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“Top of the head” question about 100 mile marker

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I'm not sure of this is a trick question, but 100 miles would put you somewhere between La Faba and O'Cebreiro.

If you mean100km, that would put you around Ferreiros, which is a few km before Portomarin.
Thank you for your reply, not a trick question at all . Just thinking about starting points further east than Sarria and it appeals to walk 100 miles. We are intending to walk via Samos. Thanks for your attention and advice
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OK miles, but the 100K milestone is in Ferreiros, in a hamlet of the village about 1K past the Albergues in the Santiago direction.

I passed it 2 days ago.

New ones have been put down BTW, made so as to be resistant to both graffiti and stickers. They look quite nice and shiny at the moment.

Previously, there actually was no 100K milestone, but a 100,xy one.
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O Cebreiro would be a great place to start! It's a very scenic little village and the first stop in Galicia on the Camino francés. Just be aware that's it's a lot of downhill to Triacastela, so potentially harder on the knees and feet than the mileage would indicate. Start slow if you can.
I was intending to find the 162K milestone, but as I got a lift from O Cebreiro to Villafranca del Bierzo, it didn't happen, sorry.

O Cebreiro is at 159K, so it would be 3K from there.

I am thinking that the border stone between Castilla y León and Galicia would be a good symbolic starting point for a 100 mile Camino.

As to Samos, I went full tarmac between Sarria and Triacastela, and it's no longer if you do that than the way via San Xil. The long version of that portion is about 7K longer.
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The milestone next to the Xunta Albergue at O Cebreiro has 159K. I was there two days ago.

The milestones in Galicia now are all new ones, and the distances given on them have been revised.

The 100K marker is not where the old one used to be. Nor is the Camino itself exactly as it was.

The whole business is very imprecise of course, but if that 159 is right, then that's 166K via Samos.

But as things stand on the ground, currently, then the material point on the official route equivalent to 100 miles in relation to the distance waymarkers is somewhere near the regional border.
Look, with respect... we can waste energy arguing about it but...

What the mojons say, what your fitbit says or what you yourself say, is one thing, but a distance certificate from O'Cebreiro to Santiago by Samos Monestary at this moment will say 162km which will translate as roughly 100 miles. This is, I believe what the OP wants to know.

And I agree with others, an interesting, iconic place to start your camino! I wish you well with it!!
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159km? I do wish they'd stop monkeying around, it used to be at 151km

Which puts 162km at the Omega bar at Ruitelán:


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