I find it interesting (mind you, not for better or for worse, just interesting) how so many of us feel (a bit) more entitled just because we have walked further, or longer, or have slept with less comfort.
In any case, I can understand the concern by those of us that love the Camino regarding pilgrim numbers (ie. more pilgrims means more toilet paper in the bushes, and used, ugh!), specially on the last 112 km of the CF; however, on the other hand, I can understand the Chapter's response as well as this could lead to exclusion and/or a drop in pilgrim numbers.
I am assuming the answer lies somewhere in between and would involve all parties involved, the Church/Chapter by promoting the Catholic and religious meaning of the Camino for those that are on a pilgrimage, the Xunta de Galicia by doing their part regarding services along the way (arguably, they are not), and us pilgrims by not forgetting that we are just guests passing through and that we are really not entitled to anything (not even the bushes) but a bed at the albergue municipal if we have our Credencial de Peregrino and a Compostela if we complete the 100 km.