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Weather in April


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Portuguese 2019
I am thinking about doing the Camino Francais from Leon to Santiago, April 2025 and I’m wondering what type of weather to expect during that month in that part of Spain. I have walked parts of three Caminos in the past but not during that timeframe and I pretty much knew what to expect in July, September and October, but before making plans, I’d like to know more about the weather in April. I’m asking this quite early because after reading some posts and some information on Facebook, it seems that people are already booking places to stay on the Camino Francais! TIA
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Well if you’d gone this year at the very beginning of April temperatures were high - unseasonably so - and after that heat wave, they dropped back to 3 or 4 degrees in the morning for the next six weeks - well into June. Often didn’t hit double digits during the day.
Very frequently rained/thunderstorms in the mid to late afternoon too.IMG_4901.jpeg
Who knows what will happen next year!

All I would say is DON’T PANIC ABOUT BEDS. I have just returned from 60 days walking, rarely booked and never had no bed. If you’re willing to sleep in a municipal or parroquial, you’ll be fine.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
When I started on April 1st, the Napoleon route was closed due to a snow storm, had a few days of rain and strong wind, 30°C by the end and everything in between. People a week behind us had snow on O Cebreiro.

Be prepared for all kinds of weather.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
We have walked in Galicia on three different occasions in April. We’ve had beautiful sunny skies; we’ve had day after day of pounding rain. So, plan for a mixed bag! But, do bring your rain gear!


Keep in mind that Semana Santa and Easter are the end of April in 2025. You may already be seeing reservations between April 14-20 if you’re planning on being within 100km of Santiago at this time due to the large number of Spanish pilgrims. Plan accordingly. Buen Camino!
I am thinking about doing the Camino Francais from Leon to Santiago, April 2025 and I’m wondering what type of weather to expect during that month in that part of Spain. I have walked parts of three Caminos in the past but not during that timeframe and I pretty much knew what to expect in July, September and October, but before making plans, I’d like to know more about the weather in April. I’m asking this quite early because after reading some posts and some information on Facebook, it seems that people are already booking places to stay on the Camino Francais! TIA
In April, plan for it all. As @Kiwi-family said, it was all over the map this year. I started in Oloron on April 1st and it was balmy. Over Somport, pleasant and sunny to Jaca. Storms before Puente la Reina. Sunny, then hot. Freezing overnight to Burgos. Cool to Leon. Overcast to Ponferrada. Pleasant but rainy from there to Santiago on May 15th. Northern Spain is volatile normally that time of year, with climate change, even more so. But, even with all that, I’d do it again 😁
I thoroughly researched my 2 Camino's both in April and indication was that it was going to be cool. Both Camino I got sunburnt . Those long sleeve t-shirts were a waste of weight for sure . I am going next April and I have just bought a mini sunscreen and I am taking 1 long sleeved jumper. I read the temp but i always remind myself that walking hour after hour keeps your body temp high..for me anyway
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The short answer is "it depends." You could have rain and / or snow every day, or dry clear skies. It is impossible to know until you arrive. So, follow the advice of others who recommend you "bring the full kit."

Plan on wearing layers that you can add to or strip off as the case may be. If, along the way, you determine that packing extra layers is asinine or redundant, you can always ship it ahead using the Correos, to Ivar at Casa Ivar in Santiago. He will gladly hold it for you.

I have experienced ankle-deep snow on the Napoleon Pass over the Pyrenees during the last week of April. Then, I have also experienced wet snow three times at Cruz de Ferro, several weeks on in my Caminos - each time in Mid-May. I have also go caught in a white out, short but furious, at O Cebriero in early May.

In this circumstance, I advise bringing a fleece mid-garment (I like a zip up front), an ultra-fleece "beanie" watch cap, and gloves. Also, wearing a rucksack poncho improves your ability to wear layers, and keep your rucksack dry as well.

Also, you should always have one or two "Buffs" anyway. They can be used for a wide variety of expedient uses, including wearing around your neck for warmth - or soaked in water and worn around your neck and wrists in hot sun for a type of expedient air conditioning.

Hope this helps.

The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
The short answer is "it depends." You could have rain and / or snow every day, or dry clear skies. It is impossible to know until you arrive. So, follow the advice of others who recommend you "bring the full kit."

Plan on wearing layers that you can add to or strip off as the case may be. If, along the way, you determine that packing extra layers is asinine or redundant, you can always ship it ahead using the Correos, to Ivar at Casa Ivar in Santiago. He will gladly hold it for you.

I have experienced ankle-deep snow on the Napoleon Pass over the Pyrenees during the last week of April. Then, I have also experienced wet snow three times at Cruz de Ferro, several weeks on in my Caminos - each time in Mid-May. I have also go caught in a white out, short but furious, at O Cebriero in early May.

In this circumstance, I advise bringing a fleece mid-garment (I like a zip up front), an ultra-fleece "beanie" watch cap, and gloves. Also, wearing a rucksack poncho improves your ability to wear layers, and keep your rucksack dry as well.

Also, you should always have one or two "Buffs" anyway. They can be used for a wide variety of expedient uses, including wearing around your neck for warmth - or soaked in water and worn around your neck and wrists in hot sun for a type of expedient air conditioning.

Hope this helps.

Yes to layers, yes to fleece and yes to being intelligently prepared.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I am thinking about doing the Camino Francais from Leon to Santiago, April 2025 and I’m wondering what type of weather to expect during that month in that part of Spain. I have walked parts of three Caminos in the past but not during that timeframe and I pretty much knew what to expect in July, September and October, but before making plans, I’d like to know more about the weather in April. I’m asking this quite early because after reading some posts and some information on Facebook, it seems that people are already booking places to stay on the Camino Francais! TIA
I have walked three times in mid-April - mid May. The temperature ranged from zero C in the morning to occasionally high 30s in the middle of the day. Mostly though it was pleasant. Not much rain. Less people around but they increased in May.
I walked this year in May and early June. Before I went, I read about the warm April with people being sunburnt, then 2 days before I saw snow on the Napolean. So I switched out my jacket for a warmer one.

The first 2 weeks were mainly cold to freezing, mostly fine in the mornings, strong cold winds, rained most afternoons (and I couldn't get stuff dry), and then on the Meseta I walked in sleet for a few days. (Not an experience I'm keen to repeat). Many nights I wore everything I brought with me to bed, then a blanket on top of my sleeping bag (if there was one). A few places had warm radiators which I was grateful for.
By Sahagun it was getting warmer and less rain. Then cold in Leon, and rainy evenings for 2 days. One day of frost walking to Astorga, then fine for the rest of the walk - no rain in Galicia, although it had rained heavily in the days before I got there.
Ive walked at the same time before and it has been fine , hot and sunny - and my main concern was dealing with the heat. Id say be prepared for anything.
I am thinking about doing the Camino Francais from Leon to Santiago, April 2025 and I’m wondering what type of weather to expect during that month in that part of Spain. I have walked parts of three Caminos in the past but not during that timeframe and I pretty much knew what to expect in July, September and October, but before making plans, I’d like to know more about the weather in April. I’m asking this quite early because after reading some posts and some information on Facebook, it seems that people are already booking places to stay on the Camino Francais! TIA
I'm starting on March 4th next year and I'll be returning home on April 15th. I am preparing, and expecting, for ever type of weather to be thrown at me from start to finish. Don't get overly concerned with weight. Carrying an extra kg of clothing can make a big difference to your comfort. Prepare well and you'll be fine.

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