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To take a quilt or not

Time of past OR future Camino
Frances 1 October 2024
Hello Pilgrims!
I’m planning on starting from Irún on 1 October. I’m toing and froing about whether to take a lightweight quilt.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Thank you!

Well I’ll take a liner bag…the other option was to wing it - hope it doesn’t get too cold, or use blankets at Albergues ???
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I don't think I would set out in October without something more than a liner. Nor rely that albergues will always have blankets - as some don't and others only in winter. And in October some places won't put the heating on.
I tend to take a silk liner and a small light quilt - as it gives me the options for a warm room or a cold night.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
This May i walked the Primitivo with a very light sleeping bag (that can be opened like a blanket) and an additional liner. Was the perfect match for me from warm nights to colder nights. Still reasonably light at just below 500g combined.
(While i personally don't belive in the provided blankets, each albergue i stopped had them and those who used them did not report any issues... so i guess technically it is not necessary)
It was 30 C or hotter when I walked in early October last year. Trying to stay cool at night was my main concern on most nights.
I've carried a liner type bag on seven Camino walks and used it about three times in total on all the walks combined on early spring and late fall walks.
Just too hot to even consider it.
Was in shorts and T shirt every day last year even starting on early mornings.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
True we really cannot guess the weather! Thank you for message.
@Trekker One did you experience much rain?
2014 & 2015 (spring Camino's), zero rain, never got out poncho once.
2016 (spring Camino) heavy snow first couple of days, used poncho and then one other day about a week later.
2017 (spring Camino in Portugal), zero rain and unseasonably hot.
2018 (Primitivo in late September) zero rain and very warm every day.
2019 (spring Camino) started unseasonably warm, but changed to snow and rain for a week, then back to nice weather.
2021 (fall Camino) dry and quite hot in late Sept., early October. Zero rain.
Total use of a poncho on seven walks, maybe on 14 days total. Shorts and T shirt by mid morning the norm on almost all days spring and fall.
I live in northern Alberta where -35 C is not uncommon in the winter, so my perception of what is cold may differ from others.
If it is 3 to 5 C, I am always in shorts, but layer up above the waist when starting out in the morning.
I do cold really well, but hate long days when it is 30C or above. Can't imagine doing a walk between mid May to mid-Sept.
Hello Pilgrims!
I’m planning on starting from Irún on 1 October. I’m toing and froing about whether to take a lightweight quilt.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Unfortunately, you'll have to take something warmer in October just in case. You could possibly get around that by just planning to stay in hotels nights when the weather gets cold. But sometimes the Albergues are surprisingly cold.
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