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From Lugo to Santa Eulalia on Verde?


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I am helping someone figure out Primitivo stages and could use some help on the Camiño Verde option.

I have walked the Camiño Verde from Santa Eulalia to Friol and on to Sobrado, but I missed the turn-off for the first part out of Lugo. I understand that that section is now in very good shape, with replaced wooden bridges, but I haven’t seen anything about pilgrims who have taken the Verde from Lugo and then gotten on a variant to Santa Eulalia.

Given that this person wants to keep stages shorter, I think one option would be to take the Verde to Santa Eulalia using these tracks.

(Those tracks “flatline” at a spot before Santa Eulalia, so if anyone has more recent tracks, that would be great).

From Santa Eulalia, they would get back on the “official” primitivo, going through Bacurín, and then stop in San Romnán.

By my calculations, that would be about 22 km.

Lugo - Eulalia on Verde (14 km)
Eulalia to San Román on official Primitivo (about 8 km)

I can’t find any other tracks from Lugo to Eulalia on the Verde, that’s really the point that I am stuck at, since as I said, the tracks of xmsgrande seem to have a flatline problem.

Any help?
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I have walked on the Verde last summer and I cannot remember a Santa Eulalia variant.
However, shows a variant of the Primitivo named Via Romana XIX:
... which can lead to San Romao.
But I do not see any link with Friol or the Camino Verde.
It looks as though you could take side roads from just before Matelo (appx 9.8km from Lugo) on the Verde across to Santa Eulalia (5.5km). No trail that I can see.

Edited to add: seems like the long way around to me, the Verde doesn’t really go that close. @Pafayac option seems better


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Peter and Payfac, would you take a look at the tracks I posted in the first post? Xmsgrande is the guy who started the whole Camño Verde, and he long ago posted two variants on going to Friol. One straight there, and one with a detour to Eulalia.

I’ve walked to Santa Eulalia two or three times from the official primitivo - you can see the road turnoff in Payfac’s picture of the tracks. I’d really like to find a way for my friend to go on the Verde to Eulalia, and I will suggest using those tracks in the first post, but that “flatline” part is a bit disconcerting. I am assuming it wouldn’t be a big deal, though, because by then the route is off the river track and on little roads.
Thanks, Rick, those are XMSgrande’s tracks. And that is the wikiloc track I pasted in the first post for the Santa Eulalia option. Can you take a look at those tracks and tell me what you think that flatline part means? Usually when there is a straight line on wikiloc, it comes up on the track itself, between two points where there was either no reception, the person had it on pause, etc etc. But this one shows a flatline in the elevation profile, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. If I were going to do this myself, I wouldn’t worry about it, but I am trying to help someone else set this up.

Mil gracias.
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I believe the flatline could be caused by someone editing a track with elevation data to remove a section and replace it with a new section without that data (e.g., a more southerly route). Wikiloc then probably plots the profile using the last elevation it saw for every trackpoint that doesn't have one.

Just coincidentally, I recorded a private Wikiloc track this morning. It was 2 miles down a relatively level trail and then back on the same trail. I bet you never knew that Massachusetts had a couple of spots 200 feet below sea level. Those dips are not in the same place BTW and the profile should be symmetrical around the halfway point. I think thick foliage caused interference with one or more satellites messing up the elevation calculations. The coordinates though fell right on the trail as mapped. I saw something similar on a nearby track I made the other day.

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I can’t find any other tracks from Lugo to Eulalia on the Verde, that’s really the point that I am stuck at,
I looked when I wanted to do this and couldn't find any either, Laurie.
Anyway, Sta. Eulalia Is closer to the official Primitivo than to the Via Verde so I just decided to go that way. Roads are roads are roads, and the surfaces look equivalent, whichever way one goes. But I made a screenshot of a route from the VV with OSMand - I can't find it now and will edt to add if I still have it.
Edit: there are various options. Here is one. (Not a wikiloc track, because I don't use it, sorry.:oops:)
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Roads are roads are roads, and the surfaces look equivalent, whichever way one goes. But I made a screenshot of a route from the VV with OSMand - I can't find it now and will edt to add if I still have it.
Totally agree, and the roads are fine from the official route to Eulalia. But those first few kms from Lugo on the Verde are verdant, on riverside tracks, and look like a beautiful alternative. If I could overlay GPS tracks, I’d take the two in the Resources and see where they branch off but alas I haven’t learned how to do that. They both start on the river, one goes to Eulalia and then on to Friol the other straight to Friol. Once I get my friends to Eulalia, it is easy to direct them back onto the official Primitivo through Bacurín. It’s that first part that has me scratching my head.

I looked when I wanted to do this and couldn't find any either, Laurie.
xmxgrande has tracks, they are in resources and on wikiloc. So I have found some, just not sure about that issue with the flatline.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Peter and Payfac, would you take a look at the tracks I posted in the first post? Xmsgrande is the guy who started the whole Camño Verde, and he long ago posted two variants on going to Friol. One straight there, and one with a detour to Eulalia.

