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Prophetic and beautiful prediction


Time of past OR future Camino
Camino Frances Sept/Oct 2019
Caminho port june 22
On my first camino Frances ( my only one til I walk the portuguese in june) I met a lovely Australian couple, David and Lynn over dinner in roncevalles on my first evening proper. They had previously walked the cf so had a bit of knowledge regarding what I should expect.

I told them my life had been a bit "colourful " and I was walking to get some perspective of my home circumstances and in the vain hope of spiritual enlightenment, if this was even possible. I was tired, possibly a little lost and must've appeared a little down and at the time I just thought that they had taken out on me and were trying to cheer me up. What David told didn't seem too relevant at the time but fast forward a few weeks and his words almost became that if a Queensland prophecy. I must add that although raised a Catholic I'm a million miles away from being religious in any shape or form. So here's what he told me....

He said on their previous pilgrimage that although he was enjoying himself he was slightly disappointed at first as any hope of a spiritual experience seemed to be eluding himself and his wife until a couple of weeks in. Then something happened. Something that he struggled to describe. Something outwith his control. Something beautiful, energising and pertinent to himself. He caringly told me not to worry, to be patient and to basically give myself a break as whatever one's heart desires, the camino will provide.

I come from quite a harsh environment and I was struggling to shed that mindset so I was a little cynical of his words but felt that he was trying to cheer me up in his own way nonetheless. I had a great time over the next 2 weeks or so, beautiful walks and scenery and the most beautiful people imaginable. Then Something happened. Something profound and life changing and davids prophesy of the camino came true. And kept coming true.

Although it's an ancient pilgrimage, I tried to steer clear quite a bit from the chapels due to being seriously disillusioned with religious due to an almost militant Catholic upbringing. But one morning, tired, thirsty and in need of shade I ventured into a small Chapel. I went to the front pew and internally said a few words (praying no less). It was only when I opened my eyes that I became aware that Ave Maria was quietly being played in the background. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, something that had been happening ever frequently over the last day if so. I hadn't shed a tear for many years after the death of my baby daughter so I pushed them down yet again. But at that instant I knew that the camino was telling me that I needed healing ( if you haven't walked a camino yet it might sound nonsense but you'll understand that the camino "always provides" once you get there. It really does"). I was incredibly self conscious even though the Chapel was nearly empty but I knew I had to let the tears fall in order to start addressing the hurt I silently carried with me every day. I shed a few tears but I let nerves and self obsession get the better of me and stood up to leave.

Just as I tried to leave the Chapel an old nun, sitting at the back, beckoned me over. I was desperate to march past her as I felt like complete fool due to my puff eyes but I didn't want to appear rude so I went over to the small table where she sat. Now I ignorantly spoke no Spanish at this point so I have no idea what she said but whatever it was it seemed to go straight into my heart and soul. It all took mere seconds but I found it excruciating and I was dying to run out and put my headphones in again to block out the noise in my head but she gently took my hand and gave me a miraculous medal on a thin blue string. I thanked her in English and made to leave.

Then to my surprise I never ran away. I was greeted outside by my "camino family ", who I said hello to and explained that I wasn't being rude but that I needed a few minutes to myself. So I sat on a bench outside then the most beautiful experience happened to me. Tears began to flood down my face and I was powerless to stop them, although I never tried to this time. But they weren't tears of sadness. It's hard to describe. They were tears of healing and of happiness they flowed and flowed for what seemed like an eternity but in reality they were only for a few minutes.

I had prev
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
( see prophetic and beautiful prediction before reading if you can).

For the first time in my adult life I felt true peace within. My mind finally felt still and calm. I was 40 at the time and had tried virtually everything that I was aware of to come to terms with who I was and things I had done, of loss, of pain, but nothing touched what I felt that day. It was beautiful and priceless, pure and honest. I knew the meaning of joy. If I could've bottled it and sold it I could've retired a multi billionaire by lunchtime.

I was only out of rehab a matter of weeks (my 6th time) due to a heroin addiction that had lasted over 20 years. Walking the camino was a longtime ambition since reading 'the pilgrimage " by paolo cohelho but my true reason for Walking the way was that I felt it was the last throw of the dice for me as everything I had previously tried to halt my addiction and to get rid of the obsessive thoughts of self destruction had all failed. My addiction ruled me my entire adult life after becoming addicted to prescribed codeine before graduating to heroin and I knew unless there was some sort of spiritual change then I would die decades young at some point without ever having lived properly.

But something happened to me that morning. Something that even now I struggle to describe and since that moment I have never had the desire to use drugs of any form again. I also have no need for 12 step meetings or any other type of intervention. The doctors etc would no doubt be sceptical but I know in my heart that the camino healed and cured me from that day. The experience in the Chapel was only the start of it though. I went on to see and feel things I thought were impossible and when I laid my stone at cruz de feruz I felt euphoria more powerful than any drug. Again, it was pure. I knew I left my demons and pain on that hilltop and from there I not only walked the remainder of the way I also walked back to my family a changed man.

So the moral of this story is that the camino will provide you with whatever it is you need. As I say, I was very sceptical of the aussie david back in roncessvalles but on reflection, never truer words have I heard. Stick with it because something beyond our sphere of understanding happens to us on the way after 10 days or so. I don't know what it is but I don't have to. I just know that it happens and for someone who isn't religious I truly believe that it's a miracle that is there for all peregrines.

David and Lynn A., from the bottom of my heart,thank you. Your words were as accurate as a child repeating its mothers name. I feel I have came home spiritually since the cf and I am honoured and privileged to be able to walk the caminho portuguese in June this year.

Oh and by the way, I haven't used a drug or even thought about using them since that morning in the Chapel.

Been camino my friends xxx
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
I just happen to be walking from Porto to Santiago on the costal route at the start of June
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Thank you for opening up and telling your story.

There are not few people who think that the Camino is just another hiking path / walking holiday nowadays.

Stories like yours are a good reminder that at least to some, the camino is still so much more.

I had different reasons when I first walked it, but it had a similar effect. Difficult to describe, but it was a life saving experience.

