Hi there Mr. Walker - maybe you will regret asking! You could ponder some of the questions from Esprit du Chemin on their Esprit cards - such as:
"how did the “call” for this adventure manifest itself? who or what was the messenger? it is usual not to obey a call instantly. We start by assembling the necessary courage. Do you recognize it ? How was it for you? what triggers you to set out on the journey right at this moment? what do you intend to gain with your journey? what are your expectations about your way and about yourself? what held you back earlier on? which role do these old barriers play now? what is the most important thing that you take along? which certainties fall away and which have not yet fallen away? who and what do you leave behind? is saying farewell hard to do for you? what does parting mean to you? what emotions are stirred up inside you?“The first step is the hardest” is sometimes said. How did you take your first step? Was it the hardest? which step in your life was more than worth it? which step would you never take again? which experiences were the pinnacle of your life? which was then your own role? which part did other people play in it? which insight did such an overwhelming experience bring you? what did your experience mean to others? when was it that you had lost courage?what were the trials you had to meet head-on? did they come from within or from outside?who and/or what helped you to climb out of this mental abyss? what insight did it offer you? who and/or when was your rod and staff to lean on? asking for help, does it come natural to you? can others call on you for support ? Do you do so unconditionally? which essential motto would you carve intoyour staff? you can also keep other things at bay with your staff. Against what do you want to protect yourself? How? what does “home”mean to you? who or what do you need to feel home somewhere? how do you go about it now that you are on your way? how do you see to it, that other people feel at home with you? do you feel “at home”with yourself? What do you do for it or leave out for it? what kind of hospitality did you experience on your journey? What does it mean to you? would you open your door to a stranger, looking for a place tospend the night? (“pilgrim” literally means: stranger)and for your family and
for your friends ? Does it make any difference? do you behave like a guest in the eyes of the local population ? How do you know?......(Esprit cards are available for download from the website
That's just a partial list but once you're finished with those (and after checking the salt answer - because I'm pretty sure it's not right) you can count the # of steps to the next place where you can get a cool drink and figure out what you're going to leave behind so you can carry an extra one with you.
Buen camino