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LIVE from the Camino Conditions on Via de la Plata

  • Thread starter Former member 109322
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Be careful!

Horrid weather indeed.

Processions in Sevilla are cancelled.

Be careful!

Horrid weather indeed.

Processions in Sevilla are cancelled.

Sabs, when is this weather supposed to clear up?
Is there a good website for checking weather in Spain that you can suggest?
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Trail from Santiponce to Guillena is totally underwater. as was local road. Only option was highway that you can't walk on. Nice man gave us ride around for 15 euros.

Oh no! I wasn't aware of the weather in southern Spain right now. It looks bad. Will you be able to carry on from Guillena to Castilblanco tomorrow??
Sabs, when is this weather supposed to clear up?
Is there a good website for checking weather in Spain that you can suggest?

I found a local newspaper saying it will be the same weather tomorrow, and part of the day after tomorrow. There will be rainy weather three days in a row from now. But as the intrepid @ellenperry will probably be carrying on, hopefully she will be moving out of it.

Para el Sábado Santo, el pronóstico del tiempo es el mismo, con un 100% de probabilidad de precipitaciones durante todo el día. Las temperaturas oscilarán entre los diez grados de mínima y los 15 de máxima. El Domingo de Resurrección cuenta hasta ahora con un 100% de riesgo en la primera parte de la jornada, mientras que el porcentaje baja al 90% por la tarde. La temperatura máxima subirá hasta los 18 grados, mientras que la mínima estará en torno a los 11. Para el lunes también se espera lluvia y una bajada de las mínimas.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
No, the weather is pretty bad everywhere in Spain. Here in Asturias 2 people where swallowed by the waves of the Cantabrian sea yesterday. One in San Esteban de Pravia and one in Cudillero. :-(
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Trail from Santiponce to Guillena is totally underwater. as was local road. Only option was highway that you can't walk on. Nice man gave us ride around for 15 euros.
That sucks! I am starting from Sevilla on Saturday 2 weeks from today, and hope it will have dried by then. Saw in the Weather App that it is raining heavily today.

Enjoy your Camino nevertheless! And any tips or current info are welcome! :)
That sucks! I am starting from Sevilla on Saturday 2 weeks from today, and hope it will have dried by then. Saw in the Weather App that it is raining heavily today.

Enjoy your Camino nevertheless! And any tips or current info are welcome! :)
It will hardly last for a fortnight. I start from Seville on April 13th.
Help keep the Camino clean. Join us in 2025 for the Camino Cleanup Program & Retreat
That sucks! I am starting from Sevilla on Saturday 2 weeks from today, and hope it will have dried by then. Saw in the Weather App that it is raining heavily today.

Enjoy your Camino nevertheless! And any tips or current info are welcome! :)
I'll be a couple days behind you. Hopefully things will have dried out.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I am lost for words. Were there any more places like this before Monesterio?
I believe so. Reading the current updates by Gerald Kelly on the fb group ‘via de la plata pilgrim group ‘., there are earlier sections. .
But… It WILL abate. It always does.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Walk out of Merida towards Aljucen was already pretty good. No big deal. Probably because it was hilly.

From Torremejia to Merida it was a complete s**tshow. Its very flat there. I doubt there were any pilgrims that did not choose the car road near the trail instead.
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Didn’t you time your Mozárabe and Vdlp well Damien. Although you did get your share of crossings too.
I didn't time anything well, I just went back to Spain when I had the itch and followed advice on this forum as to where to go. As far as crossings, the one that was major was the first time I've ever started across any body of water and said, "um, no. I better not." Like I was about to get swept away by the current, seriously. The thing about the Vdlp is I get the feeling it's "usually" dry, so when it does rain, it doesn't handle it well. In Galicia I noticed the little things, like stepping stones, diversion channels, etc. Used to the rain. On the Vdlp, this year, I really learned how to hate mud and soggy grassy parts that unexpectedly soaked my socks. The infrastructure/flood control isn't as good along that route. For example, here's a picture from Alcacacios, (I have no clue where that is.) I mean, good intentions, but an engineering fail. (note: this is not the crossing I spoke about earlier, this one was mild, and I just hugged the shoreline to the right to get across bushwhacking a bit.)


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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Today’s best crossing, on the way to Fuente de Cantos (at about 13km out of Monesterio)… water cold & moving fast, stones sharp & slippery… but we got through.


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Today’s best crossing, on the way to Fuente de Cantos (at about 13km out of Monesterio)… water cold & moving fast, stones sharp & slippery… but we got through.

Same section 2 years ago. Check the Exif data for the location.


