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Does Anyone Have Advice on Protecting Ourselves from BedBugs whilst on the Camino?

Dan the Man

Active Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Camino Frances, 2015, 2017, 2019
I have read many ways to do it, all are different.
Does anyone know of the best way to tackle bed bugs?
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I have read many ways to do it, all are different.
Does anyone know of the best way to tackle bed bugs?
This really has been covered thoroughly, whether you want opinions or facts. There are hundreds of favourite methods and everyone who uses them and does not get bitten thinks their method worked. That is why the threads have so many ideas. If you do some research I think you'll find the facts are:
  • Some insecticides are known to kill them on direct contact.
  • Some insecticides might repel them but there is little scientific evidence.
  • Many people do not react to their bites and therefore never realize they've been bitten.
  • They are not uncommon on the Camino but most people seem to escape unbitten.
  • Heat kills them at all stages; I think you need about 20 minutes at 55 degrees Celsius.
  • Cold kills them but you need longer (many days at least) at freezer temperature (-15 C)
  • The most important thing is to not bring them home.
I have encountered them on 2 out of 2 caminos. I'll be back, fully expecting to encounter them again. My strategies are: simple packing for easy decontamination, bed sheet treated with permethrin, garbage bag to enclose my pack at night, bag to isolate my sleeping stuff in the day, synthetic sleeping bag that is easily washed and dried, and thorough heat treatment at the end.
Hi Dan - single fitted sheet treated with permethrin is Simply the Best.You can lay yourself down at the end of the day and sleep soundly - o yeah.
Buen Camino - kiwiDave
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I have read many ways to do it, all are different.
Does anyone know of the best way to tackle bed bugs?
If you have read MANY ways and still searching for the BEST one I guess it's quite obvious that each has its own BEST way to tackle with those creepers. I doubt this will result successfuly ;)
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
We sprayed all of our items with spray we bought off the internet and had no problems
Tackle is not the right term, difficult as they are are they are way to tiny to grab around the mid section. I have often quoted that if you don't shower they don't bother you but then that is also way to insure pilgrims don't bother you either. Never been bitten in 4 years, lucky me?
Please don't spray my sleeping environment with your offensive bug bombs!!!
Like "C clearly", I've also encountered them two out of two Caminos. Luckily I do not react (allergically) to them, but I have seen up close and personal those that do. It is AWFUL and can ruin the experience of walking. My next walk I will treat my gear before I go, as I fully expect to be exposed to them again.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Bedbugs.... I've been very doing some research on them. I really hope people don't spray stuff in the sleeping area. I would be very sad if they did. What I found out is that bedbugs do not like Teatree oil or lavender oil. So that is my plan. And it is also better for the environment. I plan to spray my backpack and liner before I go with tea tree oil and lavender oil. Buen Camino and NO bed bugs
Bedbugs.... I've been very doing some research on them. I really hope people don't spray stuff in the sleeping area. I would be very sad if they did. What I found out is that bedbugs do not like Teatree oil or lavender oil. So that is my plan. And it is also better for the environment. I plan to spray my backpack and liner before I go with tea tree oil and lavender oil. Buen Camino and NO bed bugs
The product we used, you had to spray your items and leave to dry, so is best to apply before you travel
I have just this afternoon , reluctantly, bought a treated sheet ...
I never even thought about them on my 1st Camino..(Oh the blissful ignorance of newbies!). But I did see people with bites ... Still didn't worry me.
On the 2nd, though, right at the end (Monte de Gozo or Santiago), I was bitten and unfortunately reacted badly ...
Last year on my 3rd pilgrimage, no other pilgrims, so didn't think it was an issue. (It wasn't).
This year, VdlP, and sadly...I worry! Hence the anti-bug sheet to cover the mattress. I may also purchase (or bring) a mosquito spray and do what I remember Annie Santiago recommended doing... To see if any little critters are around...and if they are, leave!
I think it's only an issue if you react badly to them, unfortunately I now know I do! And also you have to make sure you don't bring them home with you. Knowing I had been infested, I put some of my stuff that couldn't be boiled to death in the washing-machine in the freezer and yes, I found some of them there, dead, thank goodness.
Shiver :confused:
Buen camino :)
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I have read many ways to do it, all are different.
Does anyone know of the best way to tackle bed bugs?
Most people take a sleeping bag liner or a bed liner. SeaToSummit makes both, a bag liner that fits into a 'mummy' style sleeping bag or a travel liner that is more rectangular in shape. Since you take a liner, might as well take one that is bug repellant.

SeaToSummit Coolmax sleeping liner with Insect Shield >>>®+Adaptor+Traveller+Liner+-+Insect+Shield®&o1=0&o2=0&o3=128
The power of prayer apparently works. I have no doubt bed bugs are the the "foul fiends" referred to by John Bunyan. Do not let them daunt your spirit, pilgrim!
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Dan, if this is something that really worries you, I suggest that you:
1. Follow some or all of the good advice above (and in other threads)
2. Buy a tube of cuatroderm cream in a Spanish farmacia. If you get bitten, this is the stuff that you need. Oral antihistamines also help (bring them from home or buy them in Spain).

No doubt you've noticed that many of those who were bitten still decided to return to the Camino! It's not pleasant, but it's also not a disaster.