Respect to you for winning your fight against your addiction, that is a big achievement.

There is an old latin saying: solvitur ambulando. "It is solved by walking".

Ultreia, fellow pilgrim. Enjoy your Camino Portugues :)
Peter, a Glasgow Boy! None better to do what you have done: conquered the demon, and described it so very well.
As a very close neighbour (see my forum name! I left a long time ago, but hame is always hame...) I was very moved by your trust in telling your story.
Buen camino from here on in.
ps: The Glasgow Boys - a great exhibition in the Art Gallery.
On my first camino Frances ( my only one til I walk the portuguese in june) I met a lovely Australian couple, David and Lynn over dinner in roncevalles on my first evening proper. They had previously walked the cf so had a bit of knowledge regarding what I should expect.

I told them my life had been a bit "colourful " and I was walking to get some perspective of my home circumstances and in the vain hope of spiritual enlightenment, if this was even possible. I was tired, possibly a little lost and must've appeared a little down and at the time I just thought that they had taken out on me and were trying to cheer me up. What David told didn't seem too relevant at the time but fast forward a few weeks and his words almost became that if a Queensland prophecy. I must add that although raised a Catholic I'm a million miles away from being religious in any shape or form. So here's what he told me....

He said on their previous pilgrimage that although he was enjoying himself he was slightly disappointed at first as any hope of a spiritual experience seemed to be eluding himself and his wife until a couple of weeks in. Then something happened. Something that he struggled to describe. Something outwith his control. Something beautiful, energising and pertinent to himself. He caringly told me not to worry, to be patient and to basically give myself a break as whatever one's heart desires, the camino will provide.

I come from quite a harsh environment and I was struggling to shed that mindset so I was a little cynical of his words but felt that he was trying to cheer me up in his own way nonetheless. I had a great time over the next 2 weeks or so, beautiful walks and scenery and the most beautiful people imaginable. Then Something happened. Something profound and life changing and davids prophesy of the camino came true. And kept coming true.

Although it's an ancient pilgrimage, I tried to steer clear quite a bit from the chapels due to being seriously disillusioned with religious due to an almost militant Catholic upbringing. But one morning, tired, thirsty and in need of shade I ventured into a small Chapel. I went to the front pew and internally said a few words (praying no less). It was only when I opened my eyes that I became aware that Ave Maria was quietly being played in the background. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, something that had been happening ever frequently over the last day if so. I hadn't shed a tear for many years after the death of my baby daughter so I pushed them down yet again. But at that instant I knew that the camino was telling me that I needed healing ( if you haven't walked a camino yet it might sound nonsense but you'll understand that the camino "always provides" once you get there. It really does"). I was incredibly self conscious even though the Chapel was nearly empty but I knew I had to let the tears fall in order to start addressing the hurt I silently carried with me every day. I shed a few tears but I let nerves and self obsession get the better of me and stood up to leave.

Just as I tried to leave the Chapel an old nun, sitting at the back, beckoned me over. I was desperate to march past her as I felt like complete fool due to my puff eyes but I didn't want to appear rude so I went over to the small table where she sat. Now I ignorantly spoke no Spanish at this point so I have no idea what she said but whatever it was it seemed to go straight into my heart and soul. It all took mere seconds but I found it excruciating and I was dying to run out and put my headphones in again to block out the noise in my head but she gently took my hand and gave me a miraculous medal on a thin blue string. I thanked her in English and made to leave.

Then to my surprise I never ran away. I was greeted outside by my "camino family ", who I said hello to and explained that I wasn't being rude but that I needed a few minutes to myself. So I sat on a bench outside then the most beautiful experience happened to me. Tears began to flood down my face and I was powerless to stop them, although I never tried to this time. But they weren't tears of sadness. It's hard to describe. They were tears of healing and of happiness they flowed and flowed for what seemed like an eternity but in reality they were only for a few minutes.

I had prev
good for you kirkie. Buen camino in all its truest meaning.

Love and respect

Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
On my first camino Frances ( my only one til I walk the portuguese in june) I met a lovely Australian couple, David and Lynn over dinner in roncevalles on my first evening proper. They had previously walked the cf so had a bit of knowledge regarding what I should expect.

I told them my life had been a bit "colourful " and I was walking to get some perspective of my home circumstances and in the vain hope of spiritual enlightenment, if this was even possible. I was tired, possibly a little lost and must've appeared a little down and at the time I just thought that they had taken out on me and were trying to cheer me up. What David told didn't seem too relevant at the time but fast forward a few weeks and his words almost became that if a Queensland prophecy. I must add that although raised a Catholic I'm a million miles away from being religious in any shape or form. So here's what he told me....

He said on their previous pilgrimage that although he was enjoying himself he was slightly disappointed at first as any hope of a spiritual experience seemed to be eluding himself and his wife until a couple of weeks in. Then something happened. Something that he struggled to describe. Something outwith his control. Something beautiful, energising and pertinent to himself. He caringly told me not to worry, to be patient and to basically give myself a break as whatever one's heart desires, the camino will provide.

I come from quite a harsh environment and I was struggling to shed that mindset so I was a little cynical of his words but felt that he was trying to cheer me up in his own way nonetheless. I had a great time over the next 2 weeks or so, beautiful walks and scenery and the most beautiful people imaginable. Then Something happened. Something profound and life changing and davids prophesy of the camino came true. And kept coming true.

Although it's an ancient pilgrimage, I tried to steer clear quite a bit from the chapels due to being seriously disillusioned with religious due to an almost militant Catholic upbringing. But one morning, tired, thirsty and in need of shade I ventured into a small Chapel. I went to the front pew and internally said a few words (praying no less). It was only when I opened my eyes that I became aware that Ave Maria was quietly being played in the background. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, something that had been happening ever frequently over the last day if so. I hadn't shed a tear for many years after the death of my baby daughter so I pushed them down yet again. But at that instant I knew that the camino was telling me that I needed healing ( if you haven't walked a camino yet it might sound nonsense but you'll understand that the camino "always provides" once you get there. It really does"). I was incredibly self conscious even though the Chapel was nearly empty but I knew I had to let the tears fall in order to start addressing the hurt I silently carried with me every day. I shed a few tears but I let nerves and self obsession get the better of me and stood up to leave.

