more or less and walk, bike, bus wherever we need to, however we please, to get to wherever we end up. Judge away if it serves you and read with caution if your adverse to Pilgrims who carry the weight on their shoulders. I do it because:
I'm on a pilgrimage and expect there to be a degree of physical discomfort until body adapts, you build core strength and you realise that anything is possible.
After weeks carrying my pack I feel stronger, the pack and it's contents conform to my body shape and I become connected with it, I even name it Terry and develop an attachment in some ways like my trusty Merrell shoes and Tilley hat
When walking with others who are carrying their bags there's a sense of comradeship and it's interesting to observe the different pack sizes and memrobilia and patches that adorn the exterior including the curious object's that hang from it.
Carrying a pack permits the opportunity to dry out clothes attached to the exterior
Carrying a pack can be used as a prop to sit on or rest head against when stopping for rest.
Carrying all your possessions gives you a sense of achievement, independence and self sufficiency.
I save on the cost of paying for the service which means more cafe con leche and pay it forward.
If I meet someone else or get a warm fuzzy feeling about a place I stop at en-route I can park up for the night and be in the moment.
If I'm exhausted or pick up a potential injury en-route I listen to my body and rest up until confident to continue walk.
I don't have to worry about my bag getting lost or damaged in transit.
I walked with others who forward their bags only to find at the end of a long days hike the bag wasn't left off were it was expected creating unnecessary stress, anxiety and labour intensive search around all Albergue, bars, and possible buildings that was left at. Not to mention phonecalls and emails as a result.
Carrying all you need with you means you can adapt your layer's or clothing to changing environments.
Carrying all you need means that if there is occasion that Albergue is overbooked and it's late in the day it's easier to improvise and prepare to sleep under the stars or in alternative shelters.
Carrying all you need means there is opportunity to give away item's to others more in need.
Carrying all you need means that should the opportunity to pickup something along the way there's room in the pack to accommodate for provisions etc.
I'm open to the lesson that you carry or end up carrying what you need not want you want.
I can achieve a state of flow when my body, mind, feet, back, pack, shoes and the trail and connection with nature become one, my basic needs are taken care of and my thoughts can focus on nothing but being in the moment and feeling free.
The only pack I leave behind every morning is the emotional pack I take with me and no one would want to carry that and I couldn't afford to pay for it.
I understand that others do it there way and I respect that but just some alternative reason's why I personally do it my way and when I can't I'll transfer my bag, walk as far as I can, bus or taxi to my Albergue and rest easy wherever I end up in the knowledge I did it my Way