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Questions from a soon-to-be Camino walker

Stephen Tran

New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Camino Frances June - July 18th, 2016
Hello everyone, my birthday is in May, so as a birthday present I'm buying a plane ticket to France to start at SJPDP, where my plan is to walk to Fisterra or Muxia. But I'm very new to traveling, I haven't even been on a plane since 6 years ago.

I'm wondering if I should leave in Mid-late May, or the beginning of June. I'm also wondering how many days should I give myself to get to Fisterra? I'd like to take time to enjoy the Camino and not rush as many others have posted and recommended. I heard you can access wifi + internet on the Camino, so perhaps I should buy a one way then another one way ticket while I'm on the Camino when I can estimate the time I'll get back?

And how does one get back? Perhaps take a bus or something back to the airport?

Would I be alright equipped with just an iPhone 5s camera? Haven't a clue about professional cameras tbough I'd purchase one and practice if someone here recommended me to.

I'm just trying to figure out all the details including what to pack etc so I can make a final decision and purchase a plane ticket by myself for the first time. Sorry for all the questions especially if its been said!

A selection of Camino Jewellery
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Hi Stephen,
You ask 'how does one get back'? Presumably from Fisterra or Muxia. There is a bus back to Santiago, it takes about
2 hours if I remember rightly. No doubt other people will give you the exact data .
I had only an iphone camera, but other people take all sorts of different equipment. I go for the lightest, not always the best.
You'll find all sorts of help here as to what to take, just go in the 'search' area, it's all there.
Well, from Dallas, I'd fly into Madrid unless you're set on seeing Paris.
I've done both, and to me, it's easier to catch a bus at the airport in Madrid that takes you to Pamplona.
Then you can rest a day or two in Pamplona and see the city, then either call Corazon Puro to pick you up and take you to SJPP (after spending a night there) or you can take a bus from Pamplona. That train ride from Paris is so long (for me) and I love resting and adjusting to the time change in Pamplona.
Also, if you do it this way, you see Pamplona, then when you begin walking you can stop "between stages" and miss the big wave of pilgrims a bit easier.
Just my opinion.

About when, I'd go early or mid May to beat a lot of school pilgrims and to beat the bedbug hatch.

About a camera, I took all my photos last year on my iPhone and they are just as good as the ones I took with my camera previous years.

Personally, I wouldn't take a professional camera or anything else I can't afford to lose.
I am flying to Paris and renting a car to drive around and see Normandy, then over to Ypres/Belgium to check out WW1 trench areas for about a week. I will be starting my Camino on the 18th or 19th of May flying from Paris down to Bairritz then taking a train over to SJPdP.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Easiest way and probably cheapest way to get to SJPdP from Dallas to to fly to Madrid, bus to Pamplona (bus station at airport terminal), and then catch a bus to SJPdP.
Mid to late May or June...both good times to start walking the Camino. Pretty much up to whatever time frame suits you best, or get's you the cheapest airline tickets. I suppose around 45 days would allow you to take your time from SJPdP and back to Madrid. I would get a round-trip ticket from Dallas.
Don't worry about bedbugs on the Camino and I certainly wouldn't schedule my Camino around their breeding, mating, or birthing cycles.....o_O. I've walked the Camino twice, June-August. Never was bitten by or even saw a bedbug. It's a non-issue as far as I'm concerned, but people on this forum love to discuss las chinches.
You can get back to Santiago from Muxia or Finisterre by bus. It's easy and cheap. There's an airport in Santiago and you can fly back to Madrid from there, or take a train or bus. Depending on your schedule and budget.
Lot's of wi-fi on the Camino. As far as cameras go, it depends on you. You enjoy taking lots of photos? Then invest in a small, lightweight digital camera. They are foolproof and require no skill to take good photos. If that's not what you like doing and only plan on occasional photos....use your iPhone. You don't need a professional setup unless it's something you like to do.
My thoughts in italics:

... I'm wondering if I should leave in Mid-late May, or the beginning of June. Either is fine, but I would prefer May because of less heat.

... I'm also wondering how many days should I give myself to get to Fisterra? Rule of thumb: 20 km/day, which allows for rest days and gives you a bit of leeway in case you need shorter days because of blisters. As the distance SJPDP to Fisterra is ~850km that means you should allow for 40-43 days.