Just as I tried to leave the Chapel an old nun, sitting at the back, beckoned me over. I was desperate to march past her as I felt like complete fool due to my puff eyes but I didn't want to appear rude so I went over to the small table where she sat. Now I ignorantly spoke no Spanish at this point so I have no idea what she said but whatever it was it seemed to go straight into my heart and soul. It all took mere seconds but I found it excruciating and I was dying to run out and put my headphones in again to block out the noise in my head but she gently took my hand and gave me a miraculous medal on a thin blue string. I thanked her in English and made to leave.

Then to my surprise I never ran away. I was greeted outside by my "camino family ", who I said hello to and explained that I wasn't being rude but that I needed a few minutes to myself. So I sat on a bench outside then the most beautiful experience happened to me. Tears began to flood down my face and I was powerless to stop them, although I never tried to this time. But they weren't tears of sadness. It's hard to describe. They were tears of healing and of happiness they flowed and flowed for what seemed like an eternity but in reality they were only for a few minutes.

I had prev
Please read "prophetic and beautiful prediction 2". I mistakingly hit the "post button" before finishing what I meant to write. Thank you xx
Peter, a Glasgow Boy! None better to do what you have done: conquered the demon, and described it so very well.
As a very close neighbour (see my forum name! I left a long time ago, but hame is always hame...) I was very moved by your trust in telling your story.
Buen camino from here on in.
ps: The Glasgow Boys - a great exhibition in the Art Gallery.
Cheers kirkie, it's well appreciated mate. And I know your hometown, as you say, the names a bit of a giveaway 😅
( see prophetic and beautiful prediction before reading if you can).

For the first time in my adult life I felt true peace within. My mind finally felt still and calm. I was 40 at the time and had tried virtually everything that I was aware of to come to terms with who I was and things I had done, of loss, of pain, but nothing touched what I felt that day. It was beautiful and priceless, pure and honest. I knew the meaning of joy. If I could've bottled it and sold it I could've retired a multi billionaire by lunchtime.

I was only out of rehab a matter of weeks (my 6th time) due to a heroin addiction that had lasted over 20 years. Walking the camino was a longtime ambition since reading 'the pilgrimage " by paolo cohelho but my true reason for Walking the way was that I felt it was the last throw of the dice for me as everything I had previously tried to halt my addiction and to get rid of the obsessive thoughts of self destruction had all failed. My addiction ruled me my entire adult life after becoming addicted to prescribed codeine before graduating to heroin and I knew unless there was some sort of spiritual change then I would die decades young at some point without ever having lived properly.

But something happened to me that morning. Something that even now I struggle to describe and since that moment I have never had the desire to use drugs of any form again. I also have no need for 12 step meetings or any other type of intervention. The doctors etc would no doubt be sceptical but I know in my heart that the camino healed and cured me from that day. The experience in the Chapel was only the start of it though. I went on to see and feel things I thought were impossible and when I laid my stone at cruz de feruz I felt euphoria more powerful than any drug. Again, it was pure. I knew I left my demons and pain on that hilltop and from there I not only walked the remainder of the way I also walked back to my family a changed man.

So the moral of this story is that the camino will provide you with whatever it is you need. As I say, I was very sceptical of the aussie david back in roncessvalles but on reflection, never truer words have I heard. Stick with it because something beyond our sphere of understanding happens to us on the way after 10 days or so. I don't know what it is but I don't have to. I just know that it happens and for someone who isn't religious I truly believe that it's a miracle that is there for all peregrines.

David and Lynn A., from the bottom of my heart,thank you. Your words were as accurate as a child repeating its mothers name. I feel I have came home spiritually since the cf and I am honoured and privileged to be able to walk the caminho portuguese in June this year.

Oh and by the way, I haven't used a drug or even thought about using them since that morning in the Chapel.

Been camino my friends xxx
The Camino provides because God Loves you dearly. Jesus just wants you to hold his hand while you live your life! God bless you!!
( see prophetic and beautiful prediction before reading if you can).

For the first time in my adult life I felt true peace within. My mind finally felt still and calm. I was 40 at the time and had tried virtually everything that I was aware of to come to terms with who I was and things I had done, of loss, of pain, but nothing touched what I felt that day. It was beautiful and priceless, pure and honest. I knew the meaning of joy. If I could've bottled it and sold it I could've retired a multi billionaire by lunchtime.

I was only out of rehab a matter of weeks (my 6th time) due to a heroin addiction that had lasted over 20 years. Walking the camino was a longtime ambition since reading 'the pilgrimage " by paolo cohelho but my true reason for Walking the way was that I felt it was the last throw of the dice for me as everything I had previously tried to halt my addiction and to get rid of the obsessive thoughts of self destruction had all failed. My addiction ruled me my entire adult life after becoming addicted to prescribed codeine before graduating to heroin and I knew unless there was some sort of spiritual change then I would die decades young at some point without ever having lived properly.

But something happened to me that morning. Something that even now I struggle to describe and since that moment I have never had the desire to use drugs of any form again. I also have no need for 12 step meetings or any other type of intervention. The doctors etc would no doubt be sceptical but I know in my heart that the camino healed and cured me from that day. The experience in the Chapel was only the start of it though. I went on to see and feel things I thought were impossible and when I laid my stone at cruz de feruz I felt euphoria more powerful than any drug. Again, it was pure. I knew I left my demons and pain on that hilltop and from there I not only walked the remainder of the way I also walked back to my family a changed man.

So the moral of this story is that the camino will provide you with whatever it is you need. As I say, I was very sceptical of the aussie david back in roncessvalles but on reflection, never truer words have I heard. Stick with it because something beyond our sphere of understanding happens to us on the way after 10 days or so. I don't know what it is but I don't have to. I just know that it happens and for someone who isn't religious I truly believe that it's a miracle that is there for all peregrines.