I’ve walked to Santa Eulalia two or three times from the official primitivo - you can see the road turnoff in Payfac’s picture of the tracks. I’d really like to find a way for my friend to go on the Verde to Eulalia, and I will suggest using those tracks in the first post, but that “flatline” part is a bit disconcerting. I am assuming it wouldn’t be a big deal, though, because by then the route is off the river track and on little roads.
So I've followed it all the way through and it basically is almost exactly the same track as the one that I've posted from above, allowing for straight lines between points! Not ever having used anything like that before it was interesting. (I've never bothered with the elevation).
One tiny variant, your track turned right at Vigo and then left. On mapy mine just goes straight ahead for another 50 meters then right, both end up at Albazoi, and then continued on together.

Incidentally on the Verde, shortly after the beginning at Mera the arrows led me to the left up the hill until the power pylon and then right into the forest.

Both your app and Mapy show it following the stream much earlier, starting on the Ruta do Mera, whereas the Verde seems to follow/ be called the CPN ( they join quite quickly)

Edit: yes the first part of the route along the river and then through the forest as beautiful.

Incidentally you know that @ratherbefollowingflechas & @Telelama are on the Primitivo at the moment, and they've also walked the Verde. (This time?) It was their directions that I followed last year. (I had no need of an app just the arrows and their directions).
Not sure if they veered off to Santa Eulalia or not.
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This may not be much help, but we took the Verde AND went to Santa Eulalia (which seemed to take forever on little roads) but I can’t remember details!! Just know it can be done.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
If I could overlay GPS tracks, I’d take the two in the Resources and see where they branch off but alas I haven’t learned how to do that.
Actually easy to do with a text editor. Here are the two tracks joined. I got lazy with the naming.


But this one shows a flatline in the elevation profile, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. If I were going to do this myself, I wouldn’t worry about it, but I am trying to help someone else set this up.
That can be fixed up with the profile tool at by letting the tool interpolate elevations in a coordinates database. The tool is a bit tricky to use but if you think the profile is critical I might be able to produce it (I've done it on a PC but not on my smartphone).
That can be fixed up with the profile tool at by letting the tool interpolate elevations in a coordinates database. The tool is a bit tricky to use but if you think the profile is critical I might be able to produce it (I've done it on a PC but not on my smartphone).
Oh, no, I don’t think the elevation profile is important, it’s all pretty flat around there. All I was worried about was whether the flat elevation line had any impact on messing up the actual track on the ground, but these posts all helped me see that it didn’t. Thanks so much, though.
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We will be in Lugo this Fri and Sat and plan to walk the Camino Verde to Friol on Sunday and then on to Sobrado on Monday. I’m a newbie at Wikiloc so this could prove interesting.
We will be in Lugo this Fri and Sat and plan to walk the Camino Verde to Friol on Sunday and then on to Sobrado on Monday. I’m a newbie at Wikiloc so this could prove interesting.

If you keep your eyes peeled for the green arrows you'll do fine. Warning ⚠️ they can appear on the road at your feet, on a rock, a road barrier, a telegraph pole, a tree trunk - Green in nature isn't necessarily the easiest to find but if you keep your head on swivel it'll work .
Sometimes the arrows are crooked, that normally indicates that there is a turn coming up within the next 50 meters, keep your eyes open for those!IMG_20230724_091320508_HDR.jpgEdited to add: whilst I didn't use any apps I have since found that has the trail and it is extremely accurate according to my videos and recollections. You could consider it as a backup.
I loved the Verde, enjoy!
We will be in Lugo this Fri and Sat and plan to walk the Camino Verde to Friol on Sunday and then on to Sobrado on Monday. I’m a newbie at Wikiloc so this could prove interesting.
You do not actually need Wikiloc to follow the tracks if you have them on your device already. You can use another navigational app that you are more familiar with as long as it is capable to read tracks recorded in the .gpx format.

The website allows the public to view files and see the tracks on a map but you need to be a registered user to download them. It is free to register. You can also download the tracks in .kml format if your navigation app uses them instead of .gpx.

Since I downloaded both Lugo to Friol tracks yesterday I'm attaching them here to save you time. The one with Bóveda in the name is the southern route that goes to Santa Eulalia.

If you click on one of these attachments it will be downloaded and then you will be asked if you want to open it. When you do open the file you will be asked with which app (one that you have on your phone that was automatically registered to handle the file format when you installed it).


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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Incidentally you know that @ratherbefollowingflechas & @Telelama are on the Primitivo at the moment, and they've also walked the Verde.

Just arrived Friol, but can't really help now. Not sure about that variante, we simply enjoyed the day, stumbling happily through the woods as we absorbed the beauty of Spain. 😁

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