I couldn't find any posts about this topic on the forum (first time that's ever happened) so I thought I'd ask...
It always seemed to me that wringing hand-washed clothes never works very well, and I wish I had a wringer available to squeeze out more water.
My question for all the wise pilgrims out there... has anyone found a portable wringer that has worked well for them?
I found this one via Google, but not sure if's any good or not...
Amazon Link To Lightweight Portable Wringer.
Have you never learned the "roll and stomp" technique? I have been drying clothes in accommodations all over the world for some 50 years using this technique.
Lay out your portable towel on a flat service - Over several years of experimentation, I settled on using a microfiber yoga towel that folds small, yet is long enough to cover my XXL magnificent corpulence. this is WITHOUT the grippy dots on one side. It allows me to get from a shower area to my bunk completely covered. It rides as padding at the bottom of my rucksack, in a Ziplock bag.
Lay your hand-wrung clothing on the flat towel. Then, starting at one end, tightly roll the clothing up in the towel.
You will end up with a rolled up towel with clothing inside - looks like a fancy dessert roll. Walk on the rolled up towel on the floor. Do this walking / stomping part a couple of times, turning the rolled towel to a different perspective. Two to four times is usually enough.
Once finished, unroll the towel. Your clothing will have all possible water extracted from it. The towel will be wet. When I stay in a hotel-type accommodation, I use their towel to do this.
You will stlll need to hang your clothes to dry. But they will dry A LOT faster this way. In fact, I have immediately worn microfiber shirts and boxer shorts after rolling and stomping.
Hang the towel to dry. It will be good-to-go the next morning. In a bunk bed scenario, I use the towel - hung side-wise - as a privacy barrier / curtain. Hang it with clothes pins or binder clips (always carry a few for situations like this. This does a dual purpose, provides some privacy while drying. In a hotel, just hang your towel over a shower rod to dry.
Hope this helps.