In all discussions on this site I listen very carefully to the words of Rebekah and heed them for they are, in my opinion, pearls of wisdom about the Camino, its history, its customs and how one should behave.
But on this WiFi thread, this is my take:
Everything anyone does on the Camino is a matter of personal choice and conscience.
However with regard to travelling on the Camino manners will, regardless, always matter.
For as St Ambrose of Milan said: "When in Rome, live as the Romans do; when elsewhere, live as they live elsewhere."
It may be
your Camino but you are walking and talking amongst others who may not share your views or values.
So do not attempt to impose your values or opinions on others for
"autres pays, autres moeurs".
As to this divisive discussion about WiFi
For me when I leave home for my Camino, or on any journey abroad, I always cut the umbilical cord home.
in extremis would I contact home.
Others may not be able to make that separation.
Again each to their own.
As to walking into any retail establishment and expecting or demanding instant WiFi connection without the courtesy of politely asking first would mean you are a crass and an ill-mannered oaf.
Lastly on returning from your foreign journey, to save you boring the pants off your friends and family, I give you these words from John Donne's poem "The Will"
"Before I sigh my last gaspe, let me breath,
Great love, some Legacies; Here I bequeath.....
...My silence to'any, who abroad hath beene...."