.... I heard you can access wifi + internet on the Camino, so perhaps I should buy a one way then another one way ticket while I'm on the Camino when I can estimate the time I'll get back?Wifi is abundant on the Camino Frances, but booking early can save a lot of money. Also tickets tend to be cheaper when bought together (even with different airports for arrival/departure from Spain). Have a look at for a first overview.

... And how does one get back? Perhaps take a bus or something back to the airport?Yes, there are buses from Fiisterra/Muxia to Santiago.

... Would I be alright equipped with just an iPhone 5s camera? Haven't a clue about professional cameras tbough I'd purchase one and practice if someone here recommended me to. If you only want your photos for sharing online (Facebook, forum here ect) your iPhone camera is perfectly enough especially if you, as you wrote yourself, haven't a clue about professional photography. The best camera is always the one you have and know how to use!

Buen Camino! SY
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I'm wondering if I should leave in Mid-late May, or the beginning of June.
Earlier is better. You want to be reaching Santiago no late than mid-to-late June, because from then on Spanish schools break up for the summer and the whole of Galicia turns into a massive bunfight. The Camino is more enjoyable in cooler weather, with fewer people.
iPhone camera should be fine, but then that means you will have you iPhone. For many, the best thing about the camino is not having "connection" to the outside world. So consider (for yourself) if you want you iPhone or not

We took a small semi-pro camera and love the pictures we have from it. But it also was a pain. My wife was carrying the baby so the camera was all on my shoulders, and I'm not really a "picture person". I like to live in the moment. So it annoyed me at times. But I also have almost 1500 pictures that I relive often and am so glad I have.
I'm guessing you might be quite young Stephen and maybe a lot fitter than many of us silver surfers. But one thing holds true for us all. Less weight!!! So as you will see elsewhere in the forum many take a phone as a multi-use tool. Camera, electronic guide, e-reader, as well as a phone for booking accomodation/emergencies/necessary communications with home
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Hello everyone, my birthday is in May, so as a birthday present I'm buying a plane ticket to France to start at SJPDP, where my plan is to walk to Fisterra or Muxia. But I'm very new to traveling, I haven't even been on a plane since 6 years ago.

I'm wondering if I should leave in Mid-late May, or the beginning of June. I'm also wondering how many days should I give myself to get to Fisterra? I'd like to take time to enjoy the Camino and not rush as many others have posted and recommended. I heard you can access wifi + internet on the Camino, so perhaps I should buy a one way then another one way ticket while I'm on the Camino when I can estimate the time I'll get back?

And how does one get back? Perhaps take a bus or something back to the airport?

Would I be alright equipped with just an iPhone 5s camera? Haven't a clue about professional cameras tbough I'd purchase one and practice if someone here recommended me to.

I'm just trying to figure out all the details including what to pack etc so I can make a final decision and purchase a plane ticket by myself for the first time. Sorry for all the questions especially if its been said!

So is mine! Taurus :)
May, june are pretty much the same dealer (does get warmer as summer hits)
At least 6 weeks, if not 7. At a relaxed pace. In any case, do the math, divide by the number of miles you can do a day.
Wifi everywhere, iphone is enough.
Book a flight out of santiago to wherever your flight back is ( is really good.
Buen Camino!
BTW, one way international tickets cost about as much as return ones
Hi Stephen,
You ask 'how does one get back'? Presumably from Fisterra or Muxia. There is a bus back to Santiago, it takes about
2 hours if I remember rightly. No doubt other people will give you the exact data .
I had only an iphone camera, but other people take all sorts of different equipment. I go for the lightest, not always the best.
You'll find all sorts of help here as to what to take, just go in the 'search' area, it's all there.

Yes that is exactly what I was wondering. Thank you for clearing that up. And I'll take everyones advice to take just an iPhone camera; I'm alot more skilled at taking photos with it ;) Thank you domigee!

I am flying to Paris and renting a car to drive around and see Normandy, then over to Ypres/Belgium to check out WW1 trench areas for about a week. I will be starting my Camino on the 18th or 19th of May flying from Paris down to Bairritz then taking a train over to SJPdP.

