Hi I have a osprey kestrel 28l have I gone to small or will it be ok ? Should I have gone for the 38l ?
Backpacks are an individual choice. However, there is a multitude of factors involved; from time of year, to personal necessities, physical size and associated kit/clothing/shoes, etc…, plus comfort and so on….
Take all your kit and pack your backpack, then see how you manage. Does it fit everything without a challenge. When full, does it fit well on your back, shoulders and hips? If you walk around, is it comfortable. Do you have enough room remaining to add anything; i.e. food (if you choose), water, or any other such similar items, or is it stuffed to the brim.
These are all questions that you’ll have to answer.
The primary key for myself is, functionality and comfort! Meaning, does it house all my gear, with a bit more room to navigate through my bag without a struggle – and, does it sit well and comfortable enough, that I can enjoy the journey.
This probably doesn’t answer your question, but again, it’s a personal choice, and once you load and try your backpack out, I suspect you’ll have your own answer.
Let us know how you make out.