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What’s your favorite Camino?


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
July 2024
I completed my first Camino (solo) in July and August (Camino Frances) and loved everything about it. I’m not an overly social person but the Frances allowed me to socially interact when I wanted to, and to be alone when I preferred that. I am planning ahead for my second Camino but can’t imagine anything topping my experience on the Frances. So, my debate is whether to do the Frances again or to try a different route. My question to others that have done several caminos, including the Frances, what has been your favorite Camino?
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Ahh, you've come to the right place for lots of answers to your questions. If I have to answer for myself, nothing was like "the first time" when I walked for the second time. But that has nothing to do with the fact that it wasn't CF, on the contrary. But, when you ask specifically, I would recommend Primitivo. Social if you will, but a more "real" camino feel, as I experienced it, not commercialized in the same way. More nature, more non-asphalt, no marker drawing on rocks, no large groups of bus tourists (that I saw). But it is individual, others probably answer other routes as their favourite.
That being said, tomorrow I will start CF again. To experience it again and perhaps see the places more thoroughly, in a less popular season. But, now I'm prepared, like the very first time, it will probably never be.
To me, obviously, the Francés is the king of them all. This said, it depends on the time of the year, you do not want to do mountainous Caminos in the North in winter, neither the most southernly Caminos in the summer (take Mozarabe, Via de la Plata).

As a matter of nature and wild landscapes, the Salvador, Geira and Arrieiros, Baztan, Aragones... have no rivals.

Never been disappointed by any Camino!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I'm a bit of an outlier on the forum in my enthusiasm for the Frances. There are plenty of Camino Frances repeat offenders, but you would never know it by the relentless bashing of the Frances here, usually in the name of "crowding". Having completed my 5th Frances in July, I'm thinking I may do it again next year. Finally, hoping to see that mysterious and . . . well, mythically delusional Conga Line. Not starting an argument here, inasmuch as the OP has already done the Camino Frances, and I well understand looking at a different one. But how many times have we heard from a never-walked a Camino newbie to the forum who gets a negative earful here about the Frances, encouraging them to opt for one of the lesser and sometimes obscure routes that will not begin to approach the experience of the Frances. This past summer I met a 13-timer, and a 17-timer. I'll never match that, but I think I have another one or two in me. So, if you are new to the forum and asking about which Camino to walk your first time, do not fall for the siren calls to avoid the Frances and walk one of the Caminos Oscuros. The Camino Frances. It's the mothership.
Thanks, Bob. I, too, never felt the experience of "crowding" that so many have made reference to (until, of course, arriving at Sarria). The Frances was the most beautiful experience for me. Many, many days I walked without seeing more than 5 other people on the trail. I didn't have any problems securing albergues, etc. and I was met with nothing but kindness along The Way. Based on prior comments I read about various hostilities and judgments that others seemed to have experienced, I thought maybe I was just oblivious to others around me. The Frances has left me forever (hopefully) changed!

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