As a general rule, I recommend avoiding starting on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, from a place that is a transportation node. Examples include Sarria, Ferrol, Tui, and all cities with connecting train and bus service on the
Camino Frances. I do not know the specific places on your planned Camino route. The easier it is to get there by train or bus to start affects this paradigm.
The reason is simple. Throngs of pilgrims, relative numbers on each route, accumulate at these locations. These pilgrims arrive on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, to start the following day.
Also, tourists may be attracted to these cities, large towns for the weekends. Together, these two groups typically consume most available lodging for the weeknd, especially in summer.
Also, once the pilgrims start walking on Saturday, Sunday, and to a lesser extent Monday, they create the 'pig in the python' effect. This results in crowding at towns in front of you for at least several days, until the mass thins out, due to different walking speeds, and plans.
I have found, and recommend departing, starting your Camino, on a Monday or Tuesday. Also, as you progress, try to avoid transportation nodal towns and cities in front of you on Friday or Saturday for the same reason.
Hope this helps.