David and Lynn A., from the bottom of my heart,thank you. Your words were as accurate as a child repeating its mothers name. I feel I have came home spiritually since the cf and I am honoured and privileged to be able to walk the caminho portuguese in June this year.

Oh and by the way, I haven't used a drug or even thought about using them since that morning in the Chapel.

Been camino my friends xxx
How absolutely wonderful. Its a fabulous tale of healing. I'm so pleased for you. Well done for beating your addiction. Buen camino x
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

( see prophetic and beautiful prediction before reading if you can).

For the first time in my adult life I felt true peace within. My mind finally felt still and calm. I was 40 at the time and had tried virtually everything that I was aware of to come to terms with who I was and things I had done, of loss, of pain, but nothing touched what I felt that day. It was beautiful and priceless, pure and honest. I knew the meaning of joy. If I could've bottled it and sold it I could've retired a multi billionaire by lunchtime.

I was only out of rehab a matter of weeks (my 6th time) due to a heroin addiction that had lasted over 20 years. Walking the camino was a longtime ambition since reading 'the pilgrimage " by paolo cohelho but my true reason for Walking the way was that I felt it was the last throw of the dice for me as everything I had previously tried to halt my addiction and to get rid of the obsessive thoughts of self destruction had all failed. My addiction ruled me my entire adult life after becoming addicted to prescribed codeine before graduating to heroin and I knew unless there was some sort of spiritual change then I would die decades young at some point without ever having lived properly.

But something happened to me that morning. Something that even now I struggle to describe and since that moment I have never had the desire to use drugs of any form again. I also have no need for 12 step meetings or any other type of intervention. The doctors etc would no doubt be sceptical but I know in my heart that the camino healed and cured me from that day. The experience in the Chapel was only the start of it though. I went on to see and feel things I thought were impossible and when I laid my stone at cruz de feruz I felt euphoria more powerful than any drug. Again, it was pure. I knew I left my demons and pain on that hilltop and from there I not only walked the remainder of the way I also walked back to my family a changed man.

So the moral of this story is that the camino will provide you with whatever it is you need. As I say, I was very sceptical of the aussie david back in roncessvalles but on reflection, never truer words have I heard. Stick with it because something beyond our sphere of understanding happens to us on the way after 10 days or so. I don't know what it is but I don't have to. I just know that it happens and for someone who isn't religious I truly believe that it's a miracle that is there for all peregrines.

David and Lynn A., from the bottom of my heart,thank you. Your words were as accurate as a child repeating its mothers name. I feel I have came home spiritually since the cf and I am honoured and privileged to be able to walk the caminho portuguese in June this year.

Oh and by the way, I haven't used a drug or even thought about using them since that morning in the Chapel.

Been camino my friends xxx
"The Camino Provides", sounds so cliché; However I and everyone I spoke with who made the journey, will attest, that the Camino does provide. Great story, inspirational, God Bless and Buen Camino!
He said on their previous pilgrimage that although he was enjoying himself he was slightly disappointed at first as any hope of a spiritual experience seemed to be eluding himself and his wife until a couple of weeks in. Then something happened. Something that he struggled to describe. Something outwith his control. Something beautiful, energising and pertinent to himself. He caringly told me not to worry, to be patient and to basically give myself a break as whatever one's heart desires, the camino will provide.
Peter your story is a wonder and a joy to read. I think for many people the following statement was very relevant and part of our Camino pilgrimage:
What David told didn't seem too relevant at the time but fast forward a few weeks and his words almost became that if a Queensland prophecy.
You just took what the Camino was giving you those first few weeks.
When I walked the first time it took me weeks to start to understand in my heart why I was there.
I too was"enjoying" myself so much but nothing "profound, important or let alone life changing" was happening.
You walked and walked and let the Camino come to you and then you had your moment.
I doubt there is a pilgrim who would doubt the intensity and life altering experience that you described could happen.
I write this because I am always amazed when people talk about how the camino changed them in just a week or so of walking. Of course it can happen but it probably could not happen for someone like me. I need a few weeks just to get warmed up and I have walked many times over long caminos.
So I think for many who have walked shorter distances, who enjoyed themselves, felt the spirit or the energy of camino but didn't experience something of true inner self, (I have no idea how to express this in words so I hope people get what I am saying) that if it is possible in the future to walk again and to walk a much longer distance. Who knows what may come of that?
There is an old latin saying: solvitur ambulando. "It is solved by walking".
And maybe the further and longer you walk the more one will solve.
Buen Camino Peregrino.
Thank you so much for sharing your story.

For those who have been blessed to have such an experience, it utterly transforms us, and we never forget it. It's the reason the Camino and paths like it have been followed by multitudes of pilgrims. And it doesn't have to be this intense to be real and fruitful.

Buen Camino!
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
On my first camino Frances ( my only one til I walk the portuguese in june) I met a lovely Australian couple, David and Lynn over dinner in roncevalles on my first evening proper. They had previously walked the cf so had a bit of knowledge regarding what I should expect.

I told them my life had been a bit "colourful " and I was walking to get some perspective of my home circumstances and in the vain hope of spiritual enlightenment, if this was even possible. I was tired, possibly a little lost and must've appeared a little down and at the time I just thought that they had taken out on me and were trying to cheer me up. What David told didn't seem too relevant at the time but fast forward a few weeks and his words almost became that if a Queensland prophecy. I must add that although raised a Catholic I'm a million miles away from being religious in any shape or form. So here's what he told me....

He said on their previous pilgrimage that although he was enjoying himself he was slightly disappointed at first as any hope of a spiritual experience seemed to be eluding himself and his wife until a couple of weeks in. Then something happened. Something that he struggled to describe. Something outwith his control. Something beautiful, energising and pertinent to himself. He caringly told me not to worry, to be patient and to basically give myself a break as whatever one's heart desires, the camino will provide.

I come from quite a harsh environment and I was struggling to shed that mindset so I was a little cynical of his words but felt that he was trying to cheer me up in his own way nonetheless. I had a great time over the next 2 weeks or so, beautiful walks and scenery and the most beautiful people imaginable. Then Something happened. Something profound and life changing and davids prophesy of the camino came true. And kept coming true.

