Hi, frogeyed6,
I think that the guides online at the web address Johnnie and Howard indicate in this thread will get you well on your way with walking and accommodation information. I know that both Johnnie and I would greatly appreciate updates, he for the Porto-Santiago segment, and me for the Lisbon to Porto trip. There just aren't too many walkers between Lisbon and Porto, in fact I met NONE! Nor are there any albergues. Private accomodation options are plentiful enough, and generally reasonable, and the volunteer firefighters frequently offer floor space and a shower for a donation. The guide will give you all the details. The main thing that affects the "up to date-ness" of my description of the walk north of Lisbon is the fact of some road construction and inevitable re-routing, so I'm hoping to get reports back from the caminho next spring.
I'm happy to answer any questions about the first part of your trip. Laurie