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3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
After Merida trail quality is good. Definetely still water on trail for another few days but nothing crazy anymore. Right after the monastery there was supposed to be some complications, but I avoided that part.

Im about to reach Careces.
Only two crossings today (Fuente de Cantos - Zafra): both just nuisance value now that the rain has stopped & the water levels have dropped.
Husband and I started from Sevilla on the 22nd March, we arrived in Merida today. The weather up until today has been cold and wet, we skipped the following sections Monesterio to Fuente de Cantos, Fuente de Cantos to Zafra and Zafra to Villafranca as we’d heard they were impassable. All has been good since then and today walking to Merida has been a warm and sunny day, long may it continue!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Husband and I started from Sevilla on the 22nd March, we arrived in Merida today. The weather up until today has been cold and wet, we skipped the following sections Monesterio to Fuente de Cantos, Fuente de Cantos to Zafra and Zafra to Villafranca as we’d heard they were impassable. All has been good since then and today walking to Merida has been a warm and sunny day, long may it continue!
Enjoy Merida: Lots of Roman history there. My advice: Go see the Roman theatre on a rest day tomorrow.
I walked today from Sevilla to Guillena. On leaving Sevilla, we took the path Aling the rivier. It was no problem at all, not a single pool of water on the trail, no mud at all. It was beautifull with many flowers.
After the terrible few kilometers along a busy road and dangerous crossings, we got on the path to Guillena. After a few hundred meters we got to the bifurcation: the road to the right avoids the crossing of the Arroyo de las Molinas. Because of the heavy rainfalls we chose this option. This trail was very beautifull, I remembered the old road as being a little bit boring : a straigt road between farmlands. The new road had more bends, again many flowers. BUT after about 6 km we cameto a muddy stretch, which was still doable. Later on where the paths runs between steep slopes/ walls there was a lot of waterThe first part could be svoided by walking on a path to the right leading to an oliveorchard. at the second spot you could do the same to the left. At the third spot we climbed yp the slope and walked on a field. where we collected kilos of clay on our shoes
The hospitalera of Luz del Camino told me that the conditions on the old road are at this moment much better than on the alternative route. I am sure thoug that the situation on the alternative will be much better soon.
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The bifurcation is about 500 meters after the beginning of the path to Guillema thait starts right after you have crossed the dangerous exit of the highway. Zyou will recognise it ehen you get there
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Walk out of Merida towards Aljucen was already pretty good. No big deal. Probably because it was hilly.

From Torremejia to Merida it was a complete s**tshow. Its very flat there. I doubt there were any pilgrims that did not choose the car road near the trail instead.
It will hardly last for a fortnight. I start from Seville on April 13th.
Started in Seville on 13th, conditions good, high temperatures in the afternoons.
I have planned out my stages to my stopping point-Salamanca and was planning on doing a very long stage from Carcaboso to Aldeanueva as per Gronze; not taking the Via Verde. Gerald Kelly’s guidebook refers to several rivers which have to be crossed after Caparra; obviously these shouldn’t be attempted after rain. Of course we may get more rain over the next week or so, but as of now, does anyone know if they are safe to cross. I am walking alone.
Is this route widely used and well marked. I ask this because of a bad experience, having taken a little used route on a stage on the Del Norte.
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but anyone who is planning to stay at the Albergue municipal Miliario del Verdinal at Alden Del Canó (between Alcuéscar and Valdesalor) should be warned that it is closed for renovations. We turned up today - 18 April 2024 - to discover this.
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but anyone who is planning to stay at the Albergue municipal Miliario del Verdinal at Alden Del Canó (between Alcuéscar and Valdesalor) should be warned that it is closed for renovations. We turned up today - 18 April 2024 - to discover this.
Thanks. I don’t see it listed on Gronze so it looks like that site is up-to-date.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
After a few troublesome crossings I mostly did the walk by road. Folk were amassing injuries daily.
Hi did it take you longer to achieve your goal to Santiago? Were there a lot of places to stay considering it was Easter weekend?
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but anyone who is planning to stay at the Albergue municipal Miliario del Verdinal at Alden Del Canó (between Alcuéscar and Valdesalor) should be warned that it is closed for renovations. We turned up today - 18 April 2024 - to discover this.
That albergue in Alden del Cano has been closed for some while. But in the center of town, just a little further, there’s a wonderfull hostel you can stay. Casa via de la plata it’s called and it has 5 double rooms and a patio in the back. Across the square there’s a bar (also nice to make a stop ) and there’s a restaurant almost next door.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
There was a lot of construction going on in the Albergue at the end of April and a new cafe open next door. Might not be long until it reopens . I stayed in the lovely Casa.

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