Hi Laurie, thought I’d give a bit of an update. We are in Hueneja tonight, we decided to stay at Hostal Gonzales as it is a cold day with the wind blowing down from the Sierra Nevada. We have met one other pilgrim, from Spain, and he said the albuerge is ok. Nice easy walk today however the riverbed can be a bit tricky in some sections with uneven rocks. Most was decent surface though, and no steep inclines.
Yesterday we stayed in Abla, nice albergue with a coin operated washer and dryer, fridge and microwave but no stove. The walk from Alboloduy to Abla was quite challenging we found, with a steep climb and coming in at about 30k.
The albuerge in Alboloduy is very, very nice, in a beautiful location overlooking the town. The man from the pilgrims association told us they are moving though, close to the farmacia in the next few months. 4 beds, good kitchen but no washing machine. We walked in from Rioja which made for about a 27k walk, middle 8k had three hills but they were not as challenging as the one the next day.
Albergue in Rioja is a clean basic albergue with a microwave and a well stocked library
The pilgrims association has been fantastic the whole way and offers assistance if needed. It is obvious that they have put a huge effort with easy to follow signs and more albergues opening.
So far our experience has been that the bars/restaurants have a meal mid-day but mostly have been closed in the evenings so we have had to rely on mercados. Tonight is a happy exception