Although it's an ancient pilgrimage, I tried to steer clear quite a bit from the chapels due to being seriously disillusioned with religious due to an almost militant Catholic upbringing. But one morning, tired, thirsty and in need of shade I ventured into a small Chapel. I went to the front pew and internally said a few words (praying no less). It was only when I opened my eyes that I became aware that Ave Maria was quietly being played in the background. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, something that had been happening ever frequently over the last day if so. I hadn't shed a tear for many years after the death of my baby daughter so I pushed them down yet again. But at that instant I knew that the camino was telling me that I needed healing ( if you haven't walked a camino yet it might sound nonsense but you'll understand that the camino "always provides" once you get there. It really does"). I was incredibly self conscious even though the Chapel was nearly empty but I knew I had to let the tears fall in order to start addressing the hurt I silently carried with me every day. I shed a few tears but I let nerves and self obsession get the better of me and stood up to leave.

Just as I tried to leave the Chapel an old nun, sitting at the back, beckoned me over. I was desperate to march past her as I felt like complete fool due to my puff eyes but I didn't want to appear rude so I went over to the small table where she sat. Now I ignorantly spoke no Spanish at this point so I have no idea what she said but whatever it was it seemed to go straight into my heart and soul. It all took mere seconds but I found it excruciating and I was dying to run out and put my headphones in again to block out the noise in my head but she gently took my hand and gave me a miraculous medal on a thin blue string. I thanked her in English and made to leave.

Then to my surprise I never ran away. I was greeted outside by my "camino family ", who I said hello to and explained that I wasn't being rude but that I needed a few minutes to myself. So I sat on a bench outside then the most beautiful experience happened to me. Tears began to flood down my face and I was powerless to stop them, although I never tried to this time. But they weren't tears of sadness. It's hard to describe. They were tears of healing and of happiness they flowed and flowed for what seemed like an eternity but in reality they were only for a few minutes.

I had prev
Hi Peter
Great to read your story.i too am a recovering alcoholic and drug addiction who for years was in and out of prisons and homelessness. I was lucky to get clean and sober 26 years ago ,when I was journey started differently to yours,I did get sober through a 12 step program and continue to attend meetings regularly but I am a great believer in whatever works.
Last year I spent 2 weeks on the camino but had to leave because my wife got ill
We are going back next week to start again.hoping to go from st. Jean to finnesterre
I also had an experience like yours going over the pyrannees.i was walking on my own for about 20 minutes and I started to cry and couldn't stop.i was crying for younger self who had no idea of the hell he was going to go through but it was also full of joy for the life I live now
At the end of my drinking there were days I could barely walk half a mile to the liquor store,now at the age of 75 I am hoping to walk 540 miles
Even though I am agnostic I chose to call what happened in the pyrennees a spiritual experiance.iits as good a name as any
I wish you all good fortune as you go on with your sober life
Slan agus beannacht
Tony ( irish)
Hi Peter
Great to read your story.i too am a recovering alcoholic and drug addiction who for years was in and out of prisons and homelessness. I was lucky to get clean and sober 26 years ago ,when I was journey started differently to yours,I did get sober through a 12 step program and continue to attend meetings regularly but I am a great believer in whatever works.
Last year I spent 2 weeks on the camino but had to leave because my wife got ill
We are going back next week to start again.hoping to go from st. Jean to finnesterre
I also had an experience like yours going over the pyrannees.i was walking on my own for about 20 minutes and I started to cry and couldn't stop.i was crying for younger self who had no idea of the hell he was going to go through but it was also full of joy for the life I live now
At the end of my drinking there were days I could barely walk half a mile to the liquor store,now at the age of 75 I am hoping to walk 540 miles
Even though I am agnostic I chose to call what happened in the pyrennees a spiritual experiance.iits as good a name as any
I wish you all good fortune as you go on with your sober life
Slan agus beannacht
Tony ( irish)
Thanks for your message Tony I love hearing about people who managed to get well and you're right that it doesn't matter how a person does it as I massively respect anyone who does it as we're all miracles. I hope you and your wife are well and that you are able to walk the full thing next year. And by the way, your an inspiration at 75. Take care mate
A selection of Camino Jewellery
( see prophetic and beautiful prediction before reading if you can).

For the first time in my adult life I felt true peace within. My mind finally felt still and calm. I was 40 at the time and had tried virtually everything that I was aware of to come to terms with who I was and things I had done, of loss, of pain, but nothing touched what I felt that day. It was beautiful and priceless, pure and honest. I knew the meaning of joy. If I could've bottled it and sold it I could've retired a multi billionaire by lunchtime.

I was only out of rehab a matter of weeks (my 6th time) due to a heroin addiction that had lasted over 20 years. Walking the camino was a longtime ambition since reading 'the pilgrimage " by paolo cohelho but my true reason for Walking the way was that I felt it was the last throw of the dice for me as everything I had previously tried to halt my addiction and to get rid of the obsessive thoughts of self destruction had all failed. My addiction ruled me my entire adult life after becoming addicted to prescribed codeine before graduating to heroin and I knew unless there was some sort of spiritual change then I would die decades young at some point without ever having lived properly.

But something happened to me that morning. Something that even now I struggle to describe and since that moment I have never had the desire to use drugs of any form again. I also have no need for 12 step meetings or any other type of intervention. The doctors etc would no doubt be sceptical but I know in my heart that the camino healed and cured me from that day. The experience in the Chapel was only the start of it though. I went on to see and feel things I thought were impossible and when I laid my stone at cruz de feruz I felt euphoria more powerful than any drug. Again, it was pure. I knew I left my demons and pain on that hilltop and from there I not only walked the remainder of the way I also walked back to my family a changed man.

So the moral of this story is that the camino will provide you with whatever it is you need. As I say, I was very sceptical of the aussie david back in roncessvalles but on reflection, never truer words have I heard. Stick with it because something beyond our sphere of understanding happens to us on the way after 10 days or so. I don't know what it is but I don't have to. I just know that it happens and for someone who isn't religious I truly believe that it's a miracle that is there for all peregrines.