That sounds really cool. I'll have to put that on my to-do list! Perhaps I'll catch you on the Camino

Well, from Dallas, I'd fly into Madrid unless you're set on seeing Paris.
I've done both, and to me, it's easier to catch a bus at the airport in Madrid that takes you to Pamplona.
Then you can rest a day or two in Pamplona and see the city, then either call Corazon Puro to pick you up and take you to SJPP (after spending a night there) or you can take a bus from Pamplona. That train ride from Paris is so long (for me) and I love resting and adjusting to the time change in Pamplona.
Also, if you do it this way, you see Pamplona, then when you begin walking you can stop "between stages" and miss the big wave of pilgrims a bit easier.
Just my opinion.

About when, I'd go early or mid May to beat a lot of school pilgrims and to beat the bedbug hatch.

Thank you anniesantiago! I was thinking that Paris was the first spot to go before heading for SJPdP. But it seems alot more convenient to head to Madrid. + enjoying the city and adjusting to the time is a great idea. :)
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
Easiest way and probably cheapest way to get to SJPdP from Dallas to to fly to Madrid, bus to Pamplona (bus station at airport terminal), and then catch a bus to SJPdP.
Mid to late May or June...both good times to start walking the Camino. Pretty much up to whatever time frame suits you best, or get's you the cheapest airline tickets. I suppose around 45 days would allow you to take your time from SJPdP and back to Madrid. I would get a round-trip ticket from Dallas.
Don't worry about bedbugs on the Camino and I certainly wouldn't schedule my Camino around their breeding, mating, or birthing cycles.....o_O. I've walked the Camino twice, June-August. Never was bitten by or even saw a bedbug. It's a non-issue as far as I'm concerned, but people on this forum love to discuss las chinches.
You can get back to Santiago from Muxia or Finisterre by bus. It's easy and cheap. There's an airport in Santiago and you can fly back to Madrid from there, or take a train or bus. Depending on your schedule and budget.
Lot's of wi-fi on the Camino. As far as cameras go, it depends on you. You enjoy taking lots of photos? Then invest in a small, lightweight digital camera. They are foolproof and require no skill to take good photos. If that's not what you like doing and only plan on occasional photos....use your iPhone. You don't need a professional setup unless it's something you like to do.

Thanks alot Mark!

Earlier is better. You want to be reaching Santiago no late than mid-to-late June, because from then on Spanish schools break up for the summer and the whole of Galicia turns into a massive bunfight. The Camino is more enjoyable in cooler weather, with fewer people.

Duly noted. Thank you CorreCaminos!
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
iPhone camera should be fine, but then that means you will have you iPhone. For many, the best thing about the camino is not having "connection" to the outside world.

Yes I plan on having a very limited use of technology. At most I'll update my family every couple of days and take pictures; Social media is something I'll avoid like he plague. Thank you waveprof!

I'm guessing you might be quite young Stephen and maybe a lot fitter than many of us silver surfers. But one thing holds true for us all. Less weight!!! So as you will see elsewhere in the forum many take a phone as a multi-use tool. Camera, electronic guide, e-reader, as well as a phone for booking accomodation/emergencies/necessary communications with home

I'll make sure to pack only the necessities, and perhaps I small hand-held telescope so I can peep into the distance and into the night sky. Thank you Al!

So is mine! Taurus :)
May, june are pretty much the same dealer (does get warmer as summer hits)
At least 6 weeks, if not 7. At a relaxed pace. In any case, do the math, divide by the number of miles you can do a day.
Wifi everywhere, iphone is enough.
Book a flight out of santiago to wherever your flight back is ( is really good.
Buen Camino!
BTW, one way international tickets cost about as much as return ones

Haha yes Team Taurus. I'm thinking 6 weeks is the perfect time. I'll be sure to book a flight out of santiago a day or two before I head back to the States. Thank you jefferyonthecamino!
Seriously thank you to everybody! This forum is so great and filled with alot of helpful people.
(I'll make sure to pack only the necessities, and perhaps I small hand-held telescope so I can peep into the distance and into the night sky.)
As an amateur astronomer, I would say forget the telescope. If you get to see a full on sky out in the Meseta there are too many stars to find the constellations. From one fellow Taurean to another.
Last edited:
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.


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