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Volunteering at Refugio

3rd Edition. Vital content training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles

Hi Debbie,
Contact American Pilgrims on the Camino.

Here is an extract from their last e-newsletter about volunteering.


The 2006 Hospitalero Training will took place the weekend of April 28-30 in Sacramento, California. Jan and Mariluz Melis, the permanent hosts for the refugio at Eunate, came from Spain once more to conduct the training. On behalf of American Pilgrims, I wish to thank those pilgrims who have volunteered as hospitaleros. This is a beautiful and generous way for American Pilgrims to give something back to the Camino.
If you are walking the Camino this year, you may be pleasantly surprised to find a fellow American pilgrim serving as an hospitalero.
Please contact Lin if you have worked, are scheduled to work, want to work or are interested in attending a future training. ( This information is very important for evaluating this program and
determining the interest and feasibility of American pilgrims in doing ongoing volunteer work in Spain.
Buen trabajo voluntarios

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