The confluence of a couple of events has led to some nice walks here in the Boston area.
The last three days have been setting record warm temperatures, some longstanding. The outdoor temperatures have exceeded the setting on the indoor thermostat. Tee-shirt weather. Flowers actually
blooming in my yard.
Last week on another thread I mentioned that
I've assembled a number of local trails, a few rural roads and some suburban streets into a 20+ mile walk from one train station to another with Thoreau sites all along it. An unfinished project is publishing this to the web.
and in a PM to
@Viranani I told her about a book that I've wanted to read since it was published in 1995,
Walking Towards Walden: A Pilgrimage in Search of Place by John Hanson Mitchell. Well I finally borrowed and read the book and yesterday took the dog on a portion of my walk that intersected with Mitchell's walk and we visited a spot new to me, the pond where Thoreau's father had a sawmill. I'm going to reroute my walk to go past there.
BTW, Mitchell had a number of mentions of the
Camino de Santiago in his book and remember this was published in 1995. In fact, other than a one page epilog where he says what he and his companions were up to between their walk and the books publication this is the paragraph with which he ends his book:
It is said that medieval pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela, after so many weeks and months of travel, sometimes were unable to stop themselves from walking and continued on to Finisterre, “land's end,” the westernmost point of Europe. In the Middle Ages the spot marked the edge of the known world.