- Time of past OR future Camino
- Too many and too often!
A long opinion piece about the controversial landscaping work at the Cruz de Ferro has just appeared on the Gronze website. Written by Anton Pombo in his usual flowery style! I read it using Google Translate and the phrase "mini Versailles operation" has stuck in my mind. Personally I've considered the Cruz a tawdry lost cause for years now and have been happy enough to pass by fairly quickly. For those who see the place in a more positive way the article and the works it refers to may be of some interest and perhaps also of concern.
Mr. Marshall en la Cruz de Ferro
Por si alguien no lo sabe todavía se lo contamos aquí, y es que durante el mes de octubre se han estado realizando unas obras de «ordenación» y «embellecimiento» en la Cruz de Ferro.
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