David and Lynn A., from the bottom of my heart,thank you. Your words were as accurate as a child repeating its mothers name. I feel I have came home spiritually since the cf and I am honoured and privileged to be able to walk the caminho portuguese in June this year.

Oh and by the way, I haven't used a drug or even thought about using them since that morning in the Chapel.

Been camino my friends xxx
Thanks for posting this true and deep meaningful message. I can't claim to have any history of addiction but back in the day I was on the football terraces and rave scene a million miles from anything that resembled spirituality, time moves on thankfully.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
( see prophetic and beautiful prediction before reading if you can).

For the first time in my adult life I felt true peace within. My mind finally felt still and calm. I was 40 at the time and had tried virtually everything that I was aware of to come to terms with who I was and things I had done, of loss, of pain, but nothing touched what I felt that day. It was beautiful and priceless, pure and honest. I knew the meaning of joy. If I could've bottled it and sold it I could've retired a multi billionaire by lunchtime.

I was only out of rehab a matter of weeks (my 6th time) due to a heroin addiction that had lasted over 20 years. Walking the camino was a longtime ambition since reading 'the pilgrimage " by paolo cohelho but my true reason for Walking the way was that I felt it was the last throw of the dice for me as everything I had previously tried to halt my addiction and to get rid of the obsessive thoughts of self destruction had all failed. My addiction ruled me my entire adult life after becoming addicted to prescribed codeine before graduating to heroin and I knew unless there was some sort of spiritual change then I would die decades young at some point without ever having lived properly.

But something happened to me that morning. Something that even now I struggle to describe and since that moment I have never had the desire to use drugs of any form again. I also have no need for 12 step meetings or any other type of intervention. The doctors etc would no doubt be sceptical but I know in my heart that the camino healed and cured me from that day. The experience in the Chapel was only the start of it though. I went on to see and feel things I thought were impossible and when I laid my stone at cruz de feruz I felt euphoria more powerful than any drug. Again, it was pure. I knew I left my demons and pain on that hilltop and from there I not only walked the remainder of the way I also walked back to my family a changed man.

So the moral of this story is that the camino will provide you with whatever it is you need. As I say, I was very sceptical of the aussie david back in roncessvalles but on reflection, never truer words have I heard. Stick with it because something beyond our sphere of understanding happens to us on the way after 10 days or so. I don't know what it is but I don't have to. I just know that it happens and for someone who isn't religious I truly believe that it's a miracle that is there for all peregrines.

David and Lynn A., from the bottom of my heart,thank you. Your words were as accurate as a child repeating its mothers name. I feel I have came home spiritually since the cf and I am honoured and privileged to be able to walk the caminho portuguese in June this year.

Oh and by the way, I haven't used a drug or even thought about using them since that morning in the Chapel.

Been camino my friends xxx
Who's cutting onions? 😭
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Hi Peter
Great to read your story.i too am a recovering alcoholic and drug addiction who for years was in and out of prisons and homelessness. I was lucky to get clean and sober 26 years ago ,when I was journey started differently to yours,I did get sober through a 12 step program and continue to attend meetings regularly but I am a great believer in whatever works.
Last year I spent 2 weeks on the camino but had to leave because my wife got ill
We are going back next week to start again.hoping to go from st. Jean to finnesterre
I also had an experience like yours going over the pyrannees.i was walking on my own for about 20 minutes and I started to cry and couldn't stop.i was crying for younger self who had no idea of the hell he was going to go through but it was also full of joy for the life I live now
At the end of my drinking there were days I could barely walk half a mile to the liquor store,now at the age of 75 I am hoping to walk 540 miles
Even though I am agnostic I chose to call what happened in the pyrennees a spiritual experiance.iits as good a name as any
I wish you all good fortune as you go on with your sober life
Slan agus beannacht
Tony ( irish)
Thanks mo chara
What David told didn't seem too relevant at the time but fast forward a few weeks and his words almost became that if a Queensland prophecy.
Beautiful story, @Peter462 !
Excuse my ignorance, what is a "Queensland prophecy" ?
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Beautiful story, @Peter462 !
Excuse my ignorance, what is a "Queensland prophecy" ?
Hola AJ, I hope you're well and thanks for reading my camino story. But you're far from ignorant my friend as there's no such thing as a bad question

The "Queensland prophecy " is basically paying tribute a bit to the Aussie fella David (who was from Queensland) and he really quite accurately predicted (prophesied) that if I just continued to put one foot in front of the other the magic of the camino may happen after 10-12 days or so.

I think I mentioned iI my writing but I was scepticism personified that evening I Roncevalles to the extent that I think David must've saw it seeping from every pore in my body. Then when he told me to basically stick with it and try and place my faith in the camino I foolishly though he must be off his nut or he's been over-indulging on the vino tinto but oh how wrong was I.

His "prophecy " was in essence simple enough. On the surface of it he was merely passing on his experience of having walked a previous camino frances. And although my mind and heart were literally littered with negativity and misgivings, he gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe the camino may be the platform that could positively alter my life.

Apologies in advance AJ as I'm due to walk the camino portuguese in just over a week and the camino fever is washing over me as I type and if I shut my eyes I could swear I'm back in roncevalles. And receiving the message from yourself has reignited that brief but incredibly powerful chat with David and Lynn, so bear with me as I wax lyrical😁.

I'm no longer on any social media and I never exchanged phone numbers David or his wife but I've often thought of how a few words of wisdom coupled with the unexplainable power of the camino have changed me I ways that countless professionals couldn't over the span of more than 2 decades. I mention not being on social media etc as I would dearly love to express my Gratitude to David. It was a conversation that I doubt he will even remember. I'm not sure he'll even recall meeting myself.

But his words and the following experience have changed me beyond recognition. So David and Lynn laguna, if you or anyone that knows you ever read this, thank you from the bottom of my Heart. You gave me hope that evening. You helped instill inner strength in me and I learned the word Endure and to have faith that somehow walked and talking would save my life. You gave my elderly parents their son back, my siblings their brother back and you helped me to learn to love myself. The camino and the other peregrinos helped cement the process you started, so thank you.