Buen Camino :)
Two Caminos, multiple albergues of all varieties and zero bedbug bites and zero stories of bedbug bites from other pilgrims in the albergues I stayed in (you see a lot of fellow pilgrims multiple times along the Camino and if there was theft, drama or something like bedbugs in the albergue where you stayed you heard about it). I didn't give them much thought on either Camino.
Before I stayed in an albergue I gave a look around for cleanliness and especially the condition and type of mattresses and beds. I believe it does make a difference and bedbugs thrive in the dirtier albergues. They leave traces of their presence on baseboards and on mattresses and beds. If I thought the albergue didn't look clean enough, I was out of there and found a different one to stay in. The one I left can keep the five euros I dropped.
Private rooms, daily bag transfers, 24/7 support, & more. Save now during our sale!
We sprayed all of our items with spray we bought off the internet and had no problems.

Hello, bought it off Amazon, but cannot see brand we bought, look for one that's suitable for clothes/bedding, you had to spray everything and leave it to dry, we did this before we left U.K
We also bought Jungle Formula maximum insect repellent ( roll on ) and put put this on around wrists, ankles, neck before going to bed, or when we needed to start walking early, we went past a few rivers !
Have a great time
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
I have posted this question in another thread, but realise this may be the more appropriate place
Thank you all again for this invaluable advice.
There is one thing that I do have to ask about and that's the dreaded bedbugs. I'm afraid my other half suffers from genuine OCD (with contamination fears) which is partly one of the reasons for us attempting the pilgrimage, however, unfortunately after reading some of the reports on here and other internet resources about the problems of bedbugs on this section of the Camino,and they are now beginning to have second thoughts about going!
It's not so much the issue of being bitten whilst there, it's the thought of bringing them home that's causing them anxiety, something which has been exacerbated by some of the posts and blogs about the measures that need to be taken with gear etc upon return home to UK, like leaving EVERYTHING in the garage in a plastic bag for a week etc, or just throwing everything away that can't be boil washed!
I need to be gently encouraging but also need some clear headed perspective here, so my questions are: does everyone who walks this last section of the Frances in summer take all these steps to prevent bringing the bugs home, is it really necessary to put EVERYTHING in a plastic bag in your garage for a week before boil washing etc, or is a little perspective needed here? You see we are planning to go on for afew days with friends in the south of Portugal after our Camino and all this might be a bit tricky to facilitate, (we'll also have some extra bags that we're hoping to leave at Ivar's and collect before going south, so would these also need that same treatment?)?
I realise that there are no definitive answers but I need to be able to try and reassure and encourage as well as be truthful as to the best way forward here. Many many thanks for any help in advance.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
If you choose to go with permethrin, spray both your sleeping bag liner AND your backpack (inside and out). The latter is to keep from inadvertently transporting the critters to the next albuergue. That is what we did and had no problems.

Buen Camino,
Jo Jo
@pvh there is no reason to take any precautions at all when you come home, unless you definitely have come into contact with bedbugs. After 7 camino trips between 2000 and 2012 I have never done anything other than unpack and throw my dirty clothes into a normal, cold, wash. No de-contaminating was necessary.

If you do encounter bedbugs then throwing everything into a hot air dryer for 30 minutes is all that is necessary.
My Camino last year was perfect. I did not have any foot issues/leg injuries. However, it was bed bug bites that slightly spoilt it for me. No, I did not get it in an Albergue but in a Hotel in Santiago. And this happened after doing the usual inspection for signs of infestation, etc and spraying the bed corners with permethrin solution.

The wonderful thing about Farmacias in Spain is that they dispense topical corticosteroids without prescription. So with that, I enjoyed the rest of my stay in SdC. I even had a chance to visit Muxia, Finisterre and the Coast of Death (on coach) with those 3 big itchy wheals on my arm. Did not worry me.

By the way I used a treated mesh-type sheet on my first week on the Camino (bought online from the UK) but had to ditch it after Burgos as I did not find it useful. If bedbugs attack, they will get you with or without treated bedsheet, IMO.

Decontamination process is the same as that of C Clearly's... and Kanga's suggestions.
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Many thanks for the reassuring responses, we were almost thinking of not going until maybe my other half has a bit more control of their ocd owing to some of the rather alarming reports on the interweb about the nature of the problem and what one must do to avoid them etc. Fortunately a bit of time and some calm and rational words have hopefully settled things down and allowed us to plan ahead, so again many thanks to all. Now just have to try and convince the children that walking 14 miles a day in summer is an attainable feat!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
No, just think of the great adventure you will all enjoy together
The simple truth is you can not protect yourself 100% against them whilst on the Camino, but you can avoid taking them home with you by thoroughly decontaminating all your gear on arrival at home. Buen Camino, SY
I have read many ways to do it, all are different.
Does anyone know of the best way to tackle bed bugs?

Dan the Man,

After all that advice you have been given so far, it only remains for me to say "pack a flamethrower just in case the other advice doesn't work"

Buen ( bite free) Camino
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hmm, Not once did I meet anyone that had problems. But I had chosen early spring to walk. I had followed weather patterns for an entire year so I could walk while it was cool or at least cool at night. Bed bugs simply don't exist were I live primarily due to cool weather & short summers. So the goal was to leave once the Pyranies were clear of snow or close to it. I figured the first week of April would be close. You just have to prepare for rain daily & snow going over mountains. Bottom line I ended up being blessed rained 4/35 days walking. But never assume that luck.
Just to add to the paranoia...what's to prevent those little buggers from dropping down from the bunk above?
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