I stayed in the following Albergues and there were no washing machines on these sites.
Cabanillas - No restaurant, bar, kitchen or washing facilities in this town. That said, a nice clean Albergue and welcoming town (Pop. less than 50)
Poladura - No restaurant, bar or washing facilities on site. Albergue was dirty and cold. Tiny water heater and you could not plug in more than two items w/o blowing a fuse. (pop. less than 100)
Pajares - Nice Albergue. Has everything except a washing machine. Computers, wifi, kitchen, restaurant, bar This is an very nice facility (est. pop. 250)
Pola de Lena - The Albergue here is a youth hostel. Clean facility. No Kitchen but a larger town (several thousand) did not notice a Laundry. wifi, hot showers, many restaurants and bars.
Mieres - Very large city (20,000) Lots of restaurants and bars. Large Albergue on the north side of town actually La Pena. Clean, Hot showers, kitchen no washing facilities on site.
I walked through Oviedo except to eat and get a sello at the Albergue.
I did stop at the Albergue in Buiza to put on rain gear. It was a nice clean Albergue with a small kitchen. There did not appear to be a bar or restaurant in town. (pop. estimate under 250).
I did not see another Pilgrim on my walk. The nearest walker that I saw in registration books was 5 days ahead of me.
The people in the local towns were very friendly. My Spanish is minimal but we managed to communicate.