Without sounding self pitying, the reality is that I came from a tough unforgiving environment where love was never shown and those 3 little words were never uttered for fear of being seen as week and being preyed upon. But those 5 weeks walking across northern Spain opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and changed my perceptions and I was,and still am, able yo give and receive love. Its a pure cliche but the camino does deliver what you need.

So AJ, sorry for rambling, but I did warn you😅and to answer your question. David from Queensland (I think) prophesied that everything was going to be OK.i just had to hold on a few days and in essence a door would be opened up for me. Then it was down to me. Would I choose to walk through it and embrace pain and trauma but in doing so I would begin to heal, or would I choose to keep the blinkers on and retreat once more to a life dominated by fear? I think you know the answer 😄.

I hope anyone reading this has a fantastic day and if anyone hasn't walked a camino yet I highly highly highly recommend that you put it at the top of your bucket list. I'm only passing on what was freely given to myself but pack a bag and if you can, start walking. The world would be a much better place if more people could walk a camino, not necessarily in Spain etc. But anywhere they can.

Buen camino mo chara's
Hola AJ, I hope you're well and thanks for reading my camino story. But you're far from ignorant my friend as there's no such thing as a bad question

The "Queensland prophecy " is basically paying tribute a bit to the Aussie fella David (who was from Queensland) and he really quite accurately predicted (prophesied) that if I just continued to put one foot in front of the other the magic of the camino may happen after 10-12 days or so.

I think I mentioned iI my writing but I was scepticism personified that evening I Roncevalles to the extent that I think David must've saw it seeping from every pore in my body. Then when he told me to basically stick with it and try and place my faith in the camino I foolishly though he must be off his nut or he's been over-indulging on the vino tinto but oh how wrong was I.

His "prophecy " was in essence simple enough. On the surface of it he was merely passing on his experience of having walked a previous camino frances. And although my mind and heart were literally littered with negativity and misgivings, he gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe the camino may be the platform that could positively alter my life.

Apologies in advance AJ as I'm due to walk the camino portuguese in just over a week and the camino fever is washing over me as I type and if I shut my eyes I could swear I'm back in roncevalles. And receiving the message from yourself has reignited that brief but incredibly powerful chat with David and Lynn, so bear with me as I wax lyrical😁.

I'm no longer on any social media and I never exchanged phone numbers David or his wife but I've often thought of how a few words of wisdom coupled with the unexplainable power of the camino have changed me I ways that countless professionals couldn't over the span of more than 2 decades. I mention not being on social media etc as I would dearly love to express my Gratitude to David. It was a conversation that I doubt he will even remember. I'm not sure he'll even recall meeting myself.

But his words and the following experience have changed me beyond recognition. So David and Lynn laguna, if you or anyone that knows you ever read this, thank you from the bottom of my Heart. You gave me hope that evening. You helped instill inner strength in me and I learned the word Endure and to have faith that somehow walked and talking would save my life. You gave my elderly parents their son back, my siblings their brother back and you helped me to learn to love myself. The camino and the other peregrinos helped cement the process you started, so thank you.

Without sounding self pitying, the reality is that I came from a tough unforgiving environment where love was never shown and those 3 little words were never uttered for fear of being seen as week and being preyed upon. But those 5 weeks walking across northern Spain opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and changed my perceptions and I was,and still am, able yo give and receive love. Its a pure cliche but the camino does deliver what you need.

So AJ, sorry for rambling, but I did warn you😅and to answer your question. David from Queensland (I think) prophesied that everything was going to be OK.i just had to hold on a few days and in essence a door would be opened up for me. Then it was down to me. Would I choose to walk through it and embrace pain and trauma but in doing so I would begin to heal, or would I choose to keep the blinkers on and retreat once more to a life dominated by fear? I think you know the answer 😄.

I hope anyone reading this has a fantastic day and if anyone hasn't walked a camino yet I highly highly highly recommend that you put it at the top of your bucket list. I'm only passing on what was freely given to myself but pack a bag and if you can, start walking. The world would be a much better place if more people could walk a camino, not necessarily in Spain etc. But anywhere they can.

Buen camino mo chara's
Apologies for the dreadful typo's, as usual 😅,I've just finished a nightshirt and was writing on the bus. Lame excuse🤣
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Apologies in advance AJ as I'm due to walk the camino portuguese in just over a week and the camino fever is washing over me as I type and if I shut my eyes I could swear I'm back in roncevalles. And receiving the message from yourself has reignited that brief but incredibly powerful chat with David and Lynn, so bear with me as I wax lyrical😁.
Thank you @Peter462 !
We were supposed to walk the Caminho Português in 2020, but we've postponed it to next year. This year we'll walk the Mozárabe from Almería to Mérida.
I share your feelings: I didn't have a Queenslander prophesise, but I had the same experience in 2018, when I walked with my wife from where she was born in Switzerland, all the way to Santiago.

Bom Caminho! ¡Buen Camino!
Hola AJ, I hope you're well and thanks for reading my camino story. But you're far from ignorant my friend as there's no such thing as a bad question

The "Queensland prophecy " is basically paying tribute a bit to the Aussie fella David (who was from Queensland) and he really quite accurately predicted (prophesied) that if I just continued to put one foot in front of the other the magic of the camino may happen after 10-12 days or so.

I think I mentioned iI my writing but I was scepticism personified that evening I Roncevalles to the extent that I think David must've saw it seeping from every pore in my body. Then when he told me to basically stick with it and try and place my faith in the camino I foolishly though he must be off his nut or he's been over-indulging on the vino tinto but oh how wrong was I.

His "prophecy " was in essence simple enough. On the surface of it he was merely passing on his experience of having walked a previous camino frances. And although my mind and heart were literally littered with negativity and misgivings, he gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe the camino may be the platform that could positively alter my life.

Apologies in advance AJ as I'm due to walk the camino portuguese in just over a week and the camino fever is washing over me as I type and if I shut my eyes I could swear I'm back in roncevalles. And receiving the message from yourself has reignited that brief but incredibly powerful chat with David and Lynn, so bear with me as I wax lyrical😁.

I'm no longer on any social media and I never exchanged phone numbers David or his wife but I've often thought of how a few words of wisdom coupled with the unexplainable power of the camino have changed me I ways that countless professionals couldn't over the span of more than 2 decades. I mention not being on social media etc as I would dearly love to express my Gratitude to David. It was a conversation that I doubt he will even remember. I'm not sure he'll even recall meeting myself.

But his words and the following experience have changed me beyond recognition. So David and Lynn laguna, if you or anyone that knows you ever read this, thank you from the bottom of my Heart. You gave me hope that evening. You helped instill inner strength in me and I learned the word Endure and to have faith that somehow walked and talking would save my life. You gave my elderly parents their son back, my siblings their brother back and you helped me to learn to love myself. The camino and the other peregrinos helped cement the process you started, so thank you.

Without sounding self pitying, the reality is that I came from a tough unforgiving environment where love was never shown and those 3 little words were never uttered for fear of being seen as week and being preyed upon. But those 5 weeks walking across northern Spain opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and changed my perceptions and I was,and still am, able yo give and receive love. Its a pure cliche but the camino does deliver what you need.

So AJ, sorry for rambling, but I did warn you😅and to answer your question. David from Queensland (I think) prophesied that everything was going to be OK.i just had to hold on a few days and in essence a door would be opened up for me. Then it was down to me. Would I choose to walk through it and embrace pain and trauma but in doing so I would begin to heal, or would I choose to keep the blinkers on and retreat once more to a life dominated by fear? I think you know the answer 😄.

I hope anyone reading this has a fantastic day and if anyone hasn't walked a camino yet I highly highly highly recommend that you put it at the top of your bucket list. I'm only passing on what was freely given to myself but pack a bag and if you can, start walking. The world would be a much better place if more people could walk a camino, not necessarily in Spain etc. But anywhere they can.

Buen camino mo chara's
Ps, Mo chara is Irish Gaelic for my friend
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thank you @Peter462 !
We were supposed to walk the Caminho Português in 2020, but we've postponed it to next year. This year we'll walk the Mozárabe from Almería to Mérida.
I share your feelings: I didn't have a Queenslander prophesise, but I had the same experience in 2018, when I walked with my wife from where she was born in Switzerland, all the way to Santiago.

Bom Caminho! ¡Buen Camino!
You walked from Switzerland?? Fantastic stuff what an achievement. I can't wait to walk the cp but I'm aware it's only 10 days or so of walking so I'm going to slow my pace right down so that I can savour as much as possible. And I have no expectations but I've no doubt that I'll meeting amazing people and experience beautiful towns and villages etc. What more could I ask for? How long will it take you to walk the mozarabe?
Is that ‘just finished’ eating or sewing a nightshirt?

(from a fellow typo-typist 🙃)

Hope you have a good wind-down from your nightshift! 😉
I'm exhausted but my mind is already in porto so sleep might be quite elusive today bit I'm sure I'll survive. Oh and one more excuse for the typo's, its this pesky predictive text😅. Clearly my spelling and grammar are of excellent standard. Honestly 🤣
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
It took us 133 days, plus a few more rest days, 2178km. A beautiful experience!

We're planning between 35 and 40 days: we're slow walkers. ☺️
Massive respect to both of you. I met a fantastic guy from Holland on the cf, somewhere near Ages. He walked from his home and was about 77 days into his camino. He was keeping a blog of his travels and it was amazing to see his progress and beautiful photographs while he walked through several different countries. Again the meeting was over a meal and Again I never asked for his contact details as I'd have loved to have kept in touch with him. I think that's a lesson I'll need to learn for the cp as you bump into so many fascinating people from all over the world and its a slight regret I'm in contact with so few of them. The mix of different cultures all getting on so well is one of the many attractive qualities of the camino.
Peter, my ipad refused to move to allow me to respond. It was in shock!
Don't blame your schooling on your typos, Jimmy! We had the best primary school education in the whole wide world. An unbiased opinion, clearly. 😇
Delighted to see you are about to set off again, pal! (Jimmy and pal are locally understood terms of address in the industrial west of Scotland).
You can turn off predictive text, by the way. I just want to repeat what I said in a pm ages ago: I take off my hat to you. I walked the CP from Porto in 2013, and if you can do it in less than the 12 days it took me, fair play. I was not in a hurry. Please keep us all informed as you go along. It will absolutely not be the same as your CF experience, but I will be keeping a metaphorical candle lit for you all the same. I keep you in my wee list...👣
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
Peter, my ipad refused to move to allow me to respond. It was in shock!
Don't blame your schooling on your typos, Jimmy! We had the best primary school education in the whole wide world. An unbiased opinion, clearly. 😇
Delighted to see you are about to set off again, pal! (Jimmy and pal are locally understood terms of address in the industrial west of Scotland).
You can turn off predictive text, by the way. I just want to repeat what I said in a pm ages ago: I take off my hat to you. I walked the CP from Porto in 2013, and if you can do it in less than the 12 days it took me, fair play. I was not in a hurry. Please keep us all informed as you go along. It will absolutely not be the same as your CF experience, but I will be keeping a metaphorical candle lit for you all the same. I keep you in my wee list...👣
Delighted to hear from you Kirkie. I fly to porto on the 18th and I plan to set off early doors the following day. I'm hoping it'll take me 11 days or so,I've got to be back in porto for the 2nd of July as I fly back home then. And I'm really conscious that the 2 weeks away will fly in so I'm going to slow my walking pace right down so I take as much in as possible. I've noticed that you don't seem to be able to check in to a lot of the albergues until 4pm so I'd rather take my time so I'm not left sitting about for the afternoon. That being said though I'm planning to start walking each day around the back of 6. Firstly because I love that time of day and hopefully I'll get some beautiful sunrises but also due to avoid the heat. Anything hotter than 13 degrees and my peely wally skin begins to melt😅. Blue tones in the winter and red raw in the summer. And I'm planning to write a "live from the camino" each day. And if I don't, feel free to pull me up.

Take care, I hope you